
The Omega One (Draft - Unofficial)

Philip, who was a genius scientist and entitled as the legendary master swordsman, live in an Earth unlike any other. The Earth had undergone scientific breakthroughs that are worth 1,000 years of research in just a decade. Upon the scientific advancements, the Mystical Side of the Earth had also developed. Then the third faction of Secret Organizations has emerged. One day, Philip saw a falling golden meteor in the sky. The meteor suddenly changed its trajectory towards Philip. He was then given, by fate, the power of Omega. Then he died. Follow Philip as he tries to save the world, or rather, the whole universe against the Threat that is threatening to destroy everything. In obtaining all kinds of powers and abilities, along with his friends and companions, until he reached the realm of above the gods. ... 「 My name is Emily. I will be the voice of the Omega System in your head. 」 ... "There is a greater threat than Him, I must become stronger to stop him." ~~~ Synopsis update: 5

Absolute_Author · Fantasie
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50 Chs

Chapter 13: Getting to know each other (3)

"My name is Mysterious, that's what the humans on the moon of the Earth named me. My power is the ability to control the very essence and concept of fire and flame."

The very essence and concept of fire and flame huh? I wonder what that means. Also, he moon of the Earth? Did he came from the moon?

Anyways, I started to scan him and use <Property>.


Mysterious (Nightmare)

Level: 2

Grade: S

Title/s: Meteor Caller, Nightmare, Creepy-teeth Dude, Loved by Flame, Loved by Fire, Dark, Extremely Gentle, Fire Spirit King, Flame Spirit King, Heavenly Mover

Status: Gentle, Understanding, Patient

HP: 530/580

MP: 880/1200

Strength: 380

Agility: 450

Defense: 230

Endurance: 440

Speed: 420

Intelligence: 200

Luck: 12


Essence of Fire - uses the essence of a fire to heal injuries.

Essence of Flame - uses the essence of a flame to deal continuous damage to the enemy.

Flame Blast - sends a barrage of orange flames in a cone shape area and deals AOE damage.

Meteor Rain - calls a meteor that is made of pure flame from the sky that deals a huge damage in a large area.

Clone - creates a clone of himself whenever he wants.

Essence Cloak - cloaks the user with the essence of fire and flame to boost his stats.

Flame Concept - ???

Fire Concept - ???

Celestial Movement - moves a certain size of a celestial body like asteroids or dwarf moons.


Mystery Heart - the heart of Mystery. Grants perpetual life to the user and boosts abilities.

10 *~Xjgkjd~* Flames:












The protector of the Earth from stray meteors since the dawn of the Earth. Mystery's tentative husband. Extremely gentle.


Apparently, his name is Mysterious and with that "hero" name, is what I call, anybody would be terrified.

But why Nightmare of all things? Maybe I'll know later.

He seems pretty powerful with all of these abilities and those titles.

I understand the meaning of the "essence." It just mean "the very existence" of fire and flame.

Although, I can't quite figure out about the concept of fire and flame. Perhaps it is also somewhat similar to my sword concept.

The system didn't give any details about it, so that can only mean two things. He is hiding it, or he doesn't know he has it.

Another strange thing is the 10 gibberish flames. The system probably found out about this while scanning Mysterious and it didn't decode the meaning of the gibberish.

Maybe it's something very powerful. I will keep my eye on Mysterious.

As I was having my inner monologue, I listened to Mysterious' life back on Earth, or rather, on the moon.

He was apparently a superhuman that was discovered by humans when they first colonized the moon.

He lived on the dark side of the moon thus having his appearance of all black and numerous white pointy teeth.

Because of that, he gained the name Mysterious and had the name in the system as Nightmare.

I was surprised when he added that he lived for more than a billion years since the Earth and moon formed.

When the moon fully formed, he said he just woke up on the surface of the chaotic and hot moon, along with Mystery, who is on his left.

Which is the one who will speak next. The system said that Mysterious is Mystery's tentative husband, so that means Mystery is Mysterious' tentative wife.

Go tell.

"Ahem, my name is Mystery. My power is to control a certain amount of gravity in a small area. I could also freely bend the fabric of space-time, but in only a short period of time. I could also control the convection currents of every liquid, fluid, and semiliquids. Their flow, currents, tidal force, and tension."

Surprisingly, even though her appearance looks almost like a ghost and she doesn't have any facial features on his head, she speaks clearly and has an angelic voice.

I heard that she could control all liquids but why did she not use it in the fight earlier? Is it because there's no water or any other liquids nearby?

But doesn't she know that we have blood flowing in our bodies?

If she could control my blood, I could have really died back then.

I guess she doesn't know that or she lacks training.

I used my <Property>.


Mystery (Boogeyman)

Level: 2

Grade: S

Title/s: Ghost, Angel, Tidal Controller, Spirit of the Moon, Moon Essence

Status: Gentle, Understanding

HP: 530/580

MP: 880/1200

Strength: 380

Agility: 450

Defense: 230

Endurance: 440

Speed: 420

Intelligence: 200

Luck: 13


Circularity - throws a white orb that creates a gravity well that is almost the same as the black hole.

Pressurize - compresses any liquids.

Liquid Bending - bends liquids by will.

??? - ???

??? - ???


Mysterios Heart - the heart of Mysterious. Grants perpetual life to the user and boosts abilities.


The one responsible for starting life on Earth and continuing it until today. Also the one responsible for starting the incorporation of mystical concepts on Earth.


Boogeyman?! I almost nearly lost it!

Why would she be entitled as Boogeyman?

Perhaps there is a correlation on when there is a full moon, mythical creatures are out for hunt. There is also a culture or beliefs where Boogeyman is used to scare people for their misdeeds or crime.

Or perhaps, in the books, Boogeyman are sometimes used as the personification of terror or the devil. Maybe if Mystery becomes serious, she will incite terror or become the devil itself.

Anyways, Mysterious and Mystery's stats are almost the same. Is this because of the items that they possess?

Each of them have each other's hearts. That sounds romantic, but why?

I decided not to pry too much about them.

As I was having another inner monologue, I listened to Mystery's life back on the moon.

She said that since Mysterious lived in the dark side of the moon, she lived on the light side of the moon.

She is responsible for the tides on the oceans, the same as the description of the system.

She also said that, apparently, since a lot of cultivators in the mystical countries needed the guidance of the moon. Mystery somehow become connected and fueled by the potent energy of the mystical powers.

I remembered earlier that Mystery threw a white orb that distorted light to me. The system said that it was an ability called <Circularity>.

Just reading the definition of it sent chills on my spine.

How did I actually survived that? As far as I know, once I went past the event horizon, I'm a goner.

Did <Overload> exceeded the work and energy needed to return from the event horizon? I even got out of it with relative ease!

Anyways, now that the Myst couple's introductions are done. It was time for the straw hat hobo.

I am actually pretty interested in this guy.

From what I observed during the fight earlier, he seems to be able to convert any common melee weapons into other common melee weapons.

Thus, I got a katana and sheath from him when he dropped it.

I wonder if he could convert a weapon from a stick.

"My name is Smith. My power is pretty simple, the power to convert any melee weapons to other melee weapons."

I was right.

"My other power is melee weapon expansion. I can increase the size of the melee weapon if I revolve the weapon around my body. The rate of expansion is 100%."

His power is pretty overpowered. Although, he could only convert common melee weapons. Probably ranging from a sword, a simple staff, nunchucks, metal rod, pipe, and many more.

I used <Property>.


Smith Zigfreid (Weaponsmith)

Level: 2

Grade: S

Title/s: Homeless, Hobo, Janitor, Weapon Master, Ground Splitter, Humble One

Status: Tense, Confident, Hopeless, Humble

HP: 380/390

MP: 200/205

Strength: 500

Agility: 280

Defense: 230

Endurance: 640

Speed: 250

Intelligence: 270

Luck: 8


Convert - converts common melee weapons to other common melee weapons.

360° Revolution (Passive) - increase the size of a weapon by 100% when the weapon achieves one revolution around the body in any directions.


Straw Hat of Strength - given by Kurt to Smith. Gives increasing strength with a rate of 10 Strength per second to the user when the user is carrying heavier objects.


A humble homeless person that is happy in the outside but sad in the inside.


What an awesome name! I called him hobo earlier because he had scruffy beard and moustache and unkempt short hair.

This the first time I saw an ability that is passive. This means that it will only activate once a condition is met, it can't be activated by force.

Kurt has been giving a lot of items to everyone.

I guess the <Straw Hat of Strength> is necessary for Smith because if he has achieved to expand a weapon by 100%, of course its weight will also be increased.

Smith said at the second part of his introduction that he was once a child of a very rich man in Canada.

But one day, the entire clan of the Zigfreid was annihilated by a very powerful assassin organization for a certain reason.

Smith has somehow managed to escape the raid and thus he lived homeless in the streets.

He also became a janitor wherever there's an opportunity.

He also had a hobby to collect certain weapons from the garbage dump no matter how broken they are or rusty.

Maybe that was the reason why Smith had his powers now. It somehow correlates to what you are doing back on Earth, your hobbies, or your expertise.

Mysterious and Mystery is a given since they are superhumans, their abilities are somewhat enhanced.

William's power came from his way of life before he died and Jacob on the other hand, had an accident.

I don't know about Eduardo and Ysabelle, but their appearances screams their expertise. Let's wait until it's their turns.

A third of us has already introduced themselves, it was about time for the next person to speak.

I looked towards the next person. It was the paper alien.

So far, all of us are humans that came from Earth, except for Mysterious and Mystery. Is he really an alien, or just a human that turned into that thing.

I am intrigued about him because he copied my signature move, the <Omega Laser>.

I waited and let him speak.

Thanks for reading...

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