
The Noble Outlaw and the Jade Statue

The Duke's daughter, Secilia, has a luxurious and beloved life in her father's lands, but behind all the luxury and in the midst of it, Secilia dreams only of the freedom that exists in the outside world and the adventures that would await her if not were the obligations, many of them being more than a person should be obliged to bear. In the midst of her sixteenth festival of white roses, Kronblade, the girl finds a mysterious jade statue that proves to be a way out of the world she lives in, thus starting her journey that can bring consequences to everything around her.

Zei_Ast · Fantasie
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6 Chs

06: The Beginning of the Festival

The various wagons piled up along the way to Riou, forming a gigantic queue waiting to be assigned to some space in the outer area of ​​the city, due to which the sound of people talking and arguing with the guards was audible to those closest to the outer gate, inside was filled with people from different regions, some accompanying wealthy merchants and other adventurers seeking some glory or a home to join.

Little by little they gathered in front of the platform, Secilia watched the crowd forming, the girl was already used to it, but she didn't expect to see some important figures who were there beside her.

Yurok, lord of the storm, a 2.50m goliath with the blood of the genasi of the air giving his skin a blue tinge with dark blue parallel lines drawn on his face, his black clothes with chainmail underneath made him look of sovereignty, he was said to be an extremely skilled warmaster who "unified" his people and who wields an ancient weapon that controls lightning.

Ves Auderin Vera, the teacher of the magical academy Karmity, a woman of approximately 1.70 m with extremely light brown hair and yellow eyes, her white clothes with golden carvings refer to the ancient nobility of Paratia, the stories about her tell that she once faced it alone an awakening of an aberrant entity that nearly destroyed Ivla, her homeland, not much is known about her real abilities, but she is known to be one of the "12" of the magic council.

And finally, a group of elves dressed in white overcoats, their faces were simple and at the same time striking, be it their gleaming blue eyes with shiny white hair, or the symbol on their clothes referring to the Menona tree, the symbol of Ilaia indicating they were representatives of the queen. Beside them was just one soldier, an elven man dressed in full silver armor, but holding his helmet in hand.

In addition to the 3 representatives, some nobles of the kingdom were in the place, Secilia ignored them, taking a deep breath when she saw her father walk towards the stairs, the girl and her mother followed close behind, on top of the platform the Duke received from Ayla a metal tube with a yellow crystal positioned at one end and indicated for him to speak with it near his mouth and then descended.

— Welcome, I Andino Ladrey, Duke of Riou came to welcome you today

The Duke's voice came from two rectangular objects positioned on the sides of the platform making his voice echo throughout the square without him needing to speak louder.

— During the annual Kronblade festival we celebrate the victory of King Hargar and the liberation of the lands from the ancient evil of nefarious necromancy, during this month we will hold a great tournament!

He stopped for a moment seeing how people were lost with his voice coming from the objects

— As you well know, the Artificers of Paratia are constantly studying and creating new objects, this is one of them, if you have any interest, look for their caravan on the outside.

Secilia was holding back her laughter, but she had a noticeable smile, seeing her father, the Duke, announcing something was funny, not only for her but for the townspeople who cracked a smile when they saw it.

The duke made a quick snap in his throat resuming what he was saying.

— As he was saying, the tournament will run in a few stages, in the next 4 days the elimination tournament will take place, allowing all those who are going to participate in the main tournament to win their spots…

While her father continued to explain about the qualifiers Secilia looked away from the audience watching the people, there were several fighters: A group of humans dressed in fur clothes accompanied by a blonde girl, a group with 4 very different adventurers, a hooded girl, a tall man in plain clothes and a fur cape, a rather friendly dwarf and a bald monk with heavy gauntlets around his waist. Besides them there were some groups of Velvets and even some pirates accompanied by their captain.

A boy with a dark blue hoodie and a sinister smile, he carried a…

Because she was distracted, the girl didn't notice the end of the speech, feeling her mother's hand on her shoulder, making her recoil in fright and went down beside her parents, still a little distracted.

After stepping down from the platform, the girl looked at the crowd that dispersed looking for the strange person, but she couldn't see anything but the crowd splitting to different sides.

— Come on, Secilia.

The girl heard her father's call, she turned on impulse towards her and walked calmly beside her mother.

The Duke stopped in front of the elves who greeted him with a bow.

— It is a pleasure to welcome you to my home.

The Duke responded with a similar bow.

- Shall we talk in a quieter place?

The elves nodded in return, the Duke and the elves headed towards Laffrey manor.

"What do you think about going to Cyclops and seeing how things are going?"

Secilia smiled happily at her mother's idea, but this happiness was cut short at the last minute by the arrival of Duke Bargosa with two guards. To Secilia he was just another noble of the realm, but his mother looked nervous.

"What a beautiful day isn't it, ladies?" I see that Mr. Andino is away, taking care of the festival's pending issues, I assume.

Said the noble with a smile on his face and with his hands on his back, Duke Bargosa was the second son of the former king, due to the ascension of his older brother he lost the right to the throne and the title of prince becoming Duke of the province of Sifix.

"Yes, one fine day, too bad my husband can't be here, but that's normal for a Duke, as you well know.

Helena responded by making a brief bow, holding the edges of her dress, Secilia accompanied her mother, always keeping a serene expression on her face.

"It's a pleasure to finally meet you, Miss Secilia, how have you been?"

The duke greeted the girl who slowly raised her hand, to which he gave a small kiss as a greeting.

- It's my pleasure, I'm fine.

Secilia's voice came out calm, but she didn't look directly at the Duke's face, the girl hated to greet other nobles, especially the 4 families.

"How can we help you, Duke?"

Helena asked as she placed her hands clasped in front of her body and Secilia did the same, although her body expression indicates to her mother that she wants to get out of that situation as soon as possible.

"I just wanted to meet Miss Secilia..."

The man stopped for a moment looking at the face of Helana who slightly closed her eyes with a serious and rigid look towards the ex-prince who opened a mocking smile.

— But I'm on my way out, I'll get ready for combat tomorrow, see you at dinner tonight?

Helan only responded with a nod and then the Duke retreated towards Ves who was talking to a group of teenagers in Secilia's age group.

"This is the part I hate the most about the festival.

The girl said it in a natural tone, but then realized that she said it near her mother, getting scared before looking at the woman.

— I know, I also don't like to receive nobles, especially Dukes.

Secilia sighed just before her mother looked at her and cracked a smile.

- We will? I was curious about such artificers items.

The girl smiled and they both continued walking calmly towards the outside, a soldier who was guarding the place took a position just behind them, but it didn't bother them.

Duke Bargosa glanced at the girls, finally opening a sinister smile fully open.

Duke Antino arrived at the mansion with the group of elves following him, upon entering he was greeted by Corvan who bowed to him.

"My lord, we have already lodged the Duke in one of the guest rooms.

The Duke nodded in agreement and headed down the stairs.

— Makes a Modrika tea* (Rouu's Single Apple - Chapter 01).

Corvan returned to his upright posture and headed for the kitchen in silence.

The group walked calmly towards the office, when arriving at the place, only the Duke and the queen's representatives entered the room leaving the guard outside.

Andino sat at the table and watched the Elves who stood

"The queen asked us to come and check on the seal's guard, but she also asked us to deliver this to you.

One of the elves withdrew from his sleeve a sealed parchment with silver edges trimmed with branches of dark wood.

The man looked at the elves who had a completely serene expression, making it almost impossible to say what they were thinking. Andino opened the parchment and calmly began to read what was written and was scared immediately closing the parchment.

"Has anyone besides me read this scroll?"

the duke asked getting up from his chair with the parchment in hand.

"Only we transcribe the parchment and the queen herself.

The Duke walked calmly to a golden bowl that was next to one of the shelves with books, he placed the parchment inside and with a movement runes appeared in the bowl causing the inside of it to rise in flames burning the parchment entirely.

— No one must know this information, I will start the preparations for the incursion… As for the seal it remains intact, but just in case I will take you to it after the ceremony.

The group of elves nodded in agreement and headed towards the exit leaving the duke alone in the room.

Andino walked to the office window with his hands behind his back, looking at the mountain in the background with a serious expression.

— It looks like the gears have started to move again…

Secilia and Helena followed the crowd watching the various groups of adventurers that formed scattered along the large central street, a large number of citizens and adventurers had gathered around what seemed to be a presentation, but due to the crowd the women could not see what was in the center.

— A bard?

Said looking over the person's shoulder, but it wasn't tall enough, because of that the girl tried to sneak through the gaps in the crowd, she could see an axolotl tabaxi dressed in light clothes and a long hat with an orange red feather holding it a lute and a woman with a blue jacket made of fabric that was closed, in her hand birds were formed, from what appeared to be water

- Incredible…

Whispered Secilia, the birds passed over the crowd and when they reached the top of them all became musical notes.

"I'd heard of bards hanging out with adventurers, but I didn't expect to see one putting on a show with a sorceress.

Helena said approaching her daughter as she watched the notes disappear into thin air.

"How do you know she's a sorceress and not a wizard?"

Secilia asked, looking at her mother, who in turn resumed her walk.

"Did you see any staff, orb or crystal with her?"

"No, she didn't hold anything but the birds."

Secilia replied after a moment thinking about what she saw.

— Exactly, sorcerers don't use catalysts, they convert magic using their own bodies… some rare exceptions use it, but only smaller catalysts like rings, necklaces and other adornments.

Helena responded calmly, passing by some guards who were relaxed, without even a word from the duchess, the guards resumed their posture, looking straight

"So mages always use catalysts?" Why?

Secilia questioned her mother just before they reached the doors of the Tavern

- Well…

"Because we need to.

The woman was cut by the academy teacher, Ves, she was accompanied by two students.

— Unlike sorcerers who are born with some gift, witches and priests who receive their magic from entities, in wizards we study until we develop magic.

Helena paid a brief bow to the woman who corresponded in the same way.

— This is Ves Aldrim Vera, teacher at the magic academy..

Helena presented the woman with an expression that, although formal, still showed a certain tranquility.

— And childhood friend, we studied together at the royal academy until I decided to join the magic academy in Paratia.

Helena let out a suppressed laugh as she talked about deciding to join the academy, which made Secilia curious about the circumstances. Ves kept walking towards the door opening it with subtlety.

— Maybe I won't tell you some stories, Miss Secilia, but for now I have to say goodbye, some of my students are waiting for me.

Helena sighed as the teacher disappeared into the Tavern as the door closed

"Looks like she wasn't so… easygoing, huh?"

Helena opened a smile upon hearing Secilia's comment.

"I believe not even now.

Both were heading into the Tavern with Helena in the lead.

The place was quite busy, the adventurers spoke loudly and sat with their groups around the tables.

"Busy as ever.

On the stairs to the second floor that looked more like an inner balcony, two soldiers with a Gibesom stood and wore an orange crest of two swords entwined with thorn vines representing Besua's thorn guard. Secilia could see that on the "inner balcony" someone was sitting at a table.

For a moment Secilia could see the man looking her way out of the corner of his eye which made the girl look quickly ahead which made her see Clark behind the counter cleaning a glass and talking to an adventurer in white clothes covered in a brown vest and leather pieces carrying two straight swords on his back.

"I have some things to take care of, do you mind waiting here?"

Helena spoke and then headed for the stairs, passing among the soldiers who, after her passage, blocked the way.

Secilia smiled and followed quickly towards the counter

— Clark! Got some free time today!

The boy averted his face forward when he heard the girl's voice and opened a wide smile waving at her.

"I thought you were going to be with your parents today?" Why are you here?

Asked the boy putting the cup on the table and realizing that he had deviated from the conversation with the man

"Oh, I'm sorry…"

The man nodded his head, opening a smile, Secilia could see the side of the man's face, he had his hair tied in a short ponytail and there was a scar on his head near his forehead that resembled an "X" and if extending to the back of his ear, he possessed typical desert features.

"No problem, we've already sorted it all out."

The man stood up holding the mug and smiled at Secilia curtsying and then walked towards the tables further back where three other men in turbans were.