
Chapter 1: Birth and being a baby sucks

Issei: "Fuck this pulling sensation hurts!" He thought as he was being pulled in one direction and pain was wracking his body. "No wonder babies are always crying when they are born, this sucks." A little while later the pulling got stronger and his head popped out followed soon after by his body. He did not need anyone to slap his but he was already crying from that experience. "I never want to go through that again." He thought as he was cleaned off and wrapped in a blanket then handed to his mother.

Mother: "He is so cute! My little boy from now on you are issei hyoudou." She said as she held him close and kissed his head. She then handed the baby to man who was standing to the side. "Look dear, this is our son."

Father: "He has your eyes. He should be quite the looker when he grows up."He said as he looked at his sons face while smiling. Issei then began to fall asleep soon after this was said. "Looks like the little guy is tired out Miki." He said as he handed him back to Miki.

Miki: "I think I should get some rest to, Gorou. We will be here for awhile for checkups and I want to get some rest first."

Gorou: "Okay dear, I will go get a nurse to put Issei to bed and start monitoring him." He said as he walked out of the room.


A month later Issei is really starting to hate being a baby. He can't eat on his own, he can't walk, he can't talk and worst of all he can't control his bowels. Thankfully the anime of Highschool DxD did not do his mother justice when it comes to looks so the breastfeeding and bathing are not so bad. It is awkward since she is his mother but at least she is not ugly or all wrinkly.

Issei: "Man its been a month since my birth and I can hardly move around. At least I found out that meditation helps me develop my body faster and allows me to absorb some mana. It is not like cultivation since I am just speeding up the natural process and mana is just the human equivalent of devil energy. So the more I have the better. It will also make waking up Ddraig a lot easier later on." He thought to himself while lying in his cradle.

Miki: "Issei its time to eat." She said as she walked into the room and picked Issei up. After that she sat down and removed her shirt.

Issei: "Damn if she was not my mother I would be the luckiest man alive right now." He thought himself as he was brought to her breast and began to feed. His mother was truly beautiful and he was not going to deny that if anyone asked him. She had Long brown hair that went down to her hips and beautiful green eyes. Her breasts are also huge being an C-cup that's close to D. Her skin is slightly pale but in a healthy way and despite giving birth she is still thin and looks no older than her early 20's. She is also 5'9 in height, so pretty tall for being Japanese. In short, his father is one lucky bastard and so is he for being able to see her in all her glory when she bathes with him. Speaking of his father he also is quite handsome and has brown hair and eyes, light tan skin, decent muscles and he stand at an even 6 feet. So yeah God obviously tweaked them a little so he would be better looking when he grows up. Lucky him.

Miki: "Are you almost full litter Issei? Mommy has to go cook dinner now so make sure to behave for awhile alright?" She asked Issei as she gently put him back in his crib. "He is so well behaved. I heard that having a kid would be really tiring but so far it has been great." She thought to herself as she looked back from the doorway to see Issei looking back at her. She smiled and waved before going to make dinner.


It has been 3 years since Issei was born and some interesting things had happened to him during that time. When he was 1 year old he showed his parents that he could walk and say simple things. Then when he was 2 he started "learning" how to read and write and showed it to his parents. They praised him as a genius and started to teach him some more things. To them he seemed to absorb anything they taught him at a rapid rate so they were ecstatic. By the time he was three they had already covered what was expected from someone who was in the third or forth grade. At night he was meditating in order to adsorb mana and was practicing his control on it as well as using it to strengthen his body. In short he had been very busy.

Issei: "98, 99, 100, few that makes 100 push ups now onto the sit ups." He said as he continued his daily routine workout. Every day he does 100 push ups, 100, sit ups, 100 squats, and a 3 mile jog. He is only 3 but can already do this with ease. Despite being only three his body looked like he was five thanks to all the mana training he did. After he finished his entire workout he then went on to practice his martial arts and practice with his wooden sword. Once he was done he then took a shower and continued studying. He already knew the material but he had to keep up the act.

Miki: "Issei it's dinner time! Come down here now!" She called up to him while setting the table.

Issei: "I will be down after putting my stuff up mom!" He called down to her before starting to put up his books.

Miki: "Sheesh that boy only has studying on his mind all the time." she said while sitting down next to her husband at the table.

Gorou: "At least he wants to study. When I was his age all I did was play around with my toys. With him like this we will not have to worry about him as much in the future." He said while taking a bite of rice.

Miki: "I know, I am just worried he will not make any friends when he starts school." She said with a worried look on her face.

Gorou: "We still have time till then and he is not someone who shuts himself up in his room all the time so I do not think we need to worry much." He said while looking at her with a smile.

Miki: "I hope you are right" She said as she started eating as well.

Issei: "Mom I do not think you need to worry that much." He said while taking a seat across from them.

Miki: "How can I not worry, I am your mother and you do not even seem to be interested in playing." She said while looking at him with both love and worry in her eyes.

Issei: "I do not play right now because I want to learn as much as I can right now so that later I can do what I want without having to worry about studying." He said with a smile as he started eating. "This is really good, as usual. Thanks for the food mom."

Miki: "Your welcome. I am glad you are at least thinking about your future, but please try to make some friends all right?"

Issei: "Okay I will try. How about we go to the park tomorrow dad to see if I can make any?" He asked while looking at his dad.

Gorou: "Alright, I have no work tomorrow so I am up for it if you are little guy." He said while smileing at Issei.

Issei: "Great, lets go after breakfast." He said as he smiled and dug into his food.

Gorou: "You just want to eat more of you mothers cooking huh? You little glutton." He said while laughing.

Issei: "I can't help it, her food is just to good. I do not see you disagreeing with me." He said with a big smile.

Gorou: "You will hear no arguments from me. I love your moms cooking and always have." He said while smiling at Miki.

Miki: "Sheesh you two, it's not that good." She said while blushing and fidgeting. Only one thought went through both Issei's and Gorou's mind at that sight. "To damn cute!"


Issei: "So dad are you ready?" He asked as he got ready to throw a ball to his dad.

Gorou: "Yeah, lets do this." He asked as he got his mitt ready to catch.

Issei: "Then take this!" He shouted as he tossed the ball hard at his dad. What he was not expecting was how fast it went. His father managed to catch it but it made him take a few steps back. "Holy crap I was not even throwing that as hard as I could!! My body is stronger than I thought." He thought to himself while smiling.

Gorou: "Wow sport that's one heck of an arm you have there. Lets take it a little more easy or we might break something around here, alright?" He said while tossing the ball back to Issei.

Issei: "Sure dad! Sorry for overdoing it." He said while tossing the ball back a lot lighter than before.

Gorou: "It's fine sport, I just do not want to break any windows or hit any of the other kids." He said with a smile as he tossed the ball back. They then kept tossing the ball back and forth for awhile as every now and then they increased the distance to make it more fun.

???: "Umm, do you mind if I join? It looks fun and nobody wants to play with me." Said a voice nervously from behind Issei after he caught the ball again.

Issei: "I don't mind, it kind of gets boring with only us anyway." He said as he turned to look at who had spoke. He was shocked because he knew who it was. It was a girl dressed like a guy about his age. This was the first meeting between him and Irina Shidou.

???: My name is Ike. Thanks for letting me join." She said with a smile.

Gorou: "We don't mind. we came here so Issei can make some friends so I am happy you came along." He said with a smile

Ike: "Thanks, so how do we play this?" She asked while tilting her head.

Gorou: "Here take this glove and put it on."He said while handing her a baseball glove. As she put it on he smiled kindly at her. "All you have to do is catch the ball as it comes to you and then throw it to one of us. It is really simple, once you get used to it we will spread out some more to make it a bit harder."

Ike: "Okay!" She said while smiling happily.

Issei: "Alright then lets get started." He said as he threw the ball to her lightly. They then started to pass the ball around to each other for the next hour while putting more distance between them to make it more fun and speeding up the throwing, kind of like the game hot potato. After the hour passed Gorou asked Ike if she would like to join them for lunch but she said she had to go home and so his first day of playing in this world had come to an end.

Well here is chapter two. A little family time and some info on Issei's growth. hope you liked it. Now off to bed for me.

Peace12345creators' thoughts