

I'm really sorry for the late updates. It's just, I haven't been in the right mindset to write a chapter. I swear, I try, but all I can write is like a paragraph and that is why it is taking time. I am really sorry, I really want you all to know the story ahead but, yea... please don't stop reading this book! This book means a lot to me.


Enjoy x


Earlier that day.

Laine was just basking in the meadow thinking about the fact that she was actually about to see her father after, around, 2 years. Laine didn't even know whether to be happy or be nervous or angry but all her thoughts were interrupted when she got a call from an unknown number. She frowned as she looked at the screen trying to figure out who was calling her but accepted it anyway.

"Am I speaking to Ms. Laine Taylor?" the voice asked.

"Yes, this is her"

"Very well then, I have got so,e good news to deliver Ms, Taylor."

"Okay, carry on please," Laine asked, now getting curious.

"I am telling you this with immense happiness that you are accepted to the University of Toronto. We sent you a letter which was delivered to you this morning but it was sent back to us so we thought calling you in person"

"Oh my god! Thank you so much but I don't think I received any letter today, are you sure it was sent to the correct address?"

"Yes, we are sure Ms. Taylor but let's not stress on that, since you haven't rejected the offer, we are going to be mailing you the whole acceptance letter with the details."

"Oh, umm, okay. Thank you very much!"

"Right we look forward to seeing you this September Ms. Taylor."

And with that, the call was over and Laine was left confused and overjoyed with the fact that she was actually going to Toronto.

Well, if Doris agrees.


It was exactly 7:30 pm when the Taylor's arrive at their designated venue, the Lancaster's. They stepped out of their porch, or rather Arthur's car, and were being escorted inside the big mansion

You can do this, smile, laugh and eat. Easy enough, laine tells herself in her head as they are making their way to the entrance door which opens as soon as Arthur and Doris step up in front of it.

None of them is surprised.

All three of them paint smiles on their faces as they see Mr. and Mrs. Lancaster and Sid standing on the other side of the door.

"Arthur Cornell Taylor," says Mr. Lancaster while going forward to hug him "where have you been, old friend?" He asks while still hugging him.

Laine sees Mrs. Lancaster and Doris already talking to each other and Arthur and Mr. Lancaster indulged in their own conversation.

So laine's eyes wander to the person who makes her sick to her core.

She looks at Sid and notices him watching her already. She rolls her eyes and takes her phone out to text Dylan.

Long time no see?

Before laine can text anything else she hears a clearing of the throat in front of her.

She peeks up from her phone to see five pairs of eyes set on her. She quickly shuts her phone off, looks up, and smiles instantly.

"Mr. Lancaster, Mrs. Lancaster." She nods at them while smiling sweetly " I look forward to spending this evening with you" she manages. After that, all the attention is diverted from her except one pair of eyes.

Obviously Sid. Laine looks him in the eye and raises her eyebrows as If to say 'what?' but her eyes leak of curiosity. She is so tired and annoyed by sid's mood changes. It's like he's trying to be good and bad at the same time.

One moment he will be fidgety another moment he will have that stupid smirk. One moment, his eyes will be filled with sorrow and another moment pride. So laine does what she is best at, fucking it.

Because hell yeah, just fuck it!

"Ms. Dinner is ready" a housemaid comes and bows at all of us while informing us. Anyone hardly acknowledges her, so she goes away. Letting the group, which is now sitting in the lounge, chatter.

After a few minutes of talking, all of them made their way to one out of the hundred dining rooms here. This one was quite open, with windows and the walls were painted a subtle grey and the curtains were of cream color, giving the room a very homey ambiance.

Soon the servants entered and started serving the food, which everyone devoured while making small talk until Doris's words caught Laine's attention.

"So where are you going to university next year, dear?"

" I actually got accept-"

"So he can actually go?"

"Go where?" asked Mr. Taylor, now indulging in the conversation.

"Well, of course, honey."Doris said, "Why won't sid go to university? If you don't want to go doesn't mean, others can't" she chuckled and her eyes were somewhat amused but her face was giving a warning to laine, to shut up.

"That's what you told dad?" laine scoffed, challenging Doris with her eyebrow raised.

"Why yes, of cour-"

"ENOUGH!" boomed Arthur's voice "you're forgetting that we are on a gathering here ladies" he gestured towards the Lancasters, who were sitting with a perplexed expression, except for Mrs. Lancaster. She was smirking.

Laine rolled her eyes as she saw Doris pursing her lips and looking down while mumbling a quiet sorry to everyone. Everyone's eyes turned to laine after that, expecting an apology, she assumed.

"What? I am not apologizing" she scoffed, yet again and started eating her dinner.

Soon everyone started eating dinner, in silence this time.


After Arthur's outburst, everyone stayed quiet, nobody even bothering to look up except Mr. Lancaster and him making small talk about how the business was going.

Laine, herself, was quiet, thinking to herself. So Doris told her dad that Laine didn't want to go now, that makes sense why she was so keen on talking to Arthur in private, she thought. Laine mentally scoffed at her 'mother', thinking how could she even do that and that's when she decided that was going to university no matter what, even if she has to run away.

So with that thought set on laine's mind, she quickly scarfed her dinner down and soon said thanks and bye to the Lancaster's and set off with her parents to the mansion.

When they reached there, laine strode off the car and entered the mansion, by punching in the code.

She attempted to rush to her bedroom since laine knew that if she was asked to speak out now, she would surely say something bad but her thoughts were crushed when Arthur's stern voice reached her ears "none of that missy, come down here, we have something to discuss."

So with no choice whatsoever, Laine walked down the stairs taking in deep breaths and trying to calm herself down.

Hoping that things don't go shitty.

They did.


Zayn jumped at the sound of his phone ringing. He quickly scrambled to find his phone only to see that it was exactly midnight. He must have dozed off.

With the nerves building up in his stomach, he picked up the stomach but stayed silent.

"Zayn?" Spoke Ed's soft velvety voice "You there?" He asked curiosity and a little worry evident in his tone.

Zayn took a breath, mentally preparing himself for the outcomes of the situation he was in. His life was either set or not. He was either accepted or not. So with clearing his throat he said "yes, I am here" but his voice came as a whisper.

"Okay great mate, should I open the mysterious letter now?" Ed chuckled a little on 'mysterious' but Zayn didn't find it funny enough so he nodded and waited.

Zayn waited as he heard a few steps and then crinkling of a paper coming from the other side and he knew, he knew this was it. So he took a deep breath and embraced himself for the worst... or best.

"Mate you there?" interrupted him from the other side.

Zayn quickly gathered his thoughts (or tried to) and focused on ed's voice.

"Hmm, yea? I am here." He spoke, his voice a little scratchy because he was thirsty.

"Oh my god, this is your acceptance letter!?" Ed exclaimed. "Hold on, why are you giving this to me? You should have opened it? Are you scared or some-"

"Just tell me if I got in will you ?"

And so he did.

"You got in zayn."


She wiped her eyes as quick as possible as she heard doris' footsteps coming up.

She sat still, almost like a statue, in her position as she heard doris' steps coming even closer to her room.

And then the door rattled, and in came in the bitch that laine was sure she hated with her entire heart.

"You. What the fuck do you want?" Haven't you had enough? Still trying to jeopardise the little to no life that has been left with me?" Laine seethed at Doris, her voice hard as steel that Doris felt like someone was cutting her throat.

Doris whimpered a little at the comment but didn't say anything.

"What are you trying to do, mother? Or are you even worthy of that post?" She continued because laine was so fucking mad at Doris right now, that she didn't even care Doris was a whimpering mess in front of her.

"GET OUT. NOW!" Laine roared. Yelled at her with her whole might. And then the tears leaked again.

Doris quickly scrambled off and exited the door, but before going she whispered something which laine may or may not have heard.



2 hours ago.

"None of that missy, come down here, we have something to discuss" said laine's father and she agreed. Already knowing that things were going to go south.

And why do you care again? Let the bitch get what she deserves.

Her subconscious seethed at her. And laine knew that most of the times she acted upon the bitch that her subconscious was but not today, she thought. No matter how much hate Doris deserved laine wouldn't give it to her. She would let karma give her what Doris deserved.

Laine snapped out of her thoughts as the sound of chair creeking.

Her dad was now sitting on the main, big chair in the lounge whereas Doris was standing far from her father but near enough so that Arthur would hear her for when she would speak.

"What was that ruckus about, ladies?" Arthur asked in a calm bit demanding tone. He was always the dominant one will all the girls/women he had ever dated.

Always had that sense of authority in him which made people listen to him and do as he said.

But laine was an exception, she was her dad's baby girl and was as much as demanding and dominant as Arthur was. So a fair combination. Then there's Doris, she wasn't exactly a sub, At least not in front of laine. But again, she was always cunning never a dominant. Laine could still say her mind and shut Doris up, but she chose not to. In order to respect her dad.

"Is anyone going to say anything?"

"Mom?" Laine said while raising her eyebrows. "Are you telling him or should I?" Laine continued whereas as Arthur just sat there, keeping his face stern and looking at both the ladies standing in front of him.

It was no secret to Arthur that laine hated Doris and vice-versa. He also knew that Doris was just sweet with her step-daughter in front of him. He also knew the reason, he wasn't stupid. He noticed everything, he just kept quiet, not wanting to interfere because he knew that laine would never be mean to anyone on purpose. So he just sat there scrutinising doris' sudden nervous features.

She was standing there leaning on her righty leg with her lips pursed in a thin line and her eyes looking at the floor. As if she was thinking something.

"Well?" He said, raising his eyebrows at Doris.

Arthur was never too fond of Doris, she was just there because her maternal side was rich and would provide great benefit to Arthur's company.

So if you ask Arthur, who would you choose? It would definitely be his beloved daughter. Even tho he didn't show it much but he absolutely loved his daughter. But Arthur was never too expressive.

" I umm i... uh" Doris stuttered, Choking on her words and still looking down while fiddling her fingers now.

" I got accepted to the university of Toronto".


Phew! Finally done with this chapter. My god! This was a little difficult to write since it's plot 1 of the series. There are like 3 plots in this book. Basically acts I think. So this is act 1, I mean it will end in the next chapter so expect a time skip soon hehe.

Okay ... so yea that's it I guess. Oh and THANKS A LOT FOR 1.7k+ views!! I really appreciate you reading my book.

I don't generally write too much in the author's note so yea...

Also, I am sorry for the slow updates but I think I'll be updating kinda frequently from now on!

And yea.. that's it bye! Hope you have/had a fun day :)

Tell me if you liked the chapter or if you didn't x