
The Next Miracle

You cannot control your heart, even if someone comes with all sincerity, when your heart has belonged to someone else, then nothing will change unless the miracle really manifests its form. That was believed to be a fact by Ara Sofia, a cold heartlessness figure who hid all of her thoughts for herself; she never put a meaning to everything which happens in her life. Her heart was untouchable, even a man who was almost perfect like Reza Pratama, the ideal son-in-law of her mother, can't captivate her heart. Thus, her closest people were struck by fear; she will end up being lonely without loving and to be loved by someone. In fact, they just didn't realize, there was someone who was always able to destroy all of her defenses, Sayed Ryan Idroes; the man who placed her as a troublemaker younger sister, but never failed to ensnare her in the dilemma which was wildly disturbing her sanity. That was even worse when Ryan returned after 10 years living in England, but the presence of Anne Kumala and Bella Puteri Ershad in Ryan's life made her feeling was being difficult to describe. In the midst of heartbreak, Ara Sofia met Hanan Mikail, an annoying person who immediately claimed her as “Future Wife”. Since then, her life has been like being entangled in a deadly whirlpool that could sink her to the bottom of the ocean, anytime.

Aula_Lee · Teenager
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47 Chs

The Da Lusi's Rival

The restaurant atmosphere became busier towards lunchtime. Many customers came for hunting their favorite lunch menus.

Now and then, I go straight to the customer desks to help other employees who are in trouble. Ah, it turns out that this activity is a bit tiring, I just realized it.

Towards the end of the office break, the restaurant began to be quiet. And, finally I can steal time and slip to sleep in Aunty Lusi's office.

I was too tired, my eyes need to be closed even for a moment. Before I really fell asleep, it's my habit to glance at the clock; which showed 03.10 PM.

Within seconds, the consciousness disappears like being swallowed by the earth, slumbering without realizing what was happening to the surroundings.

It felt like just a second ago my eyes were closed, suddenly an employee woke me up because a customer protested. I glanced at the clock before stepping outside, my sleep duration was only 20 minutes.

Ah, it's annoying, but it's my responsibility.

I followed her to meet the 50s man who has complained about the restaurants bad services. He started criticizing many things after seeing my appearance.

I tried to calm myself while listening to his long protests. Nothing escaped from his criticism, the taste of foods and the restaurant services was terrible in his judging.

The criticism is extraordinarily spicy, half badmouthing the owner of the Da Lusi. Of course, someone's patience has its limits, I can't bear to hear him repeated the same criticism.

"Sorry Pak Cik, as an apology because the food isn't suit your tastes, you don't have to pay", I said.

[Pak Cik is similar to "Sir"]

My answer made him even more inflamed. He became angrier because in his perception, what I said was tantamount to demeaned him like someone who can't settle the expensive bill.

That old man kept rambling on, as if the mistake I did was terrible. I was exhausted of his nonsense criticism.

Someone came to help mediate the hot debate, the mediator was Hanan Mikail. I just found out that the customer who protested was En. Jamal, the rival of Aunty Lusi.

["En." is similar to "Mr."]

His pleasure is finding the fault of Da Lusi and its owner. According to Hanan, En. Jamal's restaurant also has a lot of customers, but he is still jealous of Da Lusi's successes.
