FIRST COUPLE OF CHAPTERS ARE GARBAGE. the main character will start in the percy jackson and then travel into other dimensions. this was my first book, chapter 1-6 are really bad, and I didn't know how to write the cover wasn't drawn by me Only one interest. (Ai) and no more.
of course, it was Athena who said that, why am I surprised. I looked around to see most of the gods against it surprisingly.
"yes it would be better to have these kids disintegrated than they betray Olympus," ares said.
"that's rich coming from you," I said.
"oh you wanna go then, punk," he said getting off his throne.
I pulled off my earring and out came my spear, I twirled it in my hands before setting it back upright.
"I'm ready for our rematch any day ares. if we didn't have a deadline I would have crippled you more," I said.
"she's telling the truth," I heard Appolo say.
"enough," thundered Zeus, "I will not have a mere demigod fighting in these halls."
"and I won't let a man that cannot be loyal to his wife lecture me," I said.
I saw hera nod her head in agreement. I mean sure I talked to Shinobu about me having more girlfriends, but there was a difference between me and him. I asked before I cheated and got the ok from my girlfriend.
(just imagine it, I'm winging this chapter with 2 hours of sleep and I just graduated so my mind is not suited for this.)
"This is the second time you came into my home and disrespected me, demigod," he said as his eyes narrowed.
"and this is the third time that percy and I had to save you and Olympus. of course, I would help lady Artemis or Hestia any day of the weak," I said.
I could feel him itching to pull out his master bolt, however, should her pull it out I would freeze time around us and yoink it.
"you know I say we disintegrate them now and save us the headache," Dionysus said.
I pulled out a gold bar that I had in my inventory and added chakra to my hand and threw it at his head. the gold hit him straight on his forehead and made his head rock back and forth.
"be quiet the adults are speaking," I said.
"did you just throw gold at him," Annabeth asked?
"Nah, I threw a meteoroid," I said sarcastically.
Annabeth blinked for a couple of seconds before registering that I was using sarcasm. I held my hand again and gold appeared in my hand again.
"so does anyone else want to be pelted with gold bricks, because I still got more than I know what to do with," I asked. I noticed the fire flickering for a second and looked in that direction.
"Hestia," I yelled as I began to smother her.
"I saw you just the other day Alice, now tell me what happened to your hair," she asked.
"see it started when I was born-," I began before Hestia put a finger to my mouth.
"What happened on the quest Alice," she asked?
"atlas escaped from under the sky so we demigods had to rescue lady Artemis from his burden," I began.
"First we went to a museum and met some Spartoi. luckily lady Nike was on our side in this fight," I said the last part in a whisper.
her eyes showed a mischievous look before she asked me to continue with the story. I didn't hide anything from her, I told her about the quest.
(meanwhile with the gods)
"let me kill her," ares said twitching his hand.
"please you are no match for her. I saw the battle you even use cheap tactics to win and still lost," Athena said.
"she's correct ares," Artemis said. "she lifted the sky with less difficulty than one would imagine."
"I want to know what we do with these demigods," Zeus said.
"well good luck killing them because I'm not going to help you," Artemis said.
"me either," Poseidon said.
most of the gods followed suit and disagreed, however, ares, and Athena agreed that they needed to be destroyed.
"if you try to destroy them, Alice will defend them and I'm pretty sure she will win will almost certainty," Artemis said.
(back with our mc)
"and after I got out from underneath the sky my black hair turned white. I got to say though I look good with white hair," I said.
"yes you do," she said.
"oh, are you going to be joining us today for dinner or should I not set a dinner plate for you," I asked.
she thought about it before saying, "I will not be able to join you today. however, I will join you for breakfast."
"alright it was fun being here but I have to do stuff so I will see you later," I said with a wave.
I grabbed the crew and used FTG to travel outside my house. I secretly put a tag on them allowing them to come inside.
"if you could do that then why didn't you teleport us to san Francisco," thalia asked.
"because I haven't been to that side of the country yet," I replied as a pulled the house key out, and unlocked the door.
we entered and the first thing I noticed was kanao watching Spongebob. I pat her head before heading to the kitchen.
"make yourself at home. there are two bathrooms if you need to use them, and if you need clothes let me know and I could get you some," I said.
while they explored the house I was making chicken mole for everyone. I also made rice and beans in case they wanted some.
I felt hands wrap around my waist, so I looked down to see it was Shinobu. I noticed that I was about 5 inches taller than her.
"What happened to your hair," she asked.
"it's a curse I got from the quest don't worry," I said.
"How could I not worry, if it's a curse can you take care of it or will it be fatal," she said worriedly.
"don't worry it's not a harmful curse it's just changing my appearance," I said.
She still looked worried but I was cooking so she let the subject go for now. sadly I had to let go of her because I still had one guest left to pick up.
"I have to go pick up Bianca's brother so that he could join us. once I do that then we can cuddle or talk about what you want," I told her.
"Okay, be safe okay," she said while giving me a peck on my cheek.
I used FTG and arrived outside of the camp. walking towards the Hermes cabin I found Nico asking questions about gods from his mythomagic.
"Nico," I called.
"Alice," he yelled running.
"hey, there little buddy. came on let's go we're going to be eating at my house today okay. you don't want to keep your sister waiting," I told him.
"big sister is going to be there," he said excitedly.
"yeah she is there already so you don't have to worry about it," I told him before turning to the camper, "tell Chiron I took Nico out for dinner with his sister."
"I will," he said before running off towards the big house.
I put my hand on Nico and we used TFG and arrived outside my house. I began to think that maybe I should just make a seal that auto recognizes me or a push seal.
(push seal= if you push the seal then you can enter)
"wow that's so cool how did you do that," asked Nico excitedly.
"you could do the same thing, if you put in the training that is," I told him.
"then can you train me," he asked.
"I could train you and your sister, however, we need to get you fed now come on," I said as I opened the door.
"Bianca" Nico ran excitedly towards his sister and hugged her.
I smiled and headed towards the kitchen and continued to cook. I made tacos with it and put those to the side, while I served all the plates.
"Alright guys, this recipe is very special to me. I got this from a lady that passed away in recent times, so she taught me how to make the dishes we are about to eat," I said.
what I said was true, I did get this from an old lady that I used to help out years ago. she sadly passed away because of a heart attack, she treated me like her granddaughter because she couldn't bear a child.
every month I would put flowers on her grave as a memory. she was the nicest lady you would meet. she told me about her past and how she used to have a restaurant but she got too old to work at it.
she taught me all the recipes that she could in the short time we met. thinking about her made me think about my past life. something I had wanted to forget.
thinking about her brought a tear to my eye. I quickly wiped it and served the food and put the dish in front of them.
I finished putting the food down and sat down at the table with my family.
"may I ask what food this is called," asked Kanae?
"she would always call this mole," I replied.
"What happened on the quest," mom asked.
"We had to rescue lady Artemis and stop atlas," percy told her.
"were you guys okay," asked mom.
"don't worry mom I took the impala, that thing is equipped with celestial bronze plating and also has weapons," I told her.
" yeah she even has gu-," began thalia before I gave her a death glare which made her shut up.
"she has what?" asked mom.
"she meant to say I have a gladius," I corrected.
thalia took the hint and nodded her head. mom looked suspicious but let it go. we all ate in joy while I had my clone from one of the rooms come out and make more rooms for the guest.
I finished eating and put all the leftover food away in the fridge. I washed the dishes and went and told people where their room was, they seemed shocked by how many rooms there were.
I then went into my room and joined Shinobu in the bed and we snuggled under the blanket. I woke up the next morning at 7:30 and decided that today I would take Shinobu out on a date.
I got out of the bed and walked to the closet and grabbed the clothes that I was going to wear. I took a shower and brushed my teeth before heading to the kitchen and making some breakfast for the rest of them.
the first to wake up was zoe, she came out of her room and approached the table. she looked at me before asking.
"were are thou going," she asked.
"I'm taking my girlfriend out on a date. so I wanted to dress up for the occasion," I said.
I whipped up some hashbrowns, eggs, and potatoes and started cooking. twenty minutes passed when they were finally done.
I then woke up the rest of the people in the house and went back downstairs, only to be met with Hestia sitting down at the table.
"I arrived just in time for breakfast, just like I promised," she said smugly.
I rolled my eyes playfully before sitting down on a chair across from her. everyone came down a couple of minutes later with crazy hair.
I laughed inwardly before serving them food. while Hestia and everyone were talking I turned toward Shinobu who was sitting beside me.
"Today I'm going to take you on a date. we can leave after you get ready," I told her.
"oh, are you finally going to take us on our second date," she asked.
"Yup, and trust me you going to have fun," I promised.
"Okay I will see what's in the closet, so after we can go on our date," she said.
everyone ate, and we talked, laughed, and joked. I smiled for a bit remembering my past life where I had no one to take care of me.
After everyone was done eating, I picked up the dishes and washed all the pots. I then combed my hair and wore a nice dress that the closet prepared for me.
(the closets are like the ones from the Kane Chronicles. it chooses clothes for you based on what would suit your style.)
[img for both}
I admired myself in the mirror for a couple of seconds before heading out to the living room. I looked over at kanao watching cartoon network with Hestia.
"lady Hestia, if anyone wants to know where we are tell them I took Shinobu on a date," I said.
she looked over at me and gave a nod, meaning she apprehended my words. I gave a smile and kissed her forehead, and grabbed my keys.
I pulled out the car into the driveway and waited for Shinobu to walk out of the door. I began to think about the many places I could take her. i finally came up with an amusement park, sure it was basic but it was the only place i could take her. i was taken out of my thoughts when my passenger door opened.
i looked over at Shinobu and i could say for certain that the fanart didn't show off her beauty. if it was my old world people would be lining up outside our house just to talk to her.
"you look beautiful," i said with a wink.
"who knew that trains all the time could dress up like this," she teased.
i laughed, after all, what she said was practically true. i would spend time with the family, or train with percy. she sat down on the chair and i began driving toward the amusement park that was near.
"So where are you taking me," she asked.
"the way you said that makes it feel like I kidnapped you," I joked.
she laughed but didn't say anything beyond that. i took the silence and sped up while noticing that Shinobu was paying attention to the scenery.
i took a picture of her and quickly put away my phone before she noticed. i decided to put that as my wallpaper when i get the chance. we finally arrived at the amusement park and i parked the car. i had to put a couple of people in a genjutsu but other than that the trip was fine.
however, when we were about to enter i noticed two monsters that i thought i wasn't going to see for a while. Kelli and her other empousa friends.
'damn it ruining a god damn good date,' i thought.
hey yall enjoy the update