

[WARNING:MATURE CONTENT] He was as charming as he was dangerous and he became dangerously obsessed with a mysterious woman. He was obsessed with her mind and body and every taste of her left him yearning for more. The city of seoul had been terrorized by the infamous serial killer, known as the anonymous gift killer, who was none other than Dae Hyun, the protagonist and villain. Oh Yoo Na is a highschool girl from a low class family but after witnessing her best friend been gruesomely murdered by the infamous anonymous gift killer, she goes down the path of revenge that trails with blood on the dark path she has chosen. Her revenge slowly ends up taking the lives of people she cares about till she's left with an empty soul, at the end, will her revenge destroy her or will it make her become stronger to finally get her hands drenched with the blood of the killer like she had always wanted or will the killer get to her first?

Mel_goddess123 · Urban
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58 Chs


The sun peeked through the black velvet curtains and Dae Hyun woke up early but Min Hye was still fast asleep. He would have woken her up since it was work day but he didn't care and let her sleep some more as he stared at her sleeping face for a long time and he brushed her soft skin lightly with his fingers before dashing out to the bathroom to get ready for work. He came out minutes later as he had a shirt on with undone buttons to meet Min Hye awake wearing a loose shirt, completely naked underneath it which made him gulp hard, her hair was messy but she appeared alluring in his eyes that morning.

"Why didn't you wake me up? We'll be late." Min Hye complained as she picked up her clothing's which were scattered on the floor to put them in her bag. Dae Hyun just gave her a wicked smile as he stared at her.

"We can go late if we want." Dae Hyun said and she stared at him with brows creased in disbelief.

"Speak for yourself. If we go late, they'll all think I'm taking advantage of you because you're the director and we're dating." She nagged and he found her actions cute which he would normally find annoying In everyone else.

"Help me out." He said calmly with a small smile on his face, gesturing her to button up his shirt for him which she did quietly.

Her eyes were focused on the buttons as she did them but Dae Hyun couldn't tear his eyes off her as he stared at her in an admirable but creepy way, she was done with his buttons an when her eyes met his, she fluttered her eyelashes at him wondering why he always stared at her in a way that seemed obsessive.

"I'll quickly take my bath." She said and he didn't say a word as he watched her scurry into the bathroom.

Dae Hyun sat in the chair with one long leg crossed over the other as he observed Min Hye as she dressed up for work. He observed every move she made as she put on her clothes and when she sat in front of the dressing mirror to brush her hair, he felt an urge to comb his hand through her silky black hair, but he didn't, instead he watched her quietly taking all her flaws and perfections which made her a perfect, beautiful being in his eyes.


"You and Cha Eun seem pretty close, is there something I'm missing?" Jisoo queried her with large curious eyes as they sat together during lunch time in the cafeteria.

"I guess we're friends now." Yoo Na said, even though she didn't see anyone as a friend, but she had to act like it since he'd be helpful in the near future and she couldn't deny her ally.

"Really? But how is that possible?!" Jisoo said, almost screaming with wide eyes in shock as if she had a seen a ghost and everyone in the cafeteria turned their attention to them, most of the rich kids cussing at them for disturbing their lunch break. Jisoo pressed her lips in a thin line as she tried to avoid their attention till it slowly died down.

"We're working together now on the 'stuff' but I'll tell you the details later." Yoo Na said with a flat tone and Jisoo looked at her with confusion etched all over her face.

"Why can't you tell me now?" Jisoo asked curiously as she pouted her lips at her but Yoo Na gave her a blank look.

"I'll tell you when I'm ready but for now, no more questions." Yoo Na stated coldly and Jisoo had to stop with her questions until Yoo Na was ready to open up to her.

"Will you be busy on the weekends?" Jisoo asked as she diverted the topic from the intense one.

"Yes, I work part-time." Yoo Na replied and Jisoo's face dropped for a moment before a bright smile appeared on it.

"Where do you work? I'll come visit you." Jisoo said happily but Yoo Na sighed at the girl's pestering nature.

"Don't do that. All I want from you is the help you owe me as promised, not your friendship." Yoo Na said coldly, knowing it would hurt the fragile girl.

"I don't know what's making you hurt a lot but don't push everyone away because of it especially people who are genuine about their feelings." Jisoo said with sad eyes and her words almost went through her resolve but she stood strong and swept her words under the rug, she wasn't there for friendship, she was there for revenge that would end with blood in her hands.

"Eat your food or it'll get cold." Yoo Na said flatly as she immediately started eating her food and Jisoo smiled without saying a word as she ate hers also.

They were in the middle of eating when they heard the screeching of chairs as someone sat beside Yoo Na and they looked up to see Cha Eun sitting with them, in the isolated area where only they sat. Jisoo's eyes almost popped out of her socket to see Cha Eun eating with them, without a care in the world. The students at the cafeteria watched with open mouths as Cha Eun the most popular and wealthiest kid in school was seated with the supposed trash of the school. Da Yeon's face was filled with jealousy and anger as she saw them eating together, she quickly took out her phone and took pictures of the shocking progress and sent it to In Ra.

"Are you trying to make In Ra furious enough to barge into school with a bandaged face after her plastic surgery?" Yoo Na asked which seemed like a joke but her serious expression said it wasn't.

"I told you didn't I, I don't care about what In Ra thinks." He said with a serious expression also and Jisoo silently watched the ongoing drama.

"Good, me neither." Yoo Na said with a stoic expression as she continued eating her food and Cha Eun smiled at her reply.

Yoo Na was lying in her bed after a tedious day at school and her part time jib but she wasn't tired because of the numbness she felt. She heard her mother knocking on the door and she opened it, to see her mother smiling at her with a small parcel in her hand.

"What?" She asked uninterested for whatever her mother was going to say, even if it was good news if any sort.

"I didn't know you had already been making rich friends so soon, they're already inviting you to parties!." Her mother exclaimed excitedly as she handed the parcel over to her and she took it as she opened it and took out a paper, confused on what her mother was going on about. Her mother kept watching her intently as she read the contents on the paper. At first she thought Cha Eun had invited her to a party since he was the only rich friend she supposedly had but after reading the contents, it was clear that the director had invited her and she wondered why he would invite her to the opening of a new branch to their company.

She thought of calling him since he gave her his business card but she thought against it and made up her mind to call him the next day instead as many thoughts ran through her mind including thoughts about Cha Eun, after telling her his mother was a victim, she felt a connection but it wasn't in any way a romantic one as the kind of connection she felt was strictly based on revenge and she could see the determination in his eyes to help her catch and kill the killer.