

[WARNING:MATURE CONTENT] He was as charming as he was dangerous and he became dangerously obsessed with a mysterious woman. He was obsessed with her mind and body and every taste of her left him yearning for more. The city of seoul had been terrorized by the infamous serial killer, known as the anonymous gift killer, who was none other than Dae Hyun, the protagonist and villain. Oh Yoo Na is a highschool girl from a low class family but after witnessing her best friend been gruesomely murdered by the infamous anonymous gift killer, she goes down the path of revenge that trails with blood on the dark path she has chosen. Her revenge slowly ends up taking the lives of people she cares about till she's left with an empty soul, at the end, will her revenge destroy her or will it make her become stronger to finally get her hands drenched with the blood of the killer like she had always wanted or will the killer get to her first?

Mel_goddess123 · Urban
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58 Chs


"We should leave." Dae Hyun said after writing something on a piece of paper as he took Min Hye's hand in his and she followed behind him silently. He led her through the corridors and walked into an empty room as he shut the door closed behind them with a spare key in his hold.

He immediately pinned her between the wall and he stared at her for a second with desire filled eyes before slamming his lips on hers hungrily, they didn't need to say a word to each other as they both knew what they wanted. He pressed his lips into hers hardly, meshing their soft lips together as they entwined their tongues together, with hands roaming in each other's body.

She pulled from his kisses as she sucked in air into her lungs and he was about to kiss her again, but she stopped him as she placed her palm on his hard chest.

"Is it okay to do it here, I mean let's do it at home instead." She said cautiously.

"It's okay, I booked this room already." He said with assurance and she beamed a small smile at him.

"What about So Ra? She fell from the roof where we got engaged, won't people suspect us?" She asked warily but Dae Hyun had a sinister smile on his lips.

"I've got everything under control. She committed suicide after seeing us get engaged because she's madly in love with me according to her suicide note. It'll work in our favour because the staffs knew just how much she adored me so it won't be hard for everyone to believe." He explained with a dark glint in his eyes and Min Hye could see just how dangerous he was with his genius mind and killer instincts. No one would ever catch him with those deadly traits he acquired, no wonder he felt like a god but weirdly, it made her even more attracted to him and her body moved on it's own accord as she slammed her lips on his firmly as she wrapped her arm around his strong neck, digging her fingers into his hair.

Dae Hyun's whole body heated as he felt equally aroused. He quickly took off his jacket and unbuttoned his shirt, leaving his taut masculine upper body to view. She caressed his hard chest as their lips were still collided and she firmly massaged on his strong arms, feeling his muscular biceps. He immediately undid his belt and brought out his raging monster to view as he pushed her gown upwards firmly and skillfully pulling down her panties in the process as he made her straddle him.

He would have loved to see her naked body but he didn't want to be out of the event for too long as people would notice he had been gone since he was the upcoming vice chairman, so he had to be as quick as possible. He didn't waste any more time as he firmly pushed his raging monster into her wet entrance and his length fully occupied her in one swift push,releasing a loud moan from her lips and she didn't care to stifle it, knowing people would hear the unholy sounds if they were close enough to the door.

He thrust into her and his skin itched in pleasure as he felt her walls tighten on his raging monster, he could feel blood rushing to his groin as he thrust her, pulling in and out of her wet chamber and his hips moved like lightning with speed as he stroked her till her brain turned mush and all she could think of was his hard skin brushing hard on her wet walls, it sent electricity flowing in her veins as her heart thumped loudly from the exhilarating feeling of him inside her.

He felt her back arch to feel more of him inside her and the feeling was mutual as he stroked her inside walls like a ferocious, hungry beast. His speed increased with every passing second and he moaned deeply at the wave of pleasure he felt being inside of her, stroking her, thrusting hard and tasting her. His head hung low on her neck and the pleasurable feeling intensified as her exotic brain melting scent filled his nose.

"Harder..." She cried for more in a low seductive voice and he found himself increasing his pace, making her dig her fingers into his back as she drowned into an ocean of ecstasy. The tingling feeling of his hardness massaging and colliding with her walls made her bite her lower lips as she moaned louder in pleasure as their skin burned in pleasure.

They were both panting heavily as their hips moved in an incredibly high speed, they wanted to taste more of each other but it was impossible for either of them to get enough of the other. Their pace slowed down as they reached their climax and they both shuddered after their passionate love making with heaving chests and sweat glistening their skin. He put her down gently and he started putting on his clothes he had taken off, while she put on her panties and rearranged her messed up dress as well as her hair.

She helped Dae Hyun dress up and comb his hair neatly with a smile on both their faces as she did, he wanted to make love to her over and over again but he had to be rational since it had to look like they were in the hall hours before So Ra committed suicide to avoid suspicions and with the party going on, her body would take a few hours to be found. They came out of the room, like nothing had ever happened as they joined the rest of the party in the hall.

They were both about to join Cha Eun and Yoo Na in their table when the Chairman walked up to them with a beautiful lady by his side.

"Dae Hyun! I've been looking for you." The Chairman said with a huge smile on his face as he patted Dae Hyun gently on his shoulders like a proud Father and it didn't take long for Min Hye to realise they were actually close. He was oddly close with the father and the son, to the public, he was charming but she figured he was planning something devious and big and she just suddenly realized how he never discussed his devious plans with her or even shared his secrets which she knew he had a lot of, apart from being the anonymous gift killer.

She wondered what Dae Hyun had in store for the future, she wondered what his genius, killer mind could possibly be scheming.

"I'm sorry for keeping you waiting sir." Dae Hyun said with a small bow politely.

"It's okay, I just wanted to introduce you to my daughter, Ma Ri." The Chairman introduced the quiet lady beside him who smiled softly at them. Dae Hyun observed the lady like he had observed everyone he had ever laid eyes on. She was beautiful and rich, she had a quiet and serene nature, she didn't look like an extravagant lifestyle kind of person as her outfit, jewelries and make up weren't too much or too little but she seemed like a gullible type of person who easily believed what she saw, probably because she was brought up in a non stressful life and she probably had never even encountered the real world before. She had obviously been given everything she ever wanted in life, she had pursued her dreams of becoming a fashion designer and had never experienced the ugliness of the world until her mother died, but he wasn't well acquainted with her since she was schooling abroad at the time he got acquainted with their family and she had been living abroad even after school until now, it seemed like she had recently arrived in Korea.

"It's nice to meet you Miss Ma Ri." Dae Hyun said politely.

"I've heard a lot about you from my Dad and younger brother." She said, her voice was gentle and calm as she spoke.

"Ahh I see..."

"The both of you should get to know each other better, I'd die a happy man if you got to be my son in law." The Chairman said with a chuckle and it was obvious Mi Ra was embarrassed by his words as a red hue formed on her cheeks. Min Hye just watched in silence but Dae Hyun could see the jealousy in her eyes even with her poker face on.

Dae Hyun knew the Chairman would want him to get married to his daughter and even though it could get him a faster and easier ticket to full ownership of the company, he couldn't because Min Hye was the only woman who caught his eyes and he'd go the long and hard way if he had to, so long she was by his side.

He was about to tell the chairman he was already engaged when a woman ran into the hall with an ear piercing scream that made everyone turn their attention towards the horrified stricken woman who seemed like she was about to faint any second from then.

"T..There's a d..dead b..bo..body...." The woman stuttered uncontrollably as she pointed outside and everyone gasped upon hearing her.