
The north

hysteria, a land of abundance of resources and mana, in this land there are powerful gods who share the land and humans who create empires in them. Let's follow Nea horcrux a man who by some circumstances receives an ancient inheritance and with that will rise in this world of continuous chaos. It is a Fan-Fiction due to the use of locations, weapons, characters and more from other titles (movies, games, etc.), etc.) Disclaimer:The cover is not mine in any way, This story has been created with translation. The chapters will be uploaded on Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays. Pd:between those days I may or may not upload depending on my mood since I do this for fun.

Th3_C4t · Videospiele
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90 Chs

Chapter 79 barrier

Chapter 79

Under the mighty desert sun, which seems to be omnipresent due to its vast expanse, lies a river this is completely transparent, demonstrating its almost abnormal purity, but that is not the strangest thing about it, for the river begins in the middle of nowhere, with no visible source except for a spatial fissure.


With a sound that spreads nearby, the waters of the river are expelled to the sides and followed by that comes out from the depths a giant fish, its 2 meters long were imposing giving a giant shadow in the depths of the river, the scales on its body were of a light gray color helping in its camouflage, but the strangest thing was its skull which seemed to be made of solid bone and in it carried three blood red eyes.

This did not frighten the mighty fisherman, who even with the beast pulling with all his might, he seemed immovable from his place, at least in position, as his feet were being dragged into the river with each passing second.

Nea pov.

I was on vacation, well everyone knows better, the thing is it seems the town has quite an interesting fishing industry, from special dishes, clothes and even jewelry, all from the carcasses of the fish hunted in this river, so I bought a rod on the way here and set about spending my time in peace under a tree while looking at my latest progress in titles, status and even the skill points I haven't used, who knew such a thing would appear from the river.

"<water magic:sea thunderstorm>, system, your status."

Pulling the rod which by the way has higher quality than the bow, he managed to pull the creature out of the sea depths again, making it stay in the air for a few moments, followed by that magic is activated, the water that had splashed out to the sides quickly gathers under him and starts spinning clockwise with this finished he launches himself at full speed towards the lower area of his body.


With a sound that resembles the rubbing of two metals, somewhat likely since due to the magic the water gained a hardness similar to this metal, the creature shoots even higher into the air, though it seems to have no effect on it.


Hp 400/400 Mp 500/500 Gender: male

Level: 3

Race:River fish









Abilities:<reflective scale><hydro pump> <hydroariete> <water gun> <pressure resistance(low)> <water resistance(medium)><pressure shot><bite>.

Description:fish originating from an unknown river, it has reached this place due to a space rift, despite its strange appearance it is peaceful feeding only on algae from the seabed.

"Peaceful, I'm serious, that catalog of skills says the complete opposite."

As if to affirm my words, the water that was hitting it in the lower area begins to surround it like a rock in rivers, then its scales open like hatches and it absorbs all the water inflating its size beyond belief to top this off it opens its mouth letting out a jet of water compressed to the extremes possible towards my direction.

"Ha ha ha ha, I'm going to eat sushi this day!"

Pulling to the side to easily avoid the shot of water due to it being in the air and unable to change its direction, I do a few laps in the sand before quickly standing up and letting out a murky laugh, followed by this I prepare to cast lightning magic though as I look back towards the river the fish is gone.

"come back you damn magikarp I'm not done with you!"

Noticing that there is no movement or sign in the river, I realize that the fish has completely escaped, knowing that I tap the sand with my right foot to get my frustration out, but that doesn't work, so I cast the rod towards the river.

"I'll be back for you, no one escapes from me... oops, that sounded really bad."

Talking to myself, I pull the terracotta bull back out of the ring and set off towards town.

??? Pov.

"We could have attacked him here, he was alone it was time."

As I look towards Petro's assassin who is leaving towards the village according to the direction of his gait, I hear the voice of the scimitar boy, who is lying next to me over camouflaged with the terrain of this place.

"ugahh that's why I can't work with muscle heads, haven't I said that after talking in more depth with Petro's soul this boy is accompanied by another young warrior"

The one who comes out to speak is the necromancer who is in charge of this operation, even though I am the leader of this group, it seems he is right to be cautious, he had sent our group's scout to look for information in the guild village and it seems he is a C grade adventurer.

"This time I must agree with the necromancer, our target is a grade C adventurer and he is accompanied, we can't go in and attack head on."

"Understood Leader!"

Speaking to Ivan/simitar boy, I give him a gentle warning and incidentally give the new information to the group.

"Certainly, if he has a relic it has to be dangerous and the terrain doesn't help my magic, looks like we'll have to use the old ambush tactic, luckily I have just what I need."

After seeing that the target left beyond our vision we move to examine the area due to the fact that we will use an ambush tactic and nothing can go wrong, after an examination we choose the best place where they will pass for sure if they want to leave.

"Here they are, place these markers at the ends in a square position, heh heh heh heh, it will be a great surprise for our guest."

"can you tell what they are, you don't want something to go wrong to not being able to place them correctly due to lack of information."

Looking at the four stakes that look like branches bent beyond salvation, what attracts attention and I could even say people's minds are the symbols, equations and complex runes, obviously he would not like to tell his secrets so I must instigate him not to send my men blindfolded.

"tsh, it's a barrier system created by my master using ancient magic, quiet it's completely harmless, I've already tested it on other people."

Speaking with his decrepit voice that plus his cloak gives a sense of darkness and decay, he begins to tell the great invention of his master, while all this happens, I see the pale face of Ivan, it seems that letting him hear that we will use an item made with an ancient magic was a bad idea.

"Here nail these on those two over there, relax, despite being made with those magics... forgotten they are not that dangerous."

Passing 2 of the stakes to the boy who still doesn't come out of his thoughts I give him some words of encouragement, the thing is who those words are for will they be just for him or maybe for me as well.