
The Odd World Of Pokémon

The world of Pokemon isn't as easy as it sounds.

DaoistJIIvmp · Anime und Comics
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8 Chs

Chapter 7: Radio

The static admitting from the radio, caught both Feril's and the little girl's attention. Feril from the sudden noise dropped his ice cream cone on the ground, falling on a patch of bright grass. Feril looked down at his spilt ice cream before breathing out a loud exhale while standing up and walking past the little girl, staring at him confused.

Feril reached into his pocket pulling out the radio, before raising it to his mouth and speaking into the radio with an irritated look on his face.

" Hey, it's Feril. This better be important. "

An odd silence responded to Feril who glared at the nonresponsive radio, Feril waited patiently, until the timid voice of a girl spoke.

" H-Hey, It's the HQ, Feril you've been ordered to take a mission from our leader. "

" Huh? Giovanni said to lay low after I killed that trainer. Now he wants me to do a mission. It's only been a week? "

" That i-is correct, but he wants you to break into a professor's lab. To retrieve a pokemon for him. Apparently, it is a Nidoking but its armor is shiny blue instead of the usual purple. " 

Said the girl over the radio, Feril grew quiet, before he spoke asking the girl a question. 

" Why do you stutter so much? Are you nervous about something? "

" N-Not at all, I just have a bad cold. "

" Oh, then I'm sorry for dragging on the conversation, but is that all I have to do... " 

" Yes, but before you leave let me explain what- Click 

Before the girl could finish her sentence, Feril turned off the radio and slid it back into his pocket, Feril let out a loud yawn while stretching his arms, tears started to form in his tired eyes while he walked through a dirt path, he took a few steps before something dawned on him. He didn't know what professor the girl was talking about. 

Feril quickly, reached towards his right pocket before in the corner of his left eye, he saw Giovanni walking through a crowd of people wearing a black hoodie, Feril stared at him before smirking while raising his hand above his head.

" Yo! Giovanni what are you doing here? " 

Giovanni instantly halted and snapped his head toward Feril with a bewildered look on his face, Giovanni was currently undercover trying to sneak into a nearby bar that he was banned from. Giovanni stared at Feril before he motioned with his hand trying to shoo Feril away. 

Seeing the hand motion, Feri's grin grew wider before he shouted once again.

" Hey, Giovanni. Yea, the one that's scrunched over in the black hoodie, next to the balding man wearing a green striped shirt. "

As soon as Feril said this, the balding man looked over toward Feril revealing a bushy gray mustache on his top lip, Feril stared at the man before he pointed over his shoulder and spoke. 

" Hey mister, can you get my friend wearing the black hoodie standing directly behind you? "

The man just let out a heavy sigh before turning around. However, no one was standing behind him. The man inhaled noisily, before glancing back, trying to find Feril but he also vanished. The man just balled up his fists and walked alongside the crowd while murmuring under his breath.

" God damn kids, my hairline isn't even that bad. "

As the balding man walked away, behind a nearby tree, hidden in its shadow. Giovanni could be seen holding onto Feril by the collar of his shirt, glaring down at him clearly annoyed. Giovanni locked eyes with Feril before speaking. 

" You think you're real funny, trying to blow my cover like that but aren't you- "

" Hey, have you been drinking? Your breath stinks. "

Said Feril interrupting Giovanni halfway through his sentence, Giovanni's eyes dilated, as a scowl crept onto his face before he let go of Feril's collar while speaking. 

" No, I haven't. I was about to but you blew my cover, I'm banned from that bar for some past deeds but didn't I tell you to break into Professor Oak's lab today? "

" Oh, that's the professor's name. I was confused, I thought you wanted me to break into every lab in Kanto until I found the Nidoking. "

" Wait, you haven't been breaking into random professor's labs this entire day, have you? " 

" Of course not, I might not be the smartest person, in the world but I'm not that dumb. But where is Professor Oak's lab located? "

"It's located in Pallet Town, just south of here. "...

Several hours later, Feril could be seen walking with a crescent moon over his head. He was at the edge of Pallet Town, around five minutes away. After pestering Giovanni, annoying him by being stupid on purpose, Feril did what he was ordered and walked toward Pallet Town. 

The main reason, Feril listened to Giovanni following his order was because...