
The Novel's Extra Nobody

This is... so trippy... Like... Hmmm... How do I explain this? I am now inside the novel, where the main protagonist is inside his own novel. Does that even make sense? After reading [The Novel's Extra] by Jee Gab Song over and over again from the novel, manhwa adaptation, and back, I am now in this situation where I have to live throughout the story as another extra. Sigh... and... daym... What is Chae Nayun doing there? *** Author's Reminders. This is a fanfic based on TNE by Jee Gab Song. The story will start diverging after Yeonha's incident a lot. Expect new devils, stronger Djinns, stronger villains, and lots of struggles from fighting scenes. MC will start weak and grow into an OP character. MC might seem happy-go-lucky, but give him a chance. Also, MC can often be cringe. Also thank you for reading. Updates are every 11 hours.

Alfir · Bücher und Literatur
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235 Chs

First Iteration VII

Rachel wakes up, refreshed. The soft morning light seeps through the curtains, casting a warm glow on her face. As she opens her eyes, she expects to find Hyon still sleeping beside her. However, the space next to her is empty. Confusion creeps in. "Huh?" Rachel thinks, her brow furrowing.

She sits up in bed, scanning the room for any sign of Hyon. Nothing. He's gone. Perplexed, Rachel taps into her connection with her contracted spirits. "Hey, have you guys seen Hyon?" she asks, reaching out to the ethereal beings that are bound to her.

The spirits respond in unison, their voices echoing in her mind. "He left as early as past 9 o'clock pm last night," they convey, their collective knowledge providing Rachel with a piece of the puzzle. A sense of concern lingers in the air as she contemplates the reasons behind Hyon's sudden departure.

Rachel frowns, glancing at the clock. It's currently 6:00 am, and the realization hits her — there are TV shows they need to apply to, opportunities to seize in order to build capital in this world. Annoyance lingers in the air as she sighs, realizing the urgency of the situation. Without even bothering to groom herself, Rachel strides out of the room, determination in her steps.

Downstairs, she heads straight for the register, where the aunty is busy arranging some items. Rachel wastes no time and gets straight to the point. "Hey, have you seen Hyon?" she asks, her tone a mix of concern and impatience.

The aunty looks up, her expression neutral. "No idea, dear. Haven't seen him," she replies, shaking her head.

Rachel, not satisfied with the vague response, presses further. "Could I check the CCTV footage? Maybe he left a clue or something."

The aunty considers for a moment before nodding, "Sure, go ahead. The monitor is right over there." She points toward a small corner where a monitor displays the footage from the surveillance cameras.

Rachel steps into the cubicle of the aunty, her eyes fixed on the monitor displaying the CCTV footage. She scrolls through the timeline and spots Hyon at precisely 9:43 pm last night, leaving the premises. The sight triggers a surge of annoyance within her. "What the hell is Hyon thinking?" she mutters under her breath, frustration evident in her tone.

As she continues inspecting the footage, a realization dawns on her. There's something off about Hyon's demeanor. He appears to be sleepwalking, moving without purpose or awareness. Concern replaces annoyance, and Rachel's furrowed brow deepens. "Is he okay?" she wonders, her thoughts racing.

Just as she delves into the mystery of Hyon's peculiar behavior, the aunty turns on the TV in the cubicle. The screen flickers to life, revealing a breaking news alert — a live hostage situation.

The TV narrates the gripping tale of an ex-sex offender millionaire taken hostage by a madman. At the mention of a madman, Rachel shifts her attention, her eyes glued to the screen. The news broadcast shows a man wearing a bonnet, menacingly pointing a gun at the head of a bald middle-aged man. The intensity of the situation grips Rachel, and her breath catches.

The News Reporter's voice continues, detailing how the madman robbed the millionaire and, surprisingly, made it rain to share the ill-gotten gains with the people. The juxtaposition of criminality and an odd sense of generosity adds an eerie layer to the unfolding events. The madman then proceeds to take the millionaire hostage, escalating the tension.

Rachel gulps, her mind racing with worry. She chastises herself for jumping to conclusions about Hyon. "It might not be him," she thinks, attempting to quell the rising anxiety within her.

The aunty, watching the news alongside Rachel, comments with a hint of admiration, "Heroes still exist in this age we live in."

Rachel sighs, torn between relief that Hyon might not be involved and the lingering unease brought about by the unexpected turn of events.

On the TV screen, the reporter questions the hostage taker about his demands and the reasons behind his actions. The tension in the room heightens as the man in the bonnet responds with frustration, "I don't know what I am doing!"

Rachel's heart sinks with a sudden sense of dread. The words resonate in her mind, and a chilling realization takes hold. It's Hyon. Disbelief and shock are written all over her face as the hostage taker continues, expressing a desire to just sleep and a bewildered awareness of his current situation. It's a surreal moment for Rachel, connecting the dots in her mind.

"I just want to sleep, and the next thing I know, I am here!" The confirmation solidifies in Rachel's mind, and her gaze remains fixed on the TV screen. The truth unfolds before her eyes.

As the hostage taker speaks, the news reporter seizes the opportunity to twist the narrative. The words are reshaped into a different story, one where the man's inability to sleep is attributed to the existence of a sex offender like the bald hostage.

The room is filled with a tense silence as Rachel grapples with the shocking revelation and the distorted tale unfolding on the news. "Ugh… Hyon… What am I going to do to you?"

Rachel steps back into her rented room, the weight of the situation heavy on her shoulders. She sinks onto the bed, feeling terrible and utterly helpless. "What am I going to do?" she murmurs aloud, the uncertainty and concern evident in her voice. Her mind races with questions, pondering if there's any way to extract Hyon from the mess he's created.

Frustration mounts within her, and she chastises herself, "That dummy! Super dummy!" The mixture of worry and anger clouds her thoughts, making it hard to focus on a clear solution.

After a moment of internal struggle, Rachel reaches a difficult decision. She slumps back, defeated. "I guess I'll leave it to fate," she sighs, resignation coloring her words. She acknowledges her lack of power in this world, realizing that her interference might only complicate things further.

The room is dimly lit as Rachel sits in a chair, nursing a glass of cheap whisky. Impatience gnaws at her as she waits for Hyon to appear at the door. An hour passes, then twice that, and twice again. A whole day unfolds, yet there's no sign of Hyon. The weight of frustration settles in, but Rachel, despite her impatience, believes that Hyon should be able to manage whatever situation he's embroiled in.

As the day stretches on, Rachel, succumbing to the effects of alcohol, dozes off in her chair.

The room is shrouded in a hazy stillness when a subtle creaking from the door interrupts the silence. Rachel's eyes snap open, her gaze narrowing as she catches sight of a familiar figure. It's Hyon. Weariness and anticipation blend in her expression as she observes his entrance, wondering what excuses he has prepared

Hyon Hyung stands before Rachel, adorned in a Hawaiian shirt and skimpy shorts, two black bags slung over both shoulders. An awkward tension fills the air as he avoids meeting Rachel's eyes, beads of sweat forming on his forehead. In a feeble attempt at bravery, he finally musters the courage to look at her.

Their eyes connect, and in that moment, a wave of emotion overwhelms Hyon. Tears well up, and he begins walking towards Rachel, his expression mirroring vulnerability. Without hesitation, he embraces her, seeking comfort like a lost child. Rachel, surprised but empathetic, thumps his back gently, her touch akin to consoling a distressed baby.

As Hyon clings to her, Rachel's initial thoughts of scolding and reprimanding dissipate. Instead, a pang of guilt creeps in. She feels bad for the harsh judgments she had harbored, realizing that there might be more to the story than she initially thought

Surprised by Hyon's unexpected display of vulnerability, Rachel instinctively offers comfort, reassuring him that it's okay. However, a subtle skepticism creeps into her mind. "Is this some new strategy to avoid the topic?" she questions, her tone a mix of concern and suspicion. She looks into Hyon's eyes, searching for any sign of deception.

"If you think your tears will soften my anger, you're mistaken," Rachel adds, a firmness entering her voice. There's a brief moment of tension as Hyon freezes within her embrace. Sensing his intention to disengage, Rachel tightens her hold, preventing him from pulling away.

The awkwardness of the situation lingers, with Rachel seated and Hyon caught in an embrace that seems a bit too prolonged. "Uuumm… Rachel, I am suffocating… you smell of gin…"

As Rachel embraces Hyon, her whispered words convey a sense of care, "This is for worrying me too much." Hyon, flattered by the unexpected gesture, starts to express gratitude, but before he can utter a word, the atmosphere takes a sudden turn.

To his surprise, he feels his weight leaving the ground, and in a swift motion, his face meets the floor. A suplex, Nayun-style. The realization dawns on him that Rachel, in her slightly drunken state, has just executed an unexpected move. The room falls into a hushed stillness as the two of them lay in an awkward, knockout position on the floor.

Rachel, grappling with the effects of alcohol, blinks a few times, momentarily confused. She checks up on Hyon whose eyes are filled with whites. Feeling her drowsiness coming back, Rachel falls asleep there and then.