
The Novice

This is a 100% fictional story, I do not come to offend the Catholic religion nor its representatives, priests and religious. This is a story with homosexual content, love between men, if you do not like the content I suggest you not to read. Ryan was taking his first vows as a Novice, he was attractive and shy. Sure of his vocation, he ended up meeting the seductive math teacher Brandon Darcy, who gets crazy with desire for the young Novice, soon he saw that it would be something impossible to stand beside him without feeding unconfessable desires.

miyagilucianamm · LGBT+
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58 Chs

My Vows.

Brother Ryan of the miracle of our Lord, receive the vows of obedience, chastity and poverty for one year at the hands of your Superior ?

-Yes, I freely and spontaneously accept my vows, I will be obedient, follow chastity and serve holy poverty. In the eyes of my master and may my superior pray for my novitiate.

The brothers of St. Augustine's order took the White Habit and put on the other habit that Ryan took off when he was just a postulant, Father carefully unfolded the black tunic that came soon after a short cloak and put on the novice's head a black hood, then took a rosary that tied to the waist and a leather strap around it .

At the end of taking the clothes, Father Superior looked at the young Ryan and the other young people who were making their vows with him asking.

Children, what do you ask?

-We ask that you let us experience your way of life and after you approve, admit us into this family

He answered them all kneeling before Father Superior.

May the Lord grant you his help.

Everyone - Amen.

God of mercy help you with his grace.

and the divine Master enlighten us with his light.

Everyone answers. Help us to live the precepts of the Gospel

every day of our life,

getting to know your Rule

and keeping the law of fraternal charity.

All - Amen.

-This is the sign of belonging of the congregation for one year, receive the cross of our Lord and the word of God to nourish your heart and soul.

Ryan took the Bible and the cross in his hand and kissed him as a sign of respect, the little brother's eyes were in tears, he did not contain the tears, that was a very important moment for him.

He looked at his confreres who also cried with him with joy and remembered when he arrived at the convent 3 years ago, he thought how fast time passed and Ryan was sure that he wanted to dedicate himself totally to God.

But his family, especially his father, was not happy with his son's decision, because this was not the life he wanted for himself, in his mind, admiring his religious vestments, he remembered the threat his father had made 3 years ago when he entered the Order of Augustinians and thought about the harsh and offensive words your father said when he left the house.




Given these painful memories he smiled with tears in his eyes, saw his brothers and with his relatives celebrating together, he felt a tightness in his heart not to have his parents and his older brother

He looked at one of his friends and now Brother Matheus hugged him very cheerfully, celebrating his vows together.

The brothers embraced their youngest Novices and everyone was invited to the banquet in the main hall.

The Institute of the Friars of St. Augustine in England was well known for its excellent performance in primary and secondary education, it was an orphanage and school for abandoned children, in total 20 friars lived 5 postulants and 5 novices.

The brothers always helped the most needy, they did food bank fairs, they donated clothes, inside they worked men and women among coordinators and teachers, the convent was divided in two wards, one for the students and teachers among the employees and the closed wing was the cloister where the brothers stayed, the entrance of the other professionals was not allowed, only the brothers could attend the place.

Brother Javier Domingos, a 68-year-old priest, professed his vows in Spain, had charism and attachment to the little ones and always wanted to help the orphans because he knew well how difficult life was for an orphan living in a shelter, so he decided to dedicate himself to religious life and help the children, recognized for his charism and great work.

He was called by Bishop Emeritus Peter to take care of the convent of the brothers of the holy face of Jesus 30 years ago in England, dedicating his life to the little ones and his brothers, when he saw the young Ryan knew that he would be a great religious and welcomed him to the monastery .

When Ryan entered the convent he was only 18 years old, lost without direction but confident and determined to serve God, never had a love, did not know what it was, never had a girlfriend because inside he felt the strong call of God.

But that didn't mean he wasn't attractive on the contrary, Ryan had the beauty of a king and drew a lot of attention, a lot of women sang him and made several proposals of

strong call of God.

But this did not mean that he was not attractive on the contrary, Ryan had a beauty of a king and drew a lot of attention, an eyewash many women sang him and made several marriage proposals, dating even casual sex, even him wearing religious robes, he went out on the streets and was very well known, but he took it all in a good .

When he was accepted into the order he began his studies in philosophy and theology, but he liked to teach the little ones and ended up becoming a teacher of English and Spanish inside the convent .

But there was a big problem inside the convent that was a model school in the city, there was a lack of a teacher of Mathematics who could handle the class of the 2 year, because nobody could make the students taste for the study, they always took low grades and the other teachers could not handle it, there were several teachers who found very rigid the conditions of Friar Domingos found the students badly educated without any scruples.

Domingos was tired and could no longer stand the complaints of his neighbors for the lack of decorum and mischief of the students, because they put the terror in place.

But one day the history teacher, Mrs. Candace, heard about an excellent math and language teacher, teaching English and Italian, all the schools he went to couldn't be without learning, and those who were more troublemakers he managed to change them making them good students with top marks by the school board.

-I was given great recommendations about him/her, you should have hired him/her.

The friar looked at his file completely not letting the teacher finish speaking, the document had no photo, but he saw that he was an excellent professional, had an enviable curriculum, he looked at the teacher and said.

-Call Mr. Brendon Darcy and tell him to come for an interview, I see that he has great recommendations, he wouldn't have why I didn't hire him, it's an emergency case we need to help these students, I'm so tired, I feel my death arrive, I won't last long here.

-Don't say that, Friar, we need you with us.

-He knows well what my mission is here and don't mind what I said, he needs me here too.

The teacher hugged the friar and left him alone, the friar called brother Ryan through the intercom that came out of his cell finishing the eve of his prayer reading and went to the friar, when he arrived at the office he was facing him attentively.

-My son, are you happy?

-Yes, Father Domingos, I feel happy and at peace.

-You are only a novice at one time and you already feel at peace, watch out my little one for temptation, I suffer with it even to this day.

Ryan bowed his head ashamed of her posture and did not say a word

My child is not afflicted, it is a new stage in his life, just stay alert and watch.

_ Yes Friar .

Take for me that staff notebook, today a new teacher will arrive in our institute.

Ryan went to the closet and took the notebook with the names of the employees and gave it to the Superior Friar.

-Finally the class of the 2 year will have a teacher at the time.

Yes my brother, we will have and he was well recommended the teacher Candace who indicated, he will arrive this afternoon after lunch, I want you to receive Ryan and show the whole school.

_Yes Friar, can you leave it to me that I will receive him as is his name ?

_Hum let me see on the list is Brandon Darcy, too bad we do not have a picture of him, but not the problem, the way we are, we urgently need a teacher, since the last teacher 3 months ago we received no more interest from new candidates, what surprised me about this teacher is that he accepted at the time, then he will know how to handle.

Surely Friar, then I will wait for you after lunch, where can I be more useful ?

_ Rest a bit, you must be tired at 15 in the afternoon the teacher will arrive, you can leave.

Ryan left the office of the Friar and went to the minor chapel, he liked to be in prayer before the crucifix, because he did not want to rest, feared falling into temptation of laziness, but when he entered the minor chapel he got down on his knees and remained silent praying and without realizing it ended up falling asleep, overcome by fatigue .

The hours passed like lightning, Ryan heard a loud noise that made him wake up in a fright, the smaller chapel was a little dark, he looked at the wristwatch almost 15 hours and remembered the arrival of the teacher, he ran out of the chapel making the sign of the cross and surprised not having a living soul in that school, only he was there, he heard again the noise something like he was debating .

Tobby the dog of the friars began to bark like a madman and growled at something in front of the Women's bathroom, but the Novice could not see what it was, that's when he sneaked in Tobby and entered the bathroom and took a big fright, he and the person gave a bump making Ryan fall on the floor on top of the person, the

Tobby the friars' dog began to bark like a madman and growled at something in front of the Women's restroom, but the Novice couldn't see what it was, that's when he sneaked in and drove Tobby away and into the restroom and got a big fright, he and the person gave a bump making Ryan fall on the ground on top of the person, the robes almost covering the young redhead's face and long curly hair as cascade almost suffocating him when Ryan, tried to get off the man his eyes crossed in a matter of seconds the two stood still .

Brandon Darcy .

I arrived at the institute of the brothers of the sacred face, was excited and nervous at the same time with the possibility of working as a teacher because I was without working for almost a year for personal reasons that I do not even want to remember, I know I have a good curriculum as an educator, I love what I do but for larger reasons of which I do not want to mention I needed to stop, but now that this vacancy has arisen I am very confident to return to teach and not the problem if it is a school of friars, monks that is, will be a very rewarding experience and can help me professionally .

I was confident I was wearing a very discreet Gucci suit , which matched perfectly with my social shoe Megy fine very well made by the brand of an American designer very famous here in England and wore a very discreet suitcase I was well dressed because I wanted to make a good impression.

When I entered the school gate I did not see anyone, but the door was open, I called for someone else so I thought it would not be a problem for me to enter and moved on .

The place was really beautiful and big and had an absurd calm and a sacred music in the background, I looked around the walls with pictures and images of saints everywhere and two pictures framed with the picture of Pope Francis and a brother in black habit smiling, I thought that must be the friar, I walked a few more meters and I was bothered with something, I felt my neck suffocate, I loosened a little the collar of my shirt to see if it entered a little air through my lungs .

No I was not believing that it was happening again, another one of my asthma attacks, not at that moment so important to me, I immediately fell into the bag my firecracker and to my misfortune I had forgotten it, I panicked, I was running out of air, I needed to go to a bathroom, that's when I saw the bathroom and soon went inside, I needed to breathe, Jesus was running out of gallows, I couldn't untie the knot, I was having an asthma attack, I went to the sink throwing the bag aside and turned on the faucet to wash my face when I went to get the water, out of nowhere a dog barking at me very angry, that's it, I was just missing being attacked by a dog.

I tried not to make any kind of movement to not scare the dog and he snarled at me and let me watch, but to my bad luck I felt my breath weakening, I could not breathe, I lowered my head to find the air, that's when I came across a friar his eyes half-closed and a little scared that appeared out of nowhere and fell on him, I was no longer in me, I was almost fainting, I tried to move, but I could not. The friar seemed more scared than I was when I heard a voice behind us.

-What's going on here, brother Ryan, who is this man?

I tried to get up to explain myself and the security guard just looking at us and the dog almost wanting to move on me .

- Please I'm running out of air!

When the two of them were getting up, a fat man appears out of nowhere, very strange and starts yelling at me .

-But what a shame, look at his clothes, how naughty he dares to appear almost naked, here in front of the friar, we are going to the Father's room on Sundays.

I could not even defend the man was strong and pulled me with all force, I tried to talk but he would not allow me.

I only saw that he pulled my arm out of the bathroom like a dog.

-Let's take your shameless man to the superior friar's room, you will see yourself with him.

While that crazy man was pulling me looking at the afflicted friar he seemed to mean something, the more we continued on our way to the friar's room when I arrived I saw a woman approaching us and it seemed that I knew her from somewhere she was saying something, the more I could barely hear with the security gossip .

We arrived in that room of the friar and he was very surprised with the tumult looking at my face.

He seemed to be a good man with fine features the tired look of years and years of hard work and dedication, I noticed that his habit was of a dark black color lead brought an air of superiority in him and the hood thrown back covered by another black cape.

The security only lacked to knock me down in front of the feet of the friar I was almost naked in front of the priest, very dull .

-What a mess this is in my room, how dare you enter without being called Lord James!

-I'm sorry, Father, but one of your brothers was in danger. I found this shameless man on top of the poor friar, doing I don't know what to do in the Women's restroom, Father!

I looked at the friar's face with a flushed face, he looked at my shirt almost all torn and I tried to hide my shoulder almost naked, it seemed to me very embarrassed the confusion was so much that I could barely notice his beauty his clothes that was very different from the superior friar, I watched and he looked at me and lowered his head as soon as he noticed that I was watching him from top to bottom he stared at me with his face closed and I avoided the look addressing the friar.

I apologize Friar to a great misunderstanding ... I ... I tried to explain myself.

_ Shut up! You're in a lot of trouble, you bastard ahhh, if you were my son, you'd take that beating with your girdle.

The woman who accompanied us tried to talk and I was almost sure that I knew her.

-Everyone, please be quiet! -You ordered the friar to look at me seriously. -Let's go, Mr. James, let the boy go! Let him explain himself, you're about to leave him naked, my young man first tell me who you are and what you're doing here in a convent?

The fat security guard let me go and I got up, the friar looked in my direction and started to talk.

First Friar Superior my name is Brandon Darcy, I am the math teacher, and I came for the interview that was scheduled today with you.

I hope you enjoyed the chapter, until the next chapter and I apologize for the English mistakes.