FIRST COUPLE OF CHAPTERS ARE GARBAGE. the main character will start in the percy jackson and then travel into other dimensions. this was my first book, chapter 1-6 are really bad, and I didn't know how to write the cover wasn't drawn by me Only one interest. (Ai) and no more.
{author note: I have decided, as much as I love Hestia, the danmachi Hestia will not be in the harem. I have a couple of reasons for this.
1 (we already have PJ Hestia (best Hestia)
2 (... her personality is kinda obsessive and I don't really like that. over the top kind, yandere are different.)
3 (then we have to take into account how bad it would be with two Hestia's.)
4. because Artemis. (go ahead and drop it if you want but IDC.)
author note end}
I equipped my clothes and teleported above a roof. I wasn't picky about who I was hurting or killing, however, I only stuck to criminals.
I had people roaming the streets now so I have to be semi-careful. of course, there were some crimes I didn't punish.
like when you kill someone in self-defense, that is a no. but robbing someone and leaving them to die?
oh yeah, if there was the only thing I hated the most, it is betrayal.
the whole night was just killing or crippling people. I looked over the entertainment district in disdain.
this place recked of crime, so I went individually to all the "bad" people and made sure to punish them.
of course, that didn't mean that I won't notice the cute fox Haruhime. I wanted to take her and get it over with but I was too lazy for that, plus I had a job to do.
from 1 am to 6 am I was killing criminals and when it was entering morning I teleported back into the Hestia house.
I used the water in some pearls and cleaned the blood off my outfit and put it in my inventory for tonight.
I changed into my adventuring outfit and played on my bed waiting for at least 7:30 to get up from my position.
I put Hestia's dress on the table neatly and left a note saying I'm going to the dungeon, and I left some valis. I made my way over to the dungeon and made my way inside.
I got a couple of drones with recorders so this way I can record everything and give it to the guild.
these monsters moved so slow and were so weak that I can just kick them and they exploded.
(floors 1-9)
the monsters were easily killed and I had everything deposited into my inventory.
shadows, goblins, purple moth.
(floors 10-12)
it was foggy so I used my water powers to clear it away. I killed a couple of orcs and an infant dragon.
overall still has easy kills.
(floors 13-17)
minotaurs started spawning, and just like the one at home... way too easy for someone like me.
but when I reached floor 17... everything changed.
I expected something irregular to spawn but I didn't expect a black Goliath. I guess I'll take it a little seriously.
I rushed forwards and jumped on its arm when it tried to swipe at me, and I ran up slashing until I was at its head.
I slashed his eyes and jumped off its neck and onto his back, I impaled my sword and jumped off leaving a big slash across his back.
for this cut, I used sun breathing to stop his healing momentarily. I then added chakra and slashed him down the middle cutting his core and killing him.
(floor 18)
I arrived and ate breakfast and had something to drink before heading back down into the dungeon with my drones following.
(floor 19-24)
I activated my earth senses and followed the path toward the lower floors. of course killing, any monsters except the Xenos.
I arrived at their village but didn't enter, instead gave them some of the cores I had collected. I waved and went on my way.
(floors 25-27)
this place was practically made for me, a large waterfall meant that I could use the water and fall avoiding most of the monsters.
(floor 28)
safe spot, so I used it to eat lunch and get some drinks.
the number of monsters that spawned was quadrupled because of my demigod status.
(floor 29-36)
finally something worth my attention. hordes of monsters were rushing towards me and I charged them anticipating a fight.
nothing note worry.
(floors 37-38)
white palace, nothing note worry, next floor, colosseum spawning infinite monsters until it stopped.
(floor 39)
safe spot.
(floor 40-48)
floor 44 was filled with lava that I used to kill some monsters. nothing other than that.
(floor 49)
no signs of life, no trees or grass or anything.
(floor 50)
safe spot with gray trees. I left an FTG marker just in case I needed to come back.
(floor 51-58)
I had Valgang Dragons throwing fire at me, which was useless since I was immune to fire and lightning.
(floor 59-61)
I could feel the water coming from underground, meaning this place was modified after being taken over.
{author note: after this floor Idk what happens so I'm going to make her go to 84 (safe zone)
(floor 62)
the safe zone had many different dungeon fruits.
( floor 63-68)
as soon as I step onto floor 63 I felt the atmosphere change and I could hear the sounds of thousands of footsteps running at me.
I looked at the group of dragons, mutated spirits, and three juggernauts coming toward me.
I had to get serious for this one since I haven't used any magic except for the Goliath I did the only thing I felt was necessary.
'Rasen shuriken,' I thought as I formed one in my hand and tossed it.
it expanded and destroyed almost sixty percent of the monsters there. I then charged while doing certain attacks.
(floor 69)
just a temple with the numbers sixty-nine on them.
(floor 70-83)
exactly like floors 63-68, getting swarmed with random and stronger monsters. I used a lava-style Rasen shuriken this time and it exploded onto the other monsters.
(floor 84)
a nice area with green trees, a couple of animals, and some rivers flowing toward the center.
I left a couple of FTG seals and decided to call it a day and used FTG and appeared outside of the dungeon.
I didn't care for the shocked glances of the people but I made my way to the guild and walked to the shocked rose.
"I'm here to trade in my monster drops," I said.
"Please follow me," she said as she lead me to a room.
"Also I have floors 1 threw 84. I made this so the new adventures don't get lost or killed," I said as I handed her a stone that will project the video of the floors.
"oh thanks," she said before her eyes turned wide.
"84," she yelled.
I put my hand over her mouth, "shh we don't want people to overhear vital information."
she nodded her head and I let go of her mouth and went back to sitting down.
"to activate the video tap the button on the right side and if you want the map just press the button on the left," I explained.
she clicked the left button and immediately a map appeared with a map of the monster spawns.
"Now that's finished I don't need the cores, so I'm donating it to the poor familias here," I said as let thousands of cores drop from my inventory.
"now then peace," I said as I used FTG to arrive back home I saw Hestia in her dress.
"where did you get this from," she said as she stared at the dress in the mirror.
"I made it by hand," I said as I looked down at her.
"I love it," she said as she began to look at herself.
"also Hestia I need you to check my status," I said as I took off my shirt and lay on the bed.
she got on top of me and dropped some blood on my back.
[Alice Jackson]
Strength:B 831 -->. 945
vitality: S 999
DEX: S 933 --> 999
Agility: S 999
Magic: incalculable]
"oh wow," she said surprised.
"just a dungeon dive, nothing too serious," I said.
"how far did you go," she asked.
"just to floor 45, now come on let's go to dinner," I said and with a snap of my finger, I changed into more appropriate clothes.
I took her to the Hostess of Fertility and I got us a table.
"Are you sure we can eat here," she said nervously.
"go ahead, I'm paying," I said.
"Tomorrow I will have to tell the gods about you for your alias," Hestia explained to me.
"Alright," I said as I noticed the Loki familia walk in.
I ate in peace and sometimes summoned soda to refill my beverage. I never was a fan of beer so I declined when they offered.
"did you hear the rumor," one of the adventures in the tavern asked?
"hear what," another answered.
"Someone made it to floor 84 and had the area mapped out," the first adventurer said.
"stop lying, there isn't anyone in orario that can do something like that," the second adventure said.
by this time I was sweating a little. at least they won't know it was me... right?
"he said the truth, I was there," another adventure said.
now the whole restaurant was listening to the duo's talk.
"so you're saying they went to floor 84 solo, and you expect me to believe that," a guy said rolling his eyes.
"I didn't believe it, but when she came to register to be an adventurer the whole guild was filled with magical energy," a guy said.
"damn, we have a person who is killing criminals on the streets, and now somebody that can go to floor 83," the first adventurer said.
"I heard they got Bob," someone said.
"do you know who they're talking about Alice," Hestia asked with narrowed eyes.
"of course, I don't.... teehee," I said not convincingly.
"do we know what familia she joined," asked someone?
"I heard she joined a nobody's familia," the second adventurer said.
"hmph, as if anyone can go to floor 84. we can only go to round 48 at max and your telling me nobody can surpass us," said a member of the Loki familia.
"be quiet, your just a supporter," an adventurer yelled.
"look she's right there," somebody yelled and pointed to my corner.
almost immediately all the eyes were focused on me and Hestia.
"tee hee," I responded.
I hope you enjoyed it and have a nice day.
next update: necromancer and the demon queen
also, I blame Grammarly for any mistakes.