
Chapter 1

Walking along the hallway with earphones placed on my ears, I never get to see the both sides of the way but just ahead of me. As for me, it's just a waste of time seeing my fellow students doing their leisure time, that is, debating from one group to another, chit chatting, bullying and other stuff which are actually annoying. I don't have time to get along with them and so I hurriedly pass by while my both hands are holding the strap of my backpack.  Though the music that I am listening to right now is at full volume, still the noise on the nearby, the laughter, the yells and shouts are really too much for my ear to hear on.

"Hey!" One student shouts at my face which makes me stopped walking. His voice is in full force that dominates the music that I am listening to. Geez! I thought he would just pass me by but I was mistaken.

"I'm sorry but I have to go," I say in a low tone and I continue walking without looking at his face.

"Don't you know me?! I'm talking to you!" He shouts again, and now he catches the attention of almost everyone. I suddenly grip the strap of my bag because I am shocked when he puts my earphone away from my left ear. "I think you should know me first so that you'll know your place here!"

"Huh? What are you talking about?" I ask with a bit of confusion. Grr! I don't care who the hell he is! I'm not afraid of him!

"You moron! No one can pass this way without undergoing my authority," he answers with anger, manifesting the annoyance on the reaction of his face. Oh wait, should I know that thing he has just said?

"Okay. And so...what's next?"

"I'm the master here! You should follow what I will command on you! Got it?!" His eyes got widened at the same time his face is getting closer to me.

"Oh...wait!" I speak so loud that he gets shocked. "How can you be a master if you're just a student like me? What kind of authority do you have here huh?"

Some students have their boo's on us while others impossibly believe in the questions I asked to their "master". Gosh, he's already getting to my nerves. I think there's something wrong will happen soonest but what did I do wrong? I just want to clarify things out.

"I really have to hit you hard!" Full of anger he vents out to me. My gosh! He is about to punch me now but someone controlled back this guy's hand for not doing so. Oh no, that's too close.

I must sigh deeply.

"Easy, dude." Someone says to him, then he glances and smiles to me. I must be freaked out with this guy. Does he think I should be fine now because of what he did?

"No! Wait! Who the hell are you?!" says by this guy to him who is still at his anger. "Don't you know me huh?!"

"Chill, dude. You should not treat girls that way."

Am I standing in front of these two guys who are doing their not-so-sweet bromance?

"I must leave you here," fully decided I utter to these two.

"Hey, you lady," the guy who intervenes says to me when I start to walk out. Gosh, I'm already starting making a scene here with them and I don't want to continue it further. The murmurs are already arising and even I'm in several steps away from them, I can still hear their freaking voices. So I put my earphones on my ears again. Really, it's such good day to start!

When I arrive in our room, I notice that there are just few classmates inside. I directly go to my seat and put my bag on. After removing the earphones on my ears because it's already itchy, I heave a sigh and sit down. Calming myself for what happened, I decided to get my notebook to read my notes for the yesterday's lesson. Really, I'm relieving myself by reading, somehow it helps me not to think of the things that stress me out. Few minutes after, I hear the bell rings. My other classmates arrive with shouts as if they win in a game. What's the matter?

"Wow! I can't believe it!" Our class president yells. I never have an idea that he will approach me with a big smile on his face. As far as I remember, we're not close, even just a bit. "You are a legend!" he boldly speaks again.

"Oh yeah! She is! I salute her!" My other classmates adds on.

My right eye brow starts to lift up because of curiosity.

"I don't get you all," I utter with a hint of irritation of my voice.

I lately realize that almost all of my classmates' eyes are on me now. Not even a single day they put much attention like I am getting at this moment. This is really weird! I'm starting to freak out here when our class president holds my hand that makes me stand from my chair.

Whoa! What's going on?

He raises my hand that makes me surprised. My other classmates shout even more. Oh no, our teacher will come here any second from now.

Please, stop it now.

I get to stare at our class president who is supposed be a model to us but here he is, acting so weird yet wild.

"Hats off to you, Ms. Dizon! Wow! Good job!"