
Chapter 2

Back to Sarah's P.O.V :-

When he came beside me , he just spared me a glance and started to do his work . After a few minutes , I saw some of his jocks coming this way , so , I ran to the class not wanting to waste any more of my time on these people .

I went to the farthest seat in the class , as usual , and plugged in my earphones and started planning something I had to do this evening . The teacher came in and started the lesson .

Soon , I heard the door bang open and in came those jocks shamelessly winking at the squealing girls , I locked eyes with Austin for a brief moment before I started doing my work again .

After what seemed like an eternity the bell rang and I headed to the cafeteria and sat on my seat all alone like everyday . As soon as I started eating I felt cold liquid finding it's way through my hair . I Swear , I am gonna kill this bitchy Olivia once I blow my cover ( that I am not planning to ). 

I nearly panicked when I recollected that the water might wash off my concealer and reveal my tattoos and bruises. I quickly covered my face by pulling up my hood . And as if my life could go any peacefully came Amy's (my assistant's) call .

I didn't know what to do so I faked some tears and ran like a cheetah not even bothering to look back pretty sure that I was leaving back a dumbfounded Olivia . Someone was near the entrance but I didn't quite catch the glimpse of the person .

I also felt someone following me but I shrugged it off as I had to receive the call and went directly to the rooftop . I reached there , caught my breath while calling back Amy .

OTP :-

Me :- Yeah Amy ? What happened ? You never call during school hours ?!

Amy :- Sorry ma'am but our base was attacked by a gang called 'Fallen Angels' . It was well protected so there's no damage whatsoever , but we got to know that their leader studies in your school .

Me :- ok ! Good that there's no damage ! Still increase the security around there . What's their rank by the way ?!

Amy :- 56th ma'am

Me :- pfft. That would be easy to deal with , I somehow think I know that bitch but dig further and send me the details , ok ?

Amy :- ok ma'am

Me :- Ok ! Thanks for informing me! But still refrain Calling during school hours , ok ?

Amy :- yes ma'am , sorry . I will keep that in mind .

Me :- It's ok . Bye !

As soon as I turned back I hit a chest .

Austin P.O.V :-

As soon as I entered the cafeteria after the boring class I was greeted by Olivia (that bitch I Swear! She has been trying to get in my pants as soon as she laid her eyes on me !) I saw her pouring cold water all over that Sarah Nerd . But when I was observing her I saw something suspicious , as the water went by something in blue and black was showing .

WTF?! Is that a tattoo ?! Before I could even process something she put on her hood and left the cafeteria like she was in a marathon . I don't know why , but I followed her . I Swear I lost my breath for some time . (Damn ! She runs fast ) . We were at the rooftop when I saw her calling someone . I went further and stopped just behind her to listen who she was talking to

Sarah :- Yeah Amy ? What happened ? You never call during school hours ?!

( Is Amy her sister ?! )

Sarah :-  ok ! Good that there's no damage ! Still increase the security around there . What's their rank by the way ?!

(Did her house get robbed or something ? and What's about the rank ? And what was with her surprisingly bossy tone ? I was hella confused )

Sarah :- pfft. That would be easy to deal with , I somehow think I know that bitch but dig further and send me the details , ok ?

( what is she a spy or something ? And did she just swear ! I didn't know she could say something like that without stuttering )

Sarah :- Ok ! Thanks for informing me! But still refrain Calling during school hours ok ?

( If Amy's her sister she wouldn't use such a tone  , right ? )

I came back to reality when something hit my chest . I then saw Sarah with a literal fire in her eyes ,Well unlike other girls who are short she is surprisingly tall without heels too ! ( to be honest I was also intimidated by her stare , well not stare to be specific , glare !)  but as soon as she saw me her eyes widened and showed fear but her hood was still covering her neck so I couldn't still see what that black and blue was . How could she change her emotions quickly ?!