
The Night Walkers

Kayler_Hood · Fantasie
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16 Chs

The dream

Chapter 13

Been the leader of about thousands police men was cool, no matter what happens, Sam and John must be save, they felt like a king but it was the wrong time. The serial killer attacked a supermarket in the next country, thanks to their inside man, they got the new before the HOPE got there, the serial killer had not killed anyone yet or even showed his face but their inside man was very sure he was going to hit the supermarket, the supermarket the serial killer choose to hit was a very huge one and very busy, lot of people going to and for which means he could be anyone of thc passer by or the person he wants to hit could also be anyone of the passer-by, Sam and John did not want to make the issue loud, they kept a low profile even when waiting was really annoying them, it took over an hour before the serial killer showed up, Sam, John and the police men were not sure of who they were after but the note he left at the police department of that country, state he would hit the place at 18:00, James, Sam and the police men had been at the supermarket since 12:00, getting ready for anything. At exactly 18:00, there was a loud scream from the top, the sniper report a case of the manager fighting with someone, they were not sure who, Sam gave the sniper one order keep track of the other person as they rushed up to the last floor where the managers office was, the elevators were James so they had to go the old way stairs. Taken the stairs was not an easy task, it was a spiral staircase with no rail which made fallen of the stairs really easy and fast. Sam and John made it up to the managers office but the physco had gotten what he wanted then he jumped of the window, they were not sure who was the serial killer and who was the manager but all they knew was that one jumped out a 50 fifty story building without a ability to fly. Sam and John put the man into a sack and took him away without telling the police men, they told them that they both escaped. The guy who jumped of the window, helped by the police men replacement, a black Tryrants, he scanned the area for who must have pushed him then it saw a bird, the bird looked suspicious from the way it was looking, it grabbed it gun and put some bullets in the birds. When Sam took the guy along with them to their country, they were expecting a call from the insider to tell them their messenger was missing but he was not, it was the serial killer they had kidnapped. Why would the manager jump out the window when he saw us? Sam and John kept asking each other the same question, according to what the sniper had seen, the manager was the one having the lead in the fight but the question still remained why did he jumped. With how much would love a word with him, they could not go because they were not wanted criminals in all the countries with HOPE, because they took laws into their hands and brought the police of another country into their country to solve a classified case. With the fact they were wanted, the serial killer still wanted to go back to the country and finish what he started. Sam and John could not really beat him to make him talk but they all talked over a drink like the men they were, the serial killer was expecting a lot of beating, electric shocks, yelling and do many other things the police do to criminals to make them talk but having discussion over a drink was not on the list.

"We once had an happy earth where kids run around freely without the fear of been killed by a night creature" John said as he took a shot, he drank it all at once, he poured his self another one

"When we came, we changed the status of humanity, we had always put them in fear" he added as he drank another shot, he was not really enjoying the drink that was obvious because anytime he takes a shot, his expression changes like he was going to throw up.

"But the humans were not really free, they were the cause of everything that happened " the serial killer said as he took his own first shot, it was nothing to him so he had two shots, Sam was not really a drinker but he had to drink a shot every time he talks so he kept quiet, he really wanted to add some ideas to what they were saying but he could not.

"I get paid to kill people, the the rich men that thinks the world is above them, I also get paid to take out poor people who were rudely behaves to my the rich, most time, the poor thinks once they have something to fight , their opponent was the rich, a very big mistake because no matter what the poor as, the rich always has better and finer one so don't waste your little strength on them, they don't worth it." The serial killer said getting very emotional, this time he drank directly from the book no cup, letting his anger on the drink as he poured it into his mouth that was widely opened, he gulped the wine really fast until he chocked then he stopped to cagth some air. Sam was wondering why a guy as emotional as that would be a serial killer, how do he kill his victims when he has grown emotional attached to them, Sam concluded that he must be a physco to do that.

"I have killed over billions of people just to survive, I have been killing since when I was six, I became a very dangerous weapon when I was ten."

James and his crew read the book, they could hardly understand what they were reading but yet they continued to read it, James got home late in the midnight, but his house was not there, it was like it moved, the tired James was confused and restless, he was sure he made the right turn, and he could not have gotten lost , that was his first time walking home from school, he checked under rocks, houses, he just searched like he was not in his right senses, he was already frustrated, he sat on the fall thinking then he saw the wizard of Hoods, he was more human than a old man but there was light that protect him, James could not see his face because of the light, it was like he was a god but the question was who exactly who be a really great wizard like the wizards of Hoods and still want to be a god the person must be really greedy James thought to his self as he was bowing before him according to what the wizard told him, he did not really understood it but he could a little of the message, the wizard was warning them about the war ahead, immediately he picked up his phone texting his friends about the dream he had while been wide awake, the earth opened and swallowed him then he woke up in a sack, he was not sure of were he was but he was certain that the part of him not seeing his house all those things that happened after he was looking for his house were all a dream. He was not sure why he was in a sack but he was happy who ever put him there made a hole for him to breathe through, he looked out outside the sack with those tiny holes, to his surprise he was inside his house, with all the top security in the house how could mom allowed some stranger into the house to kidnap us, he thought to his self trying to widen the tiny holes for breathing so his head could fit through, after trying for about 30 thirty minutes, he was able to widen it just fit only his arm, the sack was just too tick to be widen than that, he tried another plan, he stressed his arm trying to reach the top of the sack he was in trying to lose the nut , the nut was not really tiered properly but it was had listen it with just one arm, he kept on trying but his arm kept sliding of the nut, he could not feel his second hand, he got scared, looked around then he whispered

" I hope this is still not a dream." He said as he looked around for his other hand then he noticed it had been chopped off, he screamed then he fell off the table.