

The lush greenery of the forest and the calm of the forest save for the occasional chirping of the birds made Cordellia feel at peace.

She walked forward into the endless rows of trees and bushes, not caring whether she was lost or not.

All she felt was ... Calm.

She looked down and found herself in a red dress, woven around with a black belt and black rims. There were slits on each side all the way up to the end of her thigh but she knew it wasn't revealing.

There was a black strong sandal on her foot but she couldn't recognize the material.

Suddenly, something flew past her, causing her hair that had been kept in a messy bun to be released.

It was a wolf of a strange color that only existed in movies and the fictional books she'd read.

It was pitch black, and quite big for a wolf. It's size reminded her of a wolf she had seen months ago- despite not knowing where that memory was from- but the one in front of her was much bigger.