

I approach Egan and although he is breathless and covered in blood, I feel no pain in our bond only joy and pride.

Galvanized by the strength of his emotions I laughed and squatted beside him "I told you that between us two you would soon be the greatest hunter." It was a great hunt Egan, congratulations on hunting your very first meal alone"

A deep mental purr answers me. "Eat your fill right away, it will be easier to bring him back, and I don't want to stay here too long with the smell of blood that will soon spread and capture all the animals in the area. »

He doesn't need to be asked to devour his due and I take the opportunity to stand in front of the water. Why was this deer so afraid of this water? The rest of the group didn't even come close. Cautiously I do the same as last time, stick my head in and try to inspect any potential threat.

Nothing works, I can't find anything. It is not reassuring, these animals were very afraid of water for a reason even if I cannot understand the cause.

I persist and continue to inspect the water of the waterfall but I see absolutely nothing likely to attack us. Frustrated, I finally gave up. I take this opportunity to drink and finally filled the water bucket and the water bottle.

Once I've confirmed that there are no dangers in the water, I take heed and sharpen my senses for any signs of predators approaching after smelling the buffet Egan is eating right now.

Once my stomach seems full, I approach to try to lift what's left of the deer, but this truck weighs a ton!

"We won't be able to move him to Egan village, you're going to have to leave the remains here" Immediately after saying this, I frankly don't like this idea since I don't want predators to come where they are. find our supplies of water.

After thinking of a solution, I look at Egan and say, "We're going to throw him in the water, the smell of blood won't get past the surface of the water once he sinks, that should save us a lot problems "

Egan doesn't seem too keen on giving up his hunting trophy.

"Egan is only your first prey, you will have many more later. We can't drag it to the village, it's too heavy! "Although he is not happy to throw his meal in the water, he comes to help me when I start trying to pull on one of the legs to pull him into the water"

Damn, this truck really weighs a ton! If we cut it up it would be much easier to move, plus we could bring a few pieces with us for Egan or to attempt another ambush.

I pass the idea on to Egan and he starts chewing over the legs to tear off 3 pieces. We finally move the deer down to the water and toss it in.

"Clean your mouth, drink and go home, we won't have a bath today, I don't want to risk a bad encounter." The smell of blood will be perceptible for a while yet".

While he's taking sustenance, I look at all the blood strewn on the floor and an idea crosses my mind.

I sit in a lotus position and close my eyes. Connecting to my energy again, I imagine the earth turning over and burying the blood underground. I open one eye when I see my imagination come to life and close it immediately to concentrate until the end of the operation.

Satisfied I get up and see Egan next to me watching all this with a curious eye. Shit, I didn't even hear it coming at all! When I channel my magic I focus entirely on it and forget about the world around me.

Despite everything, it smells of earth and I, the smell of earth smothers that of the blood that was spilled on the floor a few minutes before. Not having a predator's sense of smell, I don't know if it will be enough to completely conceal the smell, but it's already better than nothing.

I walk over to the cut pieces of deer, take two and let Egan take one in his mouth. Until I realize that I still have to carry the seal and the gourd...

After a moment of reflection scratching my head. I walk to a tree, pull a branch and call my magic again to make two long ropes of leaves and wood.

I try as best I can to attach my ropes to the bucket and the gourd to pass them over my shoulder and free my two hands. Egan watches my attempts as he lies quietly near the water.

When I think my work should do, I take the seal and the gourd and put the ropes on my shoulder. I barely have time to take 3 steps...

On the first two steps, water pours out of the bucket and on the third: the rope breaks and the bucket of water falls on the tip of my foot.

Cursing loudly and hopping in pain, I hear the characteristic crunching sound of scales, which tells me that Egan finds the scene particularly amusing.

After 10 minutes of hopping, the pain subsided enough for me to put my foot down. I limp back to fill the bucket with water and this time tie several branches together to make a much thicker rope.

After I finished, I put the rope on my shoulder again and tried the experiment again, walking carefully. When I was able to confirm that the seal was not going to fall on me, I picked up my two pieces of deer then headed for the village.

When I turn to see what Egan is doing, I see him walking towards me with an empty mouth.

"Where's the piece you were supposed to carry?" He sends back the memory of him tasting his meat while I was doing the ropes.

" Are you kidding me !!! SHIT ! »

Life is not easy every day (hehe). Our young elf will realize that it is not always the greatest dangers or the greatest enemies that prove to be the most devastating.

I'm not a very nice author because like Egan, I laughed at his unfortunate misadventure.

Enjoy this rain of chapters while I'm still under the influence of the goddess of inspiration

Sygmaarcreators' thoughts