
Chapter 2

Huh….. where am I'. I groaned as I opened my eyes. Its warm, with a slight breeze flowing through. 'I guess I'm outside'. Yes I'm a fucking genius breeze=outside. I open my eyes and look around, I'm in a clearing. I guess I'm in a forest, judging from the trees and the sound of birds singing. It's actually a beautiful scene lovely flowers all around me, trees swaying with the wind.' it's so peaceful.' *sigh* if I knew better, which I don't, I would know that I just tempted murphy.

'Intelligence went up by one.'


I had no time to think about the blue box that popped up in front of my face as what ever made that noise is coming and by the sounds of the frantic loud thumping sounds, it's coming in fast .

" well shit, ok deep breaths …. Ok now to think of a plan"

I look around for something I can use, anything to make my situation better. And by total convenience I found a sword and book with what looks like remains of a warrior, actually multiple warriors, maybe they were soldiers, they have pieces of armour that looks like it has been ripped up. I grab the sword and book and I climb a tall tree, beside the tree at the base was what looked like a belt with knifes on it, they were slightly rusted but still looked usable, so I grabbed them on my way up.

There were seven knifes, they looked similar to kunai knifes but they were slightly blunt and rusty. The sword as a normal short sword with a slightly faded but still black blade and a black and red hilt. It was slightly rusty but it would do. In the pommel of the sword there was a red crystal, I guess it was for decoration. My guess was that it was the commander's sword, either that or it belonged to a rich asshole noble.I looked at the kunai I got, most were in an alright state, but one or two of them are pretty bad. I looked at one of the best looking ones, just to pass the time.

While looking at it I caught my reflection. I didn't get a good look because it's not that reflective, what with all the rust. I have short brown hair, with a long fringe that just covers my eyebrows. It's like my old hair in the sense, I have to brush it away with my hand, so the longer hairs keep out of my eyes. It curves slightly to the left. If it wasn't it probably cover my left eye. Speaking of eyes mine were a forest green colour in a somewhat bored but calm expression, completely different from my ocean blue, slightly angry looking, eyes I'm used to. I don't have the slightly chubby face I'm used to either, instead I have a kind of sharp look to it but still with a bored expression. I also have a slight scar just under my right eye, it's just barely visible on the blade. Anyway enough with admiring my self.

The booked I picked up was a book on basic sword techniques, as soon as I picked it up it disappeared in a flash of light and I suddenly knew how to use a sword, I'll be it poorly but it's better than just waving it around and hoping for the best. I don't know how it disappeared but my guess was that I got the power from The gamer Manhwa.

I waited with bated breath for the creature to come from the direction of the noise. The footsteps were getting louder and louder. So was my heart beat . I grabbed the sword in a hammer grip and prepared for what's to come.



"Oh come on hurry the fuck up you piece of shit!". I was starting to lose patience. Seriously I spent a good five minutes admiring myself and another five admiring my weapons.

As I said that a creature, that can only be described as a beast, came charging out of the forest sniffing the air for my scent or someone else's.

It was twice the size of a normal man. Had fur all over its body, horns that come out of its forehead and points up. It opened its mouth and let out another roar, showing of it's sharp teeth, as if to challenge me.

I decided keep quiet this time and to try and learn about it. Its legs don't look to strong so I guess it's not as fast as I thought, its upper body is very muscular so it's definitely strong, the way its stops and smells the air makes me think it has heightened senses. Since it jumped out when I yelled makes it at least somewhat intelligent. As I was doing this I didn't take notice to the blue box in front of me. 'For continuous observation on a target created the skill Observe'

I had to stop looking at the beast as I looked up at its face and it was staring at me, I'll be honest if I wasn't feeling extremely calm I may have shat myself. But we will never know, thankfully.

It crouched down and charged at the base of the tree I was sitting in, showing off its strength by shaking it and knocking me off the branch. I reacted quickly, as I fell I threw two of the kunai I had at its face. Luckily one took out its eye and the other missed but hit it in the shoulder. I roared in pain. I had to cover my ears to prevent my eardrums from exploding. If I had to guess the kunai in its shoulder will make it painful for it to use its arm and the one in its eye will throw off its accuracy.

I was correct as it swung its left hand at me in an attempt to smack me out of the way. I moved slightly to the right and swung at its hand in an attempt to lob it off. Didn't go well as my sword dug into its arm and I was taken with the momentum of the swipe from the beast.

I released my grip on the sword and as I was in the air, I twisted and threw two more kunai at it, didn't really aim but I got lucky last time so maybe it will happen again?

It did….kind of, one of them dug into its foot and the other one …. I don't know as It smacked me into a tree. It hurt soo much. I think I might have cracked a rib but I'm not sure, what with all the adrenaline running through me and the fucking beast in front of me. I had to focus if I wanted to survive.

I got up pulled out two kunai, gripped them in a reverse grip and charged at the monster. It was distracted with something, so I ran behind it and slashed behind its knees. One of my kunai were too rusty and kind of broke as I slashed, so I dug it into its upper thigh of the leg with a kunai in its foot. My other kunai slashed through the flesh of the back of the knee, easily and the beast crumbled. I then backed away from it and faced it head on. It turns out the other kunai somehow ended up in its back and the beast was trying to pull it out.

It was then that I noticed above its head there was a name and a level floating above its head, it was then I also noticed how bad my situational awareness was and that I needed to work on it, it read…

Lvl 10

The Horned Monster of Hargeon

'Who the fuck came up with that name, seriously I wasn't expecting that, I thought it would be called something like the black death of the forest, or like the beast king. sigh At least it's not called the furry monster of demise, actually that might be better... Wait I'm seeing a name and a title, I learned how to use a sword by absorbing a book and I'm unnaturally calm….my god I've got the powers of the gamer…..THANK YOU ANNABELLA-SAMA'

I know she isn't a god, I think for all I know she could have lied, but anyway even if she wasn't the one who gave me this power I was still thankful to whoever gave me this power.

I was soo going to abuse its features.

I turned my attention to the newly dubbed furry monster of demise or the FMD, this could also mean fuck me daddy but it doesn't ... or does it. Anyway it was slowly bleeding out and it couldn't stand, it can't use one of his arms and one of his hands is barely attached to his body, but somehow it was still alive. So I 'observed' it.

The Horned Monster of Hargeon

Lvl 10

{status} Bleeding, immobile.

{emotion} Angry, hungry, weak.

{info} It is called the Horned Monster of Hargeon as it lives in the forest near Hargeon and attacks its town, for food or for food nobody know but because of this there is a bounty on its head. They didn't send a job request to a guild as it never killed anyone during its attacks. But it kills people who hunt it.

[bounty] 70,000J Dead . Report to town mayor upon completion, bring proof of death.

'Huh that's a lot of info, but I guess I have to kill it .'

And with that I ran with a kunai in my hand and I slashed at the neck of the FMD and I watched in morbid fascination as the blood flowed out its neck and it slowly choked on its own blood. 'That was kind of fucked up'….. 'Huh?' was my reaction as the body of the beast exploded into particles of light. And was replaced with a stack of jewels, the money not actual jewels, a vial of red liquid, some hide, fangs, a horn and some claws, and syringe of something.

{loot obtained}

5,000 jewel

Health potion x1

Monster hide x10

Sharp monster fangs x4

Horn of the monster of Hargeon x1

Monster claws x5

Syringe of beast senses x1

I observed them and found out the health potion healed 10% of my max hp. The hide, fangs and claws were crafting items. The horn was a quest item so I guess I turn that over too the mayor for the bounty. And the syringe improved my senses with, thankfully, no side effects. I kind of taught it was a perfume or something.

After observing them surprisingly my observe didn't level up but I did.

I did a quick scan of the clearing. There were now two broken trees, squashed flowers and sprinkles of blood. I look down at myself and see I'm wearing black runners, black trousers and a green t-shirt that has a few rips in it and some blood on it.

I check my chest to see that I didn't crack a rib… I think. I'll check it out when I cash in the bounty. I don't know if gamers body will fix it or if I even have gamers body. I spot nothing in the clearing and I don't hear anything but I'll keep my guard up. I went over to a tree, one that wasn't fucked over with our anticlimactic fight, and sat at the base.

So I decided that now was the time to finally see my 'stats'. I'm guessing I have high luck, judging by the me actually hitting with the knives.

So here it goes I look in front of me, silently praying for good stats as I shout one word that will show me how different I am from my past self.




