
The north

hysteria, a land of abundance of resources and mana, in this land there are powerful gods who share the land and humans who create empires in them. Let's follow Nea horcrux a man who by some circumstances receives an ancient inheritance and with that will rise in this world of continuous chaos. It is a Fan-Fiction due to the use of locations, weapons, characters and more from other titles (movies, games, etc.), etc.) Disclaimer:The cover is not mine in any way, This story has been created with translation. The chapters will be uploaded on Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays. Pd:between those days I may or may not upload depending on my mood since I do this for fun.

Th3_C4t · Videospiele
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90 Chs

Chapter 76 Andrey pov.

Chapter 76

"Are we a pinball or what!"

As I screamed through the skies of the crystal forest and moved under Andrey's arms, we kept being shot in a completely random direction of this forest.

"We need wind magic to stop our fall!"

"I don't know if you noticed, but I'm out of mana."

Responding to Andrey who states the obvious, I feel a disturbance in the force causing me to turn my face to the side, narrowly avoiding my worst enemy.

"What's wrong with you, it's a mana potion."

"get that thing away from me!"

Feeling Andrey's piercing gaze fixating on me as if I were some weirdo, I quickly answer him.

"Do you by any chance think I'm addicted to those potions, I can recharge my mana on my own."

"Wait, does that mean all mages aren't mana potion addicts?"

Noticing the clear tone of surprise in Andrey's voice and yes you can tell because of the difference with his indifferent tone, I start to think... Come on, we're not addicts! Even if we carry them at all times, places, at any time of the day... Better not to think about this.

"No comment, <wind magic:air cushion>"(-300mp).

Before hitting the ground with our bodies used a wind skill with all the mana I could muster, this was not without consequences, as the dizziness returned and this time much worse.

"It's done."

"I must admit I have been surprised and others curious."

First sounds the voice of Andrey who I can barely recognize with all this headache and followed by this sounds another completely unknown voice, or so I think I hear before falling into a deep sleep, which hasn't happened in a long time.

Andrey pov.

"So who are you? And who are those curious people?"

"What makes you think I'm going to introduce myself... Oh come on, it was a joke I hate serious people, I'm the guild administrator for this D grade area."

Keeping a stoic face I ask the man who he is thing he responds with another question before answering with the truth, it seems that learning to manage my facial expression was a great success, still I prefer not to go through the religion practices with Ekaterina again.

"Now that I know that can you tell who besides you was watching us?"

Noticing the twitch in her right eye I understand what I have gone a little overboard in my way of speaking, now that I notice it Nea has been totally silent.

"I'm going to overlook your tone because they just got out of a fight and adrenaline is high, now it seems to me that you already noticed, but your partner is literally knocked out, so we better get going then don't you think?"

Seeing that what he says is true due to Nea not responding to any kind of external stimulus I start to think towards which direction to go, before I can prepare my map and compass the man starts to approach letting me see his appearance well, he had an appearance of a man in his 20's, his black hair tied in a ponytail gave a sense of youth and rebelliousness, his equipment was composed of completely black clothes attached to the body over which was a cloak of the same color.

"You seem to find yourself in a predicament, so let me help."

"You know it's your job right?"

Hearing my words he starts scratching his face with a finger while putting on an awkward smile, but as if that didn't happen in a few moments he positions himself behind me and followed by that he came to understand why we haven't seen those onlookers.

"<space control:teleportation>"

With her words the space around us starts to vibrate for a few moments and then everything is distorted, when we open our eyes again we find ourselves in the castle which gets on Nea's nerves something I never understood why.

"Oh, Cristoff you're back and with company by the looks of it."

The one speaking is none other than the one nicknamed bar boy by Nea, but that's not important now, I must take Nea to... Where do I take a mage with a lack of mana.

"Ha ha ha ha, that's right! On one of my patrols through the D grade area I came across these two fighting a crystal life, which by the way they even defeated it being only two!"

Continuing with my thoughts and ignoring these two who got into chattering with each other, I continue with the plan I have come up with, it is simply to take him to the room of the inn and give him mana potions to recover, with that ready I start to leave the castle and after a few minutes of walking through the deserted streets I arrived to the inn.

Entering the room we have rented I put Nea on the bed, followed by this I took some mana potions from my ring and I make her swallow them one after the other.

"I'm already, glub, alive!"

After about 4 mana potions that went straight into her, Nea wakes up almost jumping.

"So I see, how long will it take you to recover?"

Looking towards Nea who starts to recover her mana at a speed that you can even manage to see the particles of darkness, he asked her about the truly important thing of this moment.

"If you don't mind I'm going to think you've noticed that I'm fine and that's why you're asking me for when I'm ready to fight."

"Whatever you want."

Snorting at Nea's ever present humor and almost sarcastic voice, I give her the nod for how long it will take to be ready.

"If I stay still about 30 minutes thanks to it being night, on the move about 50 minutes later due to the break in the absorption continuum."

"I'll wait for you downstairs, in the meantime I'll get a temporary bow for you to use."

"Yes, yes, I'll wait for you here!"

Leaving Nea behind I set off towards the dining area to then go to some store that is now open, unlikely as almost everyone here is an adventurer, maybe even the shopkeepers.

Monday's chapter

Th3_C4tcreators' thoughts