
The New Titans: A Teen Titans Story

Jordan King was once a regular kid that grew up fatherless in the crime capital of the world, Gotham City. Everything was normal until his mother was shot and paralyzed in a mugging gone wrong. Filled with rage and hatred, Jordan trains intensely to become a hero to take out his anger on the criminals of the world, but to be a hero, he has to overcome this anger. Even with no powers, he and his many allies have to band together to defeat many threats to Jump City, Gotham, and the world. He has to grow up and become a Titan to finally evolve into a Pheonix.

sergeantmeat69 · TV
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66 Chs


A week has passed since Jericho had a weird reunion with his sister while Jordan dueled Slade. After winning both of their respective battles, they returned to their homes. Now, we cut to a secret lab underneath Metropolis. Multiple quickly walk through and work in the lab. Many organisms float in the containers, but only one is completely formed. Two scientists stand in front of said container.

"So, how is N154's development?" asked one of the scientists.

"Good. Mr. Luthor will be proud," said another scientist.

"Why is he so eager to create one of these beasts?" asked yet another scientist.

"He wants an army. Probably wants to kill Superman," said one of the scientists.

"Superman is a good guy. Mr. Luthor's hateful obsession with him is ridiculous," said another scientist.

"Don't say that if you want to live another day. Superman may be a Leaguer and a powerful superhero, but if Mr. Luthor says he's a bad guy, then he is a bad guy," said one of the scientists.

"Asskisser," said yet another scientist.

The two other scientists walk away from the container as the female scientist walks closer to it. She places her warm hand on the glass and this wakes up the beast. It opens its red eyes and starts to make weird noises.

"It's alive. We did it," said the female scientist.

This may seem good, but the beast shall not stay locked up. Once it gains the ability to move, it immediately starts to make its escape. It starts to slam its fists on the glass and it starts to crack.

"What is it trying to do?" asked another scientist.

"Escape," said the female scientist.

"Call security. This thing doesn't get out of here," said the head scientist.

The female scientist runs over to a panel and presses a few numbers. The doors to the lab open as the Lexcorp security team runs in. They run towards the container and aim their guns at it. They wait for the beast to escape.

"We can't just shoot the experiment. We spent months making it. Killing it would just be a waste of our time," said the female scientist.

"We have more urgent projects. Men, prepare to gun it down," said the head scientist.

"Already ready," said the head security officer.

The beast starts to crack the glass more and more. The security officers are about to fire until the beast destroys the glass with one punch, sending a large wave of air which sends the security team flying into a wall. The beast then charges at the security team.

"Shoot it!" exclaimed the head security officer.

The security team fires at the beast, but it tanks the bullets. The security team still fires, believing that they have a chance of even hurting it, but the beast grabs one of them and pops their head like a tomato. The beast isn't a nice guy. The security team tries to run, but one is slammed across the wall until he is nothing but a smear of blood on the wall. Another gets his head ripped off and another is ripped in half. The head of security tries to run, but he is grabbed. He tries to shoot it one more time, but this just angers the beast and he is crushed and turned into a large stain. The beast drops his crushed corpse and looks around the room, but the scientists have already run out. It charges out of the room to look for its prey. On an elevator, the team of scientists makes their escape.

"We have to contact Mr. Luthor. He will know what to do," said the female scientist.

"You put the boss on too much of a pedestal. He probably knew that this would happen and let it happen. He's just that sick," said another scientist.

"We can worry about Lex when we get out of here. That team is probably dead and I don't want to die either," said yet another scientist.

As the elevator gets closer to the ground floor, it stops suddenly. A hole is carved into the top of the elevator and one of the scientists is grabbed and dragged into the abyss. His screams can be heard and frighten the other scientists in the elevator.

"It took Walker!" exclaimed another scientist.

"Relax. We're going to be fine," said the head scientist.

"How are you so relaxed? Walker just got taken," said another scientist.

"I know this beast from the inside out. He won't hurt me at least," said the head scientist.

"You're so selfish," said the female scientist.

"Is he still here?" asked another scientist.

"No. He was designed to be a hunter. He is probably hiding somewhere. The elevator should get moving in a few seconds," said the head scientist.

The elevator does get moving in a few seconds and reaches the ground floor in another few. The scientists walk out of the elevator and run towards the door. They have to escape the beast before they become its dinner.

"Almost there. Once we get out of here, I quit. Lexcorp just isn't for me," said another scientist.

"Agreed," said the female scientist.

The scientists reach the door and try to open it, but it won't budge. The two male scientists try to put some strength into opening the door, but it still won't move.

"What's happening?" asked the female scientist.

"The building must be in lockdown. We have to contact Mr. Luthor," said the head scientist.

"He lives on the top floor. Just call him with the phone over there," said another scientist.

"It's all the way over there. I'm not going. You go," said the head scientist.

"Me? I have a whole life ahead of me after tonight. She should go," said another scientist.

"You guys are a bunch of pussies. Once I get this phone, you will have a piece of my mind," said the female scientist.

The female scientist quickly walks over to the phone. She is scared, of course, but she can not allow them to see it. She has to live and get out of this nightmare. She reaches the phone after thirty seconds of brisk walking and picks up the phone. She calls her boss's number and waits for him to pick up.

"Come on. Come on. Pick up," said the female scientist.

"Why are you calling me at such a late hour?" asked Lex.

"We need help. N154 has escaped and killed a few people," said the female scientist.

"Awww. That's bad. I wish there was someone who could stop that from happening," said Lex.

"Please send help. I don't wanna die," said the female scientist.

"Relax, my dear. Help is on the way," said Lex.

"Thank you, Mr. Luthor. I was about to freak out because I thought that you weren't going to help us," said the female scientist.

"I'm not, but God will," said Lex.

"What?" asked the female scientist.

Lex hangs up and the female scientist is shocked. She places the phone down while she shakes. She turns around and the beast is standing behind her. The blood of her coworkers lay on his body.

"Umm. You don't have to do any of this. I'm just a girl. We programmed you to have courtesy," said the female scientist.

The beast stops looking at the female scientist and surprisingly walks away. The female scientist takes a deep breath and tries to walk away, but this was a mistake. The beast didn't try to eat her because she looked weak and barely moved. Now that she has moved, she has signed her deathbed and is grabbed by the beast.

"Wait! What are you doing! Please let me go!" exclaimed the female scientist as she is crushed.

The beast doesn't care and crushes her as she screams for her boss, Superman, or anyone to save her, but they won't. She is dead just like the rest of the white creature's prey. Eleven hours pass. Now on the other side of the country, the Titans walk through the busy downtown district of Jump City.

"We're finally back home. I love this town," said Beast Boy.

"What about Tokyo? That place was great," said Cyborg.

"Too many fangirls and too much Brushogun," said Beast Boy.

"Brushogun's dead and Daizo's behind bars. Maybe we can return to Tokyo one day, but I would rather stay here. The city is changing and I want to enjoy the changes," said Jordan.

"Me too. Let's enjoy the candied worms and watch the movie from the video store," said Starfire.

"Great idea. Maybe we could see-" said Jordan.

Jordan stops talking when he and the Titans walk up to an abandoned building that was once their favorite video store. Their happy mood becomes a little sad.

"The video store is gone. How long has it been?" asked Starfire.

"I guess we just didn't notice. I'm not surprised. Video stores just aren't that popular anymore," said Jordan.

"Mandell's Candy Shop is just around the block. We can get the candy worms there," said Beast Boy as he walks around the block.

Yet another surprise. The candy shop is gone as well.

"The candy shop is gone too. What a shame," said Beast Boy.

"My favorite book store is gone too. Now, where will I get my books?" said Raven.

"We could all live without books, but not without tasty sweets," said Beast Boy.

"Maybe if you read them, you would like them, but you wouldn't be smart enough to comprehend them," said Raven.

"This whole place is being replaced by an office complex. The downtown district is expanding and it will need more space for building, but, sadly, our favorite places will have to go with it," said Cyborg.

"We will just keep them in our memory just like everything else," said Jordan.

As the Titans are about to walk away, two red eyes can be seen from the building. The red eyes become a giant white creature and the creature hops off the building. It then smacks Starfire into a building and alerts the Titans to its presence.

"Star!" exclaimed Jordan.

"Who did that?" asked Cyborg.

"That thing," said Raven.

"What is it?" asked Beast Boy.

"Don't care. Take it down," said Jordan.

The Titans charge at the beast. Jordan leaps into the air and tries to kick it, but he is slammed into the ground and then thrown deeper into the construction site. Beast Boy transforms into a velociraptor and tries to bite it, but the beast grabs him and throws him into a steel beam. This dazes him for a little bit, but he will live. He detransforms and rubs his head. He then stands up and looks to his right, but sees something shocking.

"Terra?" asked Beast Boy.

Beast Boy rubs his eyes and tries to see if it is truly her or just his brain playing tricks on him, but he is not. The blonde has somehow returned.

"I have to talk to her," thought Beast Boy.

Beast Boy walks towards the blonde that looks like Terra, but the creature charges past him, knocking him over. It then creates a hole in the street and dives into the sewer.

"It's going into the sewer. Let's follow it," said Jordan as he runs towards it.

"Not the sewers. Why can it never be the rooftops?" said Cyborg.

"Gar, are you ok?" asked Jordan.

"I'm fine," said Beast Boy.

"Then, get your head in the game," said Jordan.

The other Titans run past Beast Boy and towards the beast, but he just stands there. He knows that he saw her, but he needs confirmation. An hour passes. Beast Boy walks into a cavern equipped with a flashlight and walks over to where Terra was because she isn't there.

"It is her. Terra is back," said Beast Boy.

Another hour passes. Beast Boy walks over to the entrance of a private school. He walks through the entrance and is immediately swarmed by fangirls and fanboys.

"Omg! It's Beast Boy!" exclaimed a fangirl.

"Give me an autograph on my chest man!" exclaimed a fanboy.

"Do it on my meat!" exclaimed another fangirl.

"Come on guys! Give me some space!" exclaimed Beast Boy.

Beast Boy escapes the mob for only a few seconds before he is chased by the mob. He runs around the school over and over and over again before he and the mob run out of breath. Beast Boy looks up and sees the blonde standing over him.

"You're Beast Boy, right?" asked the blonde.

"Yeah and you're Terra, right?" asked Beast Boy.

"Terra? No, my name is not that," said the blonde.

"I don't forget the faces of my teammates and friends. You're Terra Markov. Princess of Markovia and a Titan," said Beast Boy.

"You must be mistaken. There are probably many people that look like me," said the blonde.

"Can we talk?" asked Beast Boy.

"I have a class to get to. Maybe later," said the blonde.

The blonde walks away and Beast Boy just watches. He is happy that he has found her but sad that she has some kind of amnesia. He will free her and he will save his friend. No matter what. Three hours pass. Beast Boy and the blonde now sit at the pizzeria.

"Then, I pushed The Brain into the freezing machine and said brain freeze," said Beast Boy.

"Brain freeze. Good one," said the blonde as she chuckles.

"Finally, someone who gets my jokes. My friends are sourpusses," said Beast Boy.

"I don't expect superheroes to have senses of humor, so I'm not shocked," said the blonde.

"You used to get my jokes all the time. You were the only one that could understand me," said Beast Boy.

"That's impossible. I just met you," said the blonde.

"You were staying in a desert before we found you. You couldn't control your powers, so you got the help of a man named Deathstroke. He helped you learn how to control your powers, but he made you his apprentice and spy. He tried to make you destroy us, but you refused to go through with it and died a hero. You've been stuck in stone ever since, but now you're back," said Beast Boy.

"Why would you want to save someone who was a monster?" asked the blonde.

"I knew the real her. I knew the real you. If you believe that you're a monster, you're not. You redeemed yourself years ago. There's no need to hide. We won't judge you," said Beast Boy.

"I have to go. I have a paper to finish," said the blonde.

"Wait. Please stay," said Beast Boy.

"I'm sorry. I can't stay," said the blonde.

"We have a computer back at the tower. It's super fast and you will be able to finish your paper there," said Beast Boy.

"Fine. I just have to be home before dark," said the blonde.

"Sweet," said Beast Boy.

Twenty minutes pass. Beast Boy and the blonde enter the living room of the tower. The blonde is surprised by how big the room is.

"Nice digs," said the blonde.

"This used to be your home too," said Beast Boy.

"If it was, I would remember it. This place is too cool to forget," said the blonde.

"Yeah, too cool. Let me show you to your room," said Beast Boy.

Beast Boy and the blonde walk out of the living room and towards the room of the fallen hero. They reach it in less than thirty seconds. The door opens, revealing that the room has stayed the same. The blonde enters it.

"This was your room. It looks like this because you loved to sleep outside," said Beast Boy.

"I hate to sleep outside. Too many creepy crawlies," said the blonde.

"Do you still have your powers?" asked Beast Boy.

"I don't have powers. I'm just a normal girl in a normal city," said the blonde.

The blonde turns around and walks towards the window. Beast Boy grabs the mirror that he gifted her and prepares to throw it at her to see if she still has her powers, but he doesn't. He drops it on the table and just looks at her.

"You have a paper to finish right?" asked Beast Boy.

"Yeah," said the blonde.

"Then, let's get that done," said Beast Boy.

Three hours pass. Jordan walks out of the tower and takes a few steps on the beach. He sees Beast Boy sitting on a large rock and walks up to him. He is sad but hopeful at the same time.

"You miss her already, don't you?" asked Jordan.

"Why shouldn't I? She was our friend," said Beast Boy.

"Her DNA matches with Terra. She is-," said Jordan.

"Terra. I know that already. I didn't need a DNA comparison. What I do need is an answer. Why won't she return to us?" said Beast Boy.

"Maybe she just lost her memories?" asked Jordan.

"There's no way she lost them. She shouldn't have. She was stuck in stone and she returned. How does that cause amnesia?" said Beast Boy.

"Maybe Trigon coming caused her resurrection," said Jordan.

"Even if it did, it doesn't matter. She won't return until she's ready and I'll be there waiting for her," said Beast Boy.

"You won't be alone. We will all be waiting for her," said Jordan.

Even though this is a sweet moment between two teammates, we now cut back to the secret lab under Lexcorp in Metropolis. In the same elevator that four former scientists stood in steps out Lex, his bodyguard, and another scientist.

"It's a shame that the Titans destroyed N145, but it was defective and could never work. Hopefully, Project Super is still online," said Lex.

"It is, sir. Just give us more time and he will be ready," said the random scientist.

"You don't ask for more time. I decide if you are useful enough to deserve more time and I will give it to you. Give me an estimate," said Lex.

"Maybe a year or two," said the random.

"Why so long?" asked Lex.

"Some of my, I mean, your best scientists were killed by N145. If you gift me with some more, he will be ready by 2020," said the random scientist.

"I'll wait for perfection. Just don't make me wait for too long. Lexcorp needs a Superman," said Lex.

Author's Thought Extended-

Welcome to the end of the season. This season was little different than the others, focusing on not just one character, but many young heroes. This will act as a segway to Season 6 starting Monday. Season 6 will be completely original and I can't wait to show it off. Spoiler Alert: Three new Titans will be introduced. Now, it's timeline time!

13.8 billion years ago- Earth 12 is created

1,200 years ago- The island of Themyscira is created

1,000 years ago- Wonder Woman is created

June 6, 1934- Alfred Pennyworth is born

May 10, 1941- John Kent is born

March 14, 1942- Martha Kent is born

April 1, 1942- First appearance of Wonder Woman

September 7, 1946- Thomas Wayne is born

February 12, 1950- Martha Wayne is born

April 5, 1952- Alfred joins the English military

October 22, 1956- Slade Wilson is born

July 8, 1965- Martha and John Kent get married

September 13, 1966- Thomas and Martha Wayne get married

April 24, 1972- Slade lies about his age, joins the military, and is injected with a super-soldier like serum

April 17, 1983- Bruce Wayne is born

February 29, 1986- Kal-El is born and sent to Earth

March 1, 1986- Kal-El is found by the Kents and is named Clark

September 19, 1987- Doom Patrol is created

May 8, 1991- Thomas and Martha Wayne are killed by Joe Chill

July 27, 1992- Barbara Gordon is born

December 14, 1996- Victor Stone is born

September 19, 1997- Jordan King is born

March 12, 1999- Dick Grayson is born

August 7, 1999- Koriander is born

October 7, 1999- Bruce starts to travel the world to train

October 9, 1999- Rachael Roth is born

November 11, 1999- Clark learns about his origins

April 27, 2000- Jason Todd is born

June 19, 2000- Terra Markov is born

August 21, 2000- Garfield Logan is born

June 7, 2006- Inauguration of current Talon

April 9, 2007- Batman is first sighted in Gotham

June 17, 2008- Superman is first seen in Metropolis, and Azarath is destroyed by Trigon

August 10, 2008- Terra is adopted and experimented on by Dr. Jace

2009- Barbara Gordon becomes Batgirl, Dick Grayson becomes Robin, and seasons 1-4 of "The Batman", and the formation of the Justice League

2010- Season 5 of "The Batman", Jason is adopted and trained by Slade, and chapter 1 happens

2012- Chapter 2 happens, Beast Boy joins the Doom Patrol after receiving his powers, and Batfamily's first dealing with Slade

2013- Barbara is crippled by Joker and becomes Oracle, Jason is saved from Slade, Jason is brutally killed by the same man and revived by Ra's al Ghul later, Thanagraian invasion, Victor gets in his accident and becomes a cyborg, Terra escapes and is adopted by the Hendersons

2014- Starfire is sold to the Gordonians, Beast Boy leaves the Doom Patrol, Raven, Cyborg, and Garfield make their way to Jump City, The Hendersons tragically die and Terra goes on the run, Jason is trained by many assassins and warriors around the globe, returns to Gotham to watch Batman, stalks Jordan in Jump City, and the rest of Season 1

2015- Season 2 and Jason steals the Red Hood suit

2016- Season 3 and Slade becomes Trigon's goon

October 9, 2017- "Birthday Blues"

October 11, 2017- "Cult of Scath"

October 12, 2017- October 19, 2017- "Court of Owls" Subarc

October 30, 2017- October 31, 2017- Last three chapters of Season 4

2018-2019- Season 5

Once again, if anything is wrong, I'll fix it later. Enjoy the finale and have a good afternoon!

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