
The Omega's Pride: Descendant Of The Demon King.

An ugly incident ties Jin to the lives of Zhen and Daniel when an arranged marriage turns into a horrible struggle for power. With a superpower seeking to exploit him, Jin's soon revealed god-like abilities become his nightmare and the downfall of his Clan. Will Jin survive the hurdles and defeat his enemies or will he succumb to the darkness waiting at the end of the tunnel? Note: This is A BL ABO novel.

CK_Hawks · Fantasie
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11 Chs

An Open Secret

(Present Day)

Michael had to step in to stop the fight, but the Lees were a tough nut to crack. They did not show any signs of weakness at all.

No one anticipated Zhen would try to bite Jin again during an apology. Wren took Ann, and Sage helped Hudson out of the room. People outside started to notice the squabble as the place was trashed. "Pull yourself together! We're in a public place!" Michael yelled at Xander and Zhen. "When you want someone to forgive you, you don't start another fight with them," he added.

Lee Bolin stood with his brother until Michael got them out of the room. "Are you alright?" Michael asked, noting the cut on Bolin's lip.

"I'll be ok as long as you tell those animals to stay away from us," Bolin toned down, reserving some respect for his friend's brother.

Michael: "I'm sorry it had to come to this. As future leaders of the great tribes, you must settle your differences. Let me take you home."

Wren: "Master Jaeger, I'll be taking them home. You should go with your friends."

Michael apologized once more and went back to check on the Knox brothers.

Zhen had his head low, conflicted about ruining everything. "I'm sorry, brother...I don't know what came over me."

"Zhen, tell me the truth. What do you really want from Master Lee? I've watched your mood change easily whenever he's around. Your pheromones also seem to want to dominate him so badly when you get the least chance...I fear you might even go into a rut if nothing is done," Xander massaged his temple. As the elder brother, he could not let Zhen face this alone. "Maybe it's time we spoke to Father about this," he suggested.


Jin hid in his bed when they got home. Ann and Bolin ensured he was not alone, holding a big bowl of ice cream and three spoons to cheer their brother up.

"Hey, wild one...don't tell me you're still upset." Bolin set the ice cream on the side drawer while Ann turned on the lights and pulled off the blanket.

"I just want to sleep." Jin struggled to get the blanket back.

Ann then plumps beside him and strokes his hair. Bolin has the ice cream on the bed so they can all dig in. Jin hummed after the first scoop. He arches his neck and shuts his eyes, soaking in the pleasure of the melting treat. Jin had a sweet tooth, but only those close to him knew how much he loved chocolate ice cream.

Ann: "Jin, I'm sorry you're having trouble with Zhen. I know how much you wanted to be his friend."

"That was then. Now I'm not so sure it's safe around him." Jin sucked on the silver spoon, wearing a glum expression.

Ann: "Should we tell our parents? Maybe if they came in, there would be a solution."

"You know how Mother gets; she'll probably skin me alive if she finds out." Jin forced a smile.

Bolin: "This is the second time he's tried that. Imagine what would happen if you guys were left alone."

"I would have loved to transfer to a different school," Jin said.

Ann rubbed his back, clearly understanding how his brother must be feeling. "Maybe the three of us can convince Mother. I'm sure she'd agree if it concerned our safety."

"No, Ann, all our friends are here, and I've gotten used to the place," Jin dismissed the idea.

"Jin, we won't lose our friends if we transfer together. Your safety matters most," Bolin chipped in. The three hugged it out, staying together all night to comfort Jin.

(Two days later...)

Lee Sang and her husband appeared at the mansion without prior notice. Master Lee wore a worried look on his face, while his wife looked as angry as ever.

Ann crashed into them while coming down the staircase. "Mother? You didn't tell us you were coming." All indications showed trouble.

"Where are those two idiots!" Madam Lee yelled at the top of her lungs with a murderous look in her eyes. Ann flinched at the outburst.

Master Kang tried calming his mate down, but she snubbed him.

"Mother." Bolin exited his room, arms wide open, but Madam Lee forbade him from touching her.

"Where is he? Where is that brother of yours? He's still sleeping after what he did?" She moved past everyone and headed upstairs.

Ann hurried to her father's side. "Dad, what's wrong? Why is Mother so angry?"

Kang could not look his daughter in the eye. He, too, did not know how to talk about the situation.

Upstairs, their mother stormed into Jin's room and dragged him out by the ear. He was shirtless, still dozing, when pushed onto the couch.

"Mother, please, he's not feeling too well." Ann defended him.

Madam Lee: "How would he feel alright if he acted like a stray cat? Do you even think when you take some actions?"

Bolin: "What are you saying, Mother?"

Madam Lee blazed in their faces."Shut up; you are good for nothing! What kind of sons are you? It's already bad you're both born omegas. Must you let people step over you because of that!"

Jin took the insults without blinking; he was used to it but wondered what he had done this time.

Ann: "Mother, whatever it is, it's not right to talk to my brothers this way."

The woman rotates her head at her only daughter. "Ann, you dare talk back? Aren't you the eldest? Shouldn't you teach these two the importance of protecting their identity and pride? Yet you cross your legs and let them do as they please!"

Master Kang: " Sang, yelling at the top of your lungs won't solve the problem. Why not listen to what they have to say first?"

The boys were still quiet, so Ann asked, "What did they do? Please tell us first before you conclude."

Madam Lee: "You want to know? Fine!"

Lee Sang took out her phone, flipped to the gallery and played a video.

Ann covered her mouth when she saw the contents on the screen. Jin was the star attraction in a compilation. As they watched further, even Jin could not believe what was happening.

He had worked so hard to hide it. Who could have leaked such videos? Not only was the incident at the party played out before them, but some other videos where Zhen Knox sniffed him out secretly showed up. Bolin and Ann turned to look at Jin, who already had a horrible look in his eyes.

"Now, do you see why I'm upset?" Madam Lee puffed in anger.

Ann: "Mother, we can explain the fight at the party. It was merely an accident that got out of hand."

Lee Sang pressed her temple in exasperation. "Same old excuse. I send you to one of the best schools to study peacefully, and this is what I get? The Knox family must answer for their son's actions, and we leave tomorrow! The three of you had better prepare yourselves. No matter what, those boys have to pay the price for humiliating me, especially that brat over there!" She lost her temper.

Jin cried silently, not uttering another word. Master Kang wanted to comfort him, but doing that in front of his wife might worsen things, so he kept his distance until Lee Sang left.

"Jin, why didn't you tell us you were constantly harassed by Zhen?" Ann sat beside Jin, her arms pulling him in for a hug. But it made Jin sob louder, holding onto her. "I'm sorry, Sister. I didn't want you to worry."

"It's ok, calm down." Ann didn't want to make him feel worse.

Bolin was upset with himself for not noticing. Now more than ever, he hated himself for being the weaker species.