
Chapter 08// Into the Night

Throughout the city of Stormholden.

Resistance fighter, hiding.

Soldiers of the Dark war, dead.

Heroes of the Xander continent, disappeared. Presumed dead.

The world long since perished, even before the Schism ripped open the Demon world.

It couldn't be seen for those under the palace currently, but the world was no longer something that could be saved. The Demon world had appeared in the skies.

If anyone could see it, the night skies, once dark, that shone with many stars accompanied by a bright beautiful moon.

Now, no longer existed.

A red sky had taken over- The lands of the Demon world, fire and strife erupted the skies.

The shear heat and contact of another world, tore about towns and landscapes.

Major cities were all that was left.

The 3 continents separated by the great seas, were now being drowned with fire.

The sea tides rose, tsunamis grew and evaporated against the fire.

All was lost.



A guttural sound could be heard in that underground cavern. Klaus had impaled his sword straight through the behemoth Argo.


Klaus enchanted his sword in size. Piercing through the whole body straight down the behemoth.

Right through its heart.

"NO" Sin turned around, the glyphs around his body flickered, the Stormholden family circle waned.

The Hero party had emerged from hiding, launching a surprise attack- enhancing their senses and sped towards to defeating the Dark man.

Romulus propelled himself into the air, bombarded the Dark man with attack spells- 7th class spells aimed towards the Dark man's heart.

Sin yelled in anger- losing his crystal complexion.

He let go.

Sin transformed into his original skin, an abomination grew out the the crystal like shell of the Dark man into a being with dark skin, wings and horns. a Demon.

A terrifying existence. This being exuded more power than most demons found in the dungeons or on the Demon continent Halos. Its face contorted into a smile, showing off its disgusting, jagged teeth. The High Demon brimmed with dark energy, ready for the fools who dare approach it.

Klaus jumped down from the dying behemoth, his hand rippled as he reached into his subspace, pulling out the Holy sword Gamir.

Gamir lit up with ruins, running all down the blade.

"Ophelia, on me !" Klaus raised his sword and rushed in.

Ophelia followed. Jasmine rushed towards the circle.

The final battle commenced.


Klaus couldn't count the time he had struck the demon Sin, he brought his sword down imbued with divine magic over and over again. Slowly weakening the demon.

"Cleansing LIGHT" the enchanted sword pushed out a beam of holy magic- straight towards the demon.

A red burn could be seen on the Sin's arm. Marks of damage, all over the Demon's body. the intense battle, draining mana and stamina on both sides.

Ophelia followed, rushing just after the beam connected, she slashed away- right at the center when the divine magic connected.

Sin grew furious, the divine magic harmful to demons, drew his power away momentarily, allowing the second attack to do more damage than expected.

The 2 members continued this tactic of divine magic and pure strength colliding with the Demon.

Romulus didn't lag behind, casting spells- slowing the Demon down, draining its strength.

The Saintess Jasmine, continuously sparing healing magic to the members whilst figuring out how to break the circle. Reading the mana fluctuation was one thing, Jasmine figured Sin used a Dark magic spell to keep the royal family in the conduit.

"GUYS, I can break the circle" Jasmine shouted across, the energy coming from the void- nearly drowning her voice.

"NO!!!" The demon Sin heard this- launched itself towards the Saintess.

"Tide" Klaus whispered as he intercepted the demon.

In one fell slash, he had managed to take both wings and the lower half of its body.

Rage filled the Demon, its existence, solely to raise the Demon world into this one, being thwarted countless times by human scum.

Countless times...

The demon slammed onto the ground, the Hero members pinned the Demon down.

"JASMINE, BREAK THE CIRCLE" Romulus shouted. He landed on the ground and used his staff to bind the demon in place. Ophelia placed her sword on the Demon's neck, waiting for the order.

Jasmine nodded, turned around and imbued her mana into the circle. Foreign mana entered the Stormholden line, causing an inbalance. A shock-wave could be felt all around them, the blue energy tendrils coming out of the void, thrashed everywhere.

Bursts of blue energy crackled uncontrollably. The once half lit cavern, now blinded with blue light dazzled the room.

Soon mana overload would be inevitable.


Sin looked up, the schism was going out of control. Everyone would die here.

Not him...

"Countless times I've been thwarted- by f*cking peasants"

Under his breath, Sin chanted once again- He couldn't fail again. Lord Asher was waiting for him.

Everytime, a Hero crossing his f*cking path.

Rodents. Rats. Scum.

"Lord Asher, I shall see you again" Sin breathed.

"Damnation" Klaus cast his final enhancement, looking down upon the demon- he pierced Gamir into its heart.

Sin had died.

The rogue spell continued...

So 8 chapters in

Basically I wanted to see how you guys found the beginning??


Turns out, no one is reading it yet- do you know how many people read the title and left??

689 people!!

I don't even know that many people... problem is, they've only read the title lol.

I've got one review & its from a dude who only read 4 ch...

Like I need to get more traction, but the only way to do that is post more chapters. I now understand the struggle of uploading so much. My brain legit has to work the storyline.

rn i've got no editors, hopefully that works out in the end. For the time being, I'm going to stop the posting and dump post a few chapters in one go- maybe gain some sorta traction yk?

anyways- if there gonna be some peeps who check out this storyline... lmk how it isssss.


Senpai Daosit

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