
The Odyssey of the Chosen One

A hardworking youth who always pray for excitement and happiness was heard by the most powerful being of the vast universe. Giving him the power to fulfill his wishes through conquering other worlds and finally becoming his successor. Can he really find his happiness on his quest on becoming a True God? Or something will happen on the way that will make all his efforts to fail? _____________________________________ Worlds: 1. Douluo Dalu - Completed 2. God Eater - Completed 3. Magi - Completed 4. Toriko - Ongoing _____________________________________ Upload: Due to some reason, this FF will only update every Monday, Wednesday, and Friday.) _____________________________________ Be warned: This novel will be full of mature contents. (This is a novel where I write whatever comes to my mind.) Disclaimer: [1] I don't own the novels, animes, and movies. [2] Pictures are copied from Google so whoever you are, let me borrow it for reference. However, if you don't like, just let me know and I will delete and remove it immediately. [3] This book is a world of fiction. Names, characters, businesses, places, events, and incidents does not intent to represent real-life counterparts as this books meant for entertainment purposes only (ENTIRELY FICTIONAL) and should not be constructed as factual or a representation of real-life events or people.

Alter_Fanfic · Anime und Comics
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Chapter 107 - New Status


---The next day---

Lev's room,

After another day, Lilith and the others left the villa one by one leaving Lev inside his room and seriously looking at the monitors around him. Looking around, he wasn't alone in the room upon seeing Sherry, Lily, and Lilia playing on the bed.

"Interesting." Lev suddenly said after completely reading a novel. Last night, he was pretty interested in the Black Technology he got from the Random Item Summoning Card which he was surprised to know that it came from the novel 'I'm Picking Up Pieces in PUBG'. Though he did not wholly understand the novel due to translation problems, he still got the general idea of the story.

"It was really lucky that I got Activision Blizzard yesterday." Lev muttered as he didn't expect to acquire a video game holding company known for its games like Call of Duty, Diablo, World of Warcraft, Overwatch, etc. With this technology in his hand, he could not imagine how much money he would earn from it.

"Its downside however is that it takes two years to make a game." Lev followed before getting up from his chair and headed towards the glass wall. There he saw several people more like news reporters being watched by several men in black suits. 

It's not surprising anymore since he was all over the news last night upon using his power to acquire Point Dume which dumbstruck the entirety of California and even the neighboring states. Following such big news, his identity was also revealed which shocked everyone knowing just how rich he was upon having multiple investments in several large and well-known companies in the world. 

Looking at them for a while, Lev then felt that they had become a bother so he made a clone of himself to deal with them.

"Papa! Let's go see Mama Sera." Suddenly, Sherry came to him and said followed by Lily and Lilia. Seeing their cute faces, Lev could only give in from which they then prepare themselves to head out.


Star Bright Restaurant,

Just like what Sherry and the others wanted, Lev could now be found in his restaurant gaining everyone's attention, especially his workers thinking that their boss was really extraordinary and very lowkey at the same time.

The customers eating inside the restaurant were also surprised upon seeing him really close as they had all watched him on the news last night from which they then recalled that he was the owner of the place. However, not long after that, the restaurant suddenly treated them to a free meal which they happily accepted.

"Lev, those men in black suits. Just what are they?" Sera asked as she was very curious about them upon being driven by them to this place as she left earlier and even stayed in the perimeter like they were some kind of bodyguards.

"Well, they were my men." Lev replied as those men were arranged by CACI International Inc. which he didn't decline since he felt the need to do so. He then just looked at Sera while thinking about something. 

"Sera, I have been planning on building an orphanage. Would you like to become its director?" Lev suddenly said. Thinking about how his life has turned like this, he kind of wants to help others since he was in the very first place came from an orphanage. Since he has the money to do so, he might as well use it for the greater good. Of course, he didn't forget about his Main World Mission to acquire 10,000,000,000 True God Coins.

"T-That would be great." Sera replied with surprise as she didn't expect to hear from Lev. Though it was quite a lot of work, she really wanted the role since she knew very well the situation of those children who didn't have parents or were abandoned by them.

"Good." Lev said before they had lunch. After that, he then left the place leaving Sherry, Lily, and Lilia at Sera's side as he went to another place together with his bodyguards. Since he was already out, he decided to might as well visit one of the companies that he owned.


Santa Monica,

Arriving at the place, Lev was then greeted by several people. He has decided to visit the headquarters of Activision Blizzard as he plans on using his Black Technology to create a new studio in the place so he can set up and start making advanced holographic games that would shock the gaming world.

As he was not familiar with the place, Lev was guided by the directors of the company as they headed each department before finally settling down inside a conference room to have an emergency meeting with everyone. 

Following the next hour, Lev listened to them without question while suggesting some things from time to time before finally taking their attention as he finally mentioned that the company would now focus on Holographic Technology which everyone could only wryly smile knowing that such a thing was still very far considering what kind of games they had.

With that, Lev completely overwhelmed everyone with his idea as he explained the next hours about his plans regarding this plan. He then completely assures everyone that it will be possible for the next two years and so he wanted everyone to start creating a plan for how to advertise it. 

Every director didn't know how to react to what he was saying but they couldn't raise up some complaints completely knowing that it was wholly his company. They, however, were just a little bothered as to what kind of effect it would have on the future of the company.

Following that, Lev then was given an empty studio from which he then set up the Black Technology and finally started making the game. As he didn't own PUBG just like the ones in the novel, he decided to use the technology on Call of Duty instead since they are pretty much in common in some areas. 

With his duplication skill, Lev decided not to use the other one for now as he had another plan for it. Following this, he then ended his visit to the place and left the place. He, however, visited Starbucks first and grabbed some coffee before heading to Mia's workplace.


Mia's office,

Inside, Lev could be found sitting comfortably on his chair as he watched Mia working on her table. Sipping the coffee that he got, he suddenly said, "Mia, hear me out. How about leaving this agency to one of my clones and helping me manage Star Bright Restaurant instead?"

Hearing Lev, Mia suddenly stopped what she was doing and drank the coffee on her table before looking at Lev with curiosity. She then replied, "Haven't Sera already looked after that?" 

"Well. I have different plans for Sera since I decided to build an orphanage and give her the role of being the director. Also, Star Bright will now be operating globally so I am thinking of giving you this responsibility. Of course, you don't have to worry about overworking since my clones would also be there to help." Lev answered.

With that, Mia then just looked at Lev before sighing. She then just got out of her chair and walked towards Lev and sat on his lap. Wrapping her arms around his neck, she said, "Then I gladly accept since this is the only thing I could help you with."

"What are you saying? You're much of help to me especially this." Lev replied as he grabbed and held Mia's round ass tightly. He then just smiles before kissing her lips upon getting in the mood. 

Following that, Lev and Mia then fuck each other in the office completely forgetting about their work as they succumb to their lust and find satisfaction towards each other. It was after night came did they stopped and finally headed back home. 



Living room,

After having dinner, Lev and his family could now be found in the living room watching the TV, specifically the news. All of them were looking at it seriously since it was Lev's face all over it as the matter of his acquisition of Point Dume still hadn't gone down since they were now questioning the governing body as to how it happened.

"Brother, do you know that I suddenly became a celebrity back in the university?" Lilith suddenly said while looking at Lev upon what she experienced after entering the premises of the college. Knowing that she was the sibling of Lev, they rounded her up and asked her several questions about it mainly with interest, curiosity, and admiration.

"That's right but thanks to those men in black suits, she escapes them successfully." Alexa followed as she witnessed it all since the two of them were together. After Lev shocked the whole state, it greatly affected their lives and it started in the morning.

"Really? Haha." Lev asked before laughing. Though he kind of expected such a thing to happen, he knew that it would soon drop down. He then just thought of another thing when suddenly Kim butted in.

"By the way, Lev. Ed and Sam were also surprised upon hearing this news and so they wanted to hang out again but this time it would be your treat. As you might be the focus of everyone now, they kindly wanted to give you time and for everything to calm down." Kim said as she was also questioned by their friends and classmates.

"Okay. Tell them that I am planning to visit a country in Asia this weekend. If they have time, I gladly let them join us." Lev then replied since he pretty much still has a company that he hasn't visited before so planned to look at it now. There might also be a good place to visit there and so might as well take this as vacation just like they always did.

Following this, Lev and the others then bring their attention back to the TV since another piece of news appeared and it was the sudden announcement of Activision Blizzard that the company would now focus on making a Holographic Game. 

Lev knew that such news was something that wouldn't gain much attention from everyone, but it was completely different to the gaming circle and especially to other gaming companies out there as they were probably surprised by now and had an emergency meeting regarding this news.

With that, Lev and his family spent the night normally before finally taking a rest as everyone could be found in one room sleeping wholesomely on the bed. Not bothered by what the people say to them, they spent the night with nothing but peace.


---Three days later---


On a plane,

It was already Friday night and the weekend came. Just like Lev had planned, they were now inside his private plane heading towards a particular country in Asia. This plane was something he had bought for the past three days and made sure to complete its paperwork and other matters.

Inside the plane, all his lovers could be found sleeping comfortably all the while having Edward and Sam at the back whom he already briefed and manipulated their memories regarding his relationship with all the women inside.

It was hard doing it since they were his friends but it needed to be done knowing just how abnormal their relationship was. Also, this problem would arise sooner or later so he was already prepared for it and would protect the peace no matter what the cost.

"Maybe I should stay in this world for a while." Lev muttered upon thinking about it. Since he pretty much has many plans in his mind, he kind of wanted to bring them to the surface first before leaving and continuing his conquest.

Thinking about them, Lev just looked out the window before finally deciding to take a rest without minding any danger since the pilot was pretty much his clone. Following that, the plane then continues flying toward its destination.