
The older brother of Simon Petrikov.

As a person is dying in his death bed he’s reborn as Simon petrikov’s older brother, what will change? And what will happens to the two brothers in the future? btw the book cover and all the art that I comment on the chapters belong to me .

TeXcwl · Andere
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20 Chs


Hello everyone sorry for not publishing any chapters now school is beating me but don't worry I won't drop the work.

And about the story, I may need just a few chapters before I finish the vampire arc

And after that, I won't go to the current adventure time timeline ( with Finn and Jake ) I would make Eva do some stuff before it, I want to make him a character that makes mistakes and not only fixes others' mistakes

Btw you guys can write ideas or stuff you think may happen in the future I already have some things in my mind but I would love to hear what you think and it may help me in my writing

Thanks for the support I never expected that this fanfic would get that much of attention,