
The NTR Immortal

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The_Procrastinator · Fantasie
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3 Chs

Chapter 2

"Hey, Zara! Mind if I steal a minute of your time?" Gabriel inquired, his gaze naturally gravitating towards the most captivating girl in the college freshmen class.

Zara Taylor, with her radiant smile and effortless charm, stood out among her peers like a beacon of allure and sophistication.

Her presence alone seemed to command attention, drawing the admiring glances of every guy Gabriel knew, who openly harbored fantasies about her.

Zara wasn't just a pretty face; she was the epitome of brains and beauty, effortlessly excelling in academics while maintaining an air of grace and poise.

Gabriel often found himself in awe of her, marveling at her intelligence and wit during class discussions.

Yet, despite her brilliance, Zara remained approachable and down-to-earth, making her all the more irresistible.

As Gabriel watched her from across the room, he couldn't help but notice the way she effortlessly captivated everyone around her.

It was as if she possessed an invisible magnetism, drawing people towards her like moths to a flame.

And while he knew he wasn't the only one who found himself lost in her enchanting aura, he couldn't shake the feeling of longing that stirred within him every time he caught sight of her.

In truth, Gabriel found himself indulging in fantasies about Zara on a daily basis, his thoughts often drifting to scenarios that were as scandalous as they were enticing.

It was a guilty pleasure he shared with many of his male classmates, who openly admitted to "admiring" cough jacking off of Zara from afar.

Such was the power of Zara Taylor – a force to be reckoned with, a goddess among mortals, and the object of every guy's desire.

"Sure. What can I do for you?" Zara's reply was as gracious as her smile, which seemed to brighten the entire hallway.

Gabriel couldn't help but feel a flutter of nervousness in his chest as he stood before her, his mind racing with anticipation.

It was clear she didn't know him, yet she extended kindness in her words and demeanor, a trait that only added to her already considerable charm.

As Gabriel waited for the familiar prompt that would typically guide him through his interactions, offering three choices and freezing time in the process, he was met with silence.

Panic began to rise within him as he realized he was on his own, left to navigate this moment without the safety net of his usual routine.

Time seemed to stretch on endlessly, each passing moment filled with the weight of expectation and uncertainty. The stares of his peers bore into him, their silent scrutiny amplifying his discomfort.

He felt like a performer on stage, stumbling through a forgotten script, the audience waiting for him to redeem himself or face their judgment.

In that moment, Gabriel's confidence wavered, his carefully constructed facade crumbling under the pressure of the situation.

He glanced around, catching glimpses of amused smirks and stifled laughter, each glance feeling like a dagger to his already wounded pride.

"Perhaps another time, Zara. Take care," Gabriel murmured, his voice barely above a whisper as he struggled to maintain his composure.

With a sense of defeat weighing heavily on his shoulders, he turned away, the echoes of laughter and whispers following him like ghosts haunting his every step.

Retreating to the solace of solitude, Gabriel couldn't shake the feeling of disappointment that gnawed at him. But amidst the sting of rejection, a newfound determination began to take root within him.

He vowed to learn from this experience, to gather the pieces of his shattered confidence and emerge stronger than before.

For Gabriel knew that this setback was not the end of his journey but merely a detour on the path to his dreams.

And as he plotted his next move, he resolved to face whatever challenges lay ahead with courage and resilience, knowing that every failure brought him one step closer to success.

* * *

"I guess it really doesn't work on someone who doesn't have a boyfriend yet. Hmmm…" Gabriel mused, realizing his mistake in his approach.

He had been so confident, yet he hadn't considered this crucial detail. Even so, a small part of him rejoiced internally, knowing that Zara was still single.

This little revelation sparked a sense of satisfaction within him. It meant that he still had a chance, albeit with a different strategy.

"Well, it doesn't really matter," he thought aloud, his voice tinged with determination. "Once I get 10 girls and become an immortal emperor, I can just easily take Zara as my woman. Hehehe." Gabriel's lips curled into a smile as he indulged in his grandiose fantasies.

The thought of ultimate power and having Zara by his side filled him with a heady mix of ambition and desire.

His mind wandered to a future where he was untouchable, his every wish granted with a mere snap of his fingers.

As he basked in his daydream, reality slowly seeped back in, bringing with it the realization that Zara was not an immediate option.

"Since Zara is unavailable, I guess I should set my sights higher," he declared, shifting his focus.

His thoughts turned to women he considered more sophisticated, mature, and perhaps even more challenging to pursue.

It didn't take long for a name to surface in his mind, one that excited him with its potential.

"Lily Adams it is then," he decided with a resolute nod. Lily was known for her unparalleled beauty, elegance and poise, a woman who commanded respect wherever she went.

Gabriel imagined the allure of being with someone like her, someone who could elevate his status and validate his ambitions.

He pictured their interactions, the way he would win her over with his charm and confidence, and the way she would look at him with admiration.

The more he thought about it, the more convinced he became that Lily was the perfect target.

She was older, more experienced, and exuded a sense of sophistication that Zara, in her youthful innocence, lacked.

Gabriel relished the challenge she presented, seeing it as a test of his cunning and determination.

With his new objective clear in his mind, Gabriel felt a renewed sense of purpose. His path to becoming an immortal emperor seemed more attainable than ever.

All he needed was the right strategy, the right moves, and soon, everything he desired would be within his grasp.


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