
The Oblivion

'I became insane, with long intervals of sanity'-Edgar Allan Poe. When a girl with deteriorating mental health due to loss and loneliness makes an imaginary friend , things start to get worse for Morgan as she tries to regain control. Dive in to see if things take a turn for better or for worse.

donatellomyass · Teenager
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3 Chs


Run .

Just keep running.

Don't stop.

The light, so close yet so far .

Just a little more running and I'll finally be free.

The darkness surrounded her like a blanket ,threatening to swallow her ,to never let her go .Like a shadow with claws, trying to grab on to her .

Breathe .

Just breathe.

Its all going to be okay soon .

she ran and ran as fast as she could, nearing the light ,her only semblance of sanity left .She reached out,trying to hold on to it ,

only to be dragged back into darkness.



Help me !

Someone ,anyone ,HELP!!!!! PLEASE!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Laughter ,loud laughter filled the darkness .It was maniacal ,like knives in the air. It caused a calming chill in the curtain of black.

Hello darkness ,my old friend

I've come to talk to you again.

Loud ,crazy laughter .

She prayed to be free ,yearned for it .Only for it to be stolen from her grasp .She would never escape ,never taste the sweetness of freedom again .No she would be stuck here.

She promised to never break.She promised to never fall for the charm of insanity like the others did.But how could she resist ,for after all ,she was stuck in the very web of lies and pain .Like a drug she couldn't resist .And now she was stuck behind the walls of madness never to be let free but only to be remembered by her loved ones .

She suffered the consequences .

why ?

well the answer was quite simple .

She had fallen into Oblivion.


(249 words)

hey lil stones

I'm not going to lie, this chapter was a bit hard to write as i had to make sure i didn't include parts of the story whilst spoiling the entire plot .

I hope u guys enjoyed it and comment down below what your guesses of the ending are .

vote (you know u want to)


and share

