

  The moon descended in its glorious form, and all other sky objects were beclouded. The jungle roared only with the melodious beats that follows the rhythm of Lyne's heart as she stared at herself in the mirror in the room where she sits to dress up.

  Outside on the lawn, the wedding ceremony is going on. By the right-hand side close to the palace, the royal siblings all sit in their beautiful clothing while their father sits on the throne, his face holding a sly smile like a fox that has just caught its prey.

  On the other side, some guards stood there, watching the whole activity. Beside them, the drummers sat. In the front of the palace itself, there is an entrance temporarily made, covered by a thick golden curtain that indicates where the bride will come in. While a red carpet of six feet length is spread in front of the entrance, Zeidan stands at the other end, expecting his bride. Beside him Akeila stands, holding a scroll in hand.