
chapter 51

I twirled my spear in my hand and walked in a condescending way to Kronos.

"hello there grandfather," I said as he tried to freeze me in time.

I continue walking forward and caught his scythe in my hand, and I pulled him forward and headbutted him.

the headbutt bypassed the curse of Achilles and left him with a bloody nose.

"do not interfere," I said as Hyperion tried ambushing me. Too bad he was legit too bright.

I picked him up and threw him and he flew while crashing into a mountain leaving a large dent.

"now then where were we?" I said casually blocking Kronos's scythe.

"fucking die," Kronos said as he slammed his scythe into my blade again.

"think fast chuckle nuts," I said tossing a flash bang into his face.

"my eyes" he yelled making the ground shake a bit.

I put my blade away and pulled out a hairbrush and began combing my hair.

the monsters, my skeleton army, the Titans, and every living being in the area looked at me brushing my hair stunned.

"...damn mortal" Kronos yelled as he came at me faster.

I began dodging his slashes while combing my hair, and as I do this I decided to make it fair for him.

Man I was dodging like sans, too bad I wasn't a skeleton.

"Okay, how about this? the titans can come at me. 11 vs 1. That should be fair right?" I said dodging a spear.

"it's about time you came atlas, I freed you from the sky and was waiting for you," I said yawning.

I did the splits as I dodged the incoming Titans. while my legs were in the air I kicked them in the face and backflipped before landing perfectly.

"mmm... you guys are weak. dispel" I said and my skeleton army disappeared.

what happened could only be called a Massacre.

I was standing on top of a pile of monster dust and I was just trying with the Titans.

I was dueling them with only my hairbrush and sometimes I ate some food.

"This has gone on for long enough" I slashed my hairbrush and suddenly the Titans were sliced up into thousands of pieces with no hope to reform.

I looked over at the gods and goddesses. I snapped my fingers and their chains were covered in ice before shattering.

"Who are you," Hermes asked as his once mangled skin began healing.

I turned and looked at him once more. the gods caught a glimpse of Hestia, Artemis, and Percy behind me.

"I'm atoning for my mistakes," I said before disappearing into mist.


I was chilling in my car smoking weed. not the casual stuff, but I mean godly type weed.

like the stuff of the heavens.

"oh man," I said leaning my seat back to stare at the stars.

AI was next sitting on my lap as we cuddled. we were watching the stars and I got bored.

I blew air and caused a meteor shower. I snuggled into AI's embrace as we watched it.

we slept there comfortably before I finally woke up and came down from being high as shit.

I let ai sleep before phasing through my car. I grabbed my sword and cut through space and went to my next world.

call of duty 1...


short chapter. working on new books.