
The Novel's Shadow

After dying, I opened my eyes to a new world, the world of a novel. With a new identity of a side character called Keith Devans, I will work in the shadows and help the protagonist whenever it is needed. Even with such a dream, the world of the novel is still dangerous for a side character like me so using the knowledge of the novel and obtaining some skills and talents I will become one of the strongest. Or so I hoped.

Onjou · Fantasie
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62 Chs

First Event (2)

After the sudden transformation of one of the students, seven other students started to release what seemed like demonic energy, the main source of power from the demons. The student transforming probably sold his whole self in the contract while the other students only sold their souls. I do remember this event ending with only 15 students surviving.

But even if I have to change the storyline I will try and stop them from killing my classmates or that's what I thought when my whole body froze at the scene I had just witnessed.

After the student finished transforming into what seemed to be a demon, he rushed against one of the students and stab right through her chest, taking out her heart and eating it whole.

I knew that some would have died during this event but I had never imagined for it to be this grotesque, with blood spilling all over the ground and a demon smiling happily after dropping someone's lifeless body.

I didn't have the energy in my legs to continue towards them and just returned to my corner and wrapped my arms around my knees and watched the scene with my eyes wide open.


"What is going on?", Arthur thought to himself.

Suddenly in front of him, 8 of his classmates started to act weird, releasing some sort of black energy. Soon one of them started to transform into what seemed to be a demon, he let out a scream, and just 2 seconds after he completed the transformation he instantly jumped against one of our classmates and killed her.


With that, the body of the student dropped to the ground.

Monica who was busy with the summoning of another student was late to on noticing the situation and like an experienced hero using her telekinesis she sent the demon that had just killed a student against the back wall, together with the other failed summons from the students.


Soon the other students released more of their demonic energy, growing big claws from their nails, they prepared for the battle and of the 7, 3 left to attack Monica, knowing that the demon would not be able to hold out against her attacks. We were currently only 5 students as the others left after failing their summons.

5 against 4, it is not too bad but 2 of them are too scared to do anything, I noticed. One is in the corner of the room too frightened to do anything and the other one is on the floor screaming for help.

So it would just be me, together Ciel, and Noel against 4 demons, as Monica was tied up against a demon and 3 demon contractors.

I took out a sword from my dimensional space and started releasing my mana, Noel did the same with her sword and Ciel started to chant a spell.

"How long?", I asked Ciel"

"Give me 4 minutes, no 3"

Letting out a long sigh, I took a stance against the demon contractors.

Ciel's helper started to fly above us and Noel's sea dragon started to charge an attack inside of his mouth.

my little tiger stayed behind as would probably hurt itself with how young he is.

but for some reason, the demon contractors hadn't attacked us yet and it allowed us to prepare ourselves for their attack. Then I heard a thud in the far distance as I turned my head I saw a kid in the corner lying on the floor face down with his hand extended in the air.


And without even allowing me to process my thoughts, the demon contractors pounced on me and Noel.

I was able to block the attack with my sword but still received a small cut as it was a 2-on-1. I tried to slash against one of the demon contractors but using the claws he just grew he blocked my attack and the other demon contractor attacked me from the side, leaving a wound under my armpit.

Noel also seemed to struggle a little bit but with the help of the water serpent, she was able to hold out against her opponents. Soon both her and my injuries started to heal from the power of Ciel's summoned beast.

"Where do you think you are looking at?"

Without noticing one of the demon contractors appeared from behind and launched an attack, 'Ah, I can't dodge it', but I was able to notice a small white ball of fur jumping and blocking the attack, this gave me a small time window and I instantly sliced the demon contractor in half, from his shoulder to his waist.

"Done!", Ciel screamed and white light surrounded the whole room.

Soon after the attack, I was to hear the screams of the demon contractors and the sound of bodies falling to the ground. After a couple of seconds, the light disappeared revealing the 3 other demon contractors on their knees.

Without any delay, I cut the end of the other one that was attacking.

A *Thud, sounded in the room followed by two more from the fall of the demon contractors' bodies falling onto the ground after being sliced in half by Noel's sword.

I was so happy but when I turned around I was left heartbroken, my little companion on the ground with 3 holes in the stomach while bleeding out.

"Ciel, get your Helper!", I screamed but when I reached him, he was already dead.

I hugged his lifeless body and remained silent.

"Is everyone ok?", Monica asked after taking care of her 4 enemies but noticing Arthur hugging the lifeless body of his summoned beast she decided to stay silent.

She also noticed that apart from Arthur, Noel, and Ciel, 2 other students were dead and another was in the corner lying face down.

"Is he pretending to be dead?", She muttered out loud.

Hearing this Arthur responded, "He probably passed out due to magic exhaustion, he used his telekinesis on the 4 demon contractors, and gave us enough time to prepare for their attack".

"Mhm, I understand, after all, surrounding 4 human bodies with mana is something that not even C ranked magicians could possibly due."

I cried silently while holding my little buddy and soon enough the doors to the summoning room burst open and multiple teachers headed inside and approached us.

"What happened?", One of them asked Monica.

Noticing the situation, Monica said,"We can discuss it later, take these 3 to the infirmary, and also that boy in the corner, he is probably suffering from mana exhaustion"


And with that, all of us headed onto the infirmary.


Opening my eyes, I saw a white ceiling and the smell of medicine penetrated my nose. I tried to look around and next to me sitting on a chair was Alicia who had her eyes closed.

Suddenly the memories of the massacre reappeared in my head, causing me to hyperventilate, tears formed in my eyes, my heart started to beat faster and faster, and I felt like I was having a heart attack once again.

"Oi, calm down!", Alicia screamed.

She then hugged me and proceeded to whisper in my ear that everything was alright while stroking my head. It was not until around 10 minutes later that I was finally able to calm down.

Letting out a huge breath of air, I told Alicia that I was ok now.

"Are you sure you are okay?", She asked while showing a worried face.

"Yes, thank you", I said while smiling bitterly.

the room remained silent for a while until I asked a question.

"Can I ask what happened in the end?"

Alicia showed a troubled expression while aiming her sight on the floor.

She stated how Ciel, Noel, Arthur, and Monica were able to defeat the demons.

"... and at the end, there were a total of 10 casualties 2 being normal students that were killed in the fight, 1 demon, and 7 demon contractors."

Just like in the novel.

I am completely pathetic, trying to stand up against future events, wanting to protect the protagonist and watch over him from the shadows, and then trying to stop casualties from happening while fighting with the heroes, just to end up freezing on the spot and letting everyone die.

I'm nothing but an extra, before and even now while inside of the novel. Nothing more than someone who tried to change himself, just to be the same pathetic human that couldn't stand against anyone.

Even before during the Elixir of Growth dungeon, I was only launching fireballs at targets that were barely even capable of moving and I still got scared before even fighting.

They were nothing more than the most basic level of monsters and I still trembled in fear. Then I felt tears running down my cheeks.

"Are you okay?", Alicia asked.

"Yes, I'm okay, would you mind giving me some time alone?"

"Yeah, of course", she said while walking away and closing the door.


'I'm so pathetic'

I laid back down on the bed and covered my eyes with my arm, but the tears continued to flow.

Soon I felt something trying to caress my head.

It was a cute floating little bag, and with that, I decided to close my eyes.

-The bag I'm referring to is like the ones from a fast food joint but without any logos, browned colored and of course a cute little face o_o, for better understanding.

-I also started to use more sound effects, but if you don't like them pls inform me so I can change them.

Onjoucreators' thoughts