
The Negative Chronicles

What lays beyond death? Heaven? Hell? Reincarnation? Emptiness? If you are a seeker of truth, look no further. For a price of only negative zero dollars, the Negative Chronicles can help you send the poor protagonist of this novel on a special journey in a not so positive direction! Don't hesitate! It's a limited time sale and won't stay at negative zero for long! #godMC #dungeons

Fluffypie · Fantasie
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31 Chs

New World

An unconscious, tainted black soul drifted through the unknown tunnel of reincarnation. Unknown to the soul, wisps of black mist were washed away from his soul while he journeyed to his next destination.

It was unknown how long it took, but the tainted soul has returned to being transparent and normal.

If there was any noticeable change, it would be a tiny gray spec that was barely the size of a seed. This seed was located on the soul's forehead between the eyebrows.

Of course, unconscious soul had no way to observe this phenomenon. Well, the poor bloke is still asleep. A happy smile was on his face and there was even some drool leaking from his mouth as if he was dreaming of embracing some beauty.

Alas, good dreams can't last forever. With a pop, the soul was sent out of the magical tunnel before the tunnel seemed to shift a bit as if preparing for its next journeyman.


Deep in a forest, a frail young man laid against a tree. Dressed in a gown with golden trims, his hand weakly rested on his stomach where there was a bloody splat.

It was clear that the young man was already a cold corpse, but as the sunlight streamed through the canopy of the forest and shone upon the young man, one would be able to notice his twitching fingers.

It was as if the young man was about to come back to life ... and came back to life he did.


The frail young man clutched his head as he sat up.

Hu. Hu. After a couple of deep breath, the man finally opened his eyes.

The contrast from the sunlight caused the young man to be blinded for a while and he could only block the sunlight with his hand. When he felt that he was ready, he lowered his weak hand as he dully stared at his surroundings in a daze.

"What happened? Where am I?"

This young man was obviously Pro. He clearly remembered going to duke it out with the evil spirit. Then, he had a nice dream of embracing a beauty. Next thing he knew, he was waking up here.

After observing the forest around him, Pro intended to struggle up but was greeted by a stinging pain from his stomach.


Hissing in pain, Pro plopped back against the tree as he stared at the bloody hole on his stomach. It seemed the former host of this body died from blood lost after being stabbed by something.

"Another unlucky start ... but I can't blame anyone. After all, if they aren't dead or near death, I wouldn't be able to take over their body would I? Still, I don't think I would live long with this bloody hole."

After mumbling some complaints, Pro applied pressure to the best of his ability with his hand before summoning his Negative Chronicles. Pro felt fortunate that he discovered that hands were not needed to flip the pages of the book as a simple thought was enough.

[Host Name] Pro Con

[Zone] Zeroth Dimension

[Identity] Alan Cromwell (Progress: 1%)

[Source Power] None

[Abilities] {Danger Perception I} {Yin Seed (inactive)}

"Hmm? I went down another dimension? Or is this up? Oh? A new ability, yin seed? What does this ability do? If only there was an ability section in the book ..."

As if responding to Pro's words, the pages on the book began to flip rapidly past all the pages of biographies. Moments later, the book stopped on a page labeled with "Yin Seed".

[Yin Seed (inactive)]

The source of power from a polluted first dimension world origin. Cultivating the seed can allow the host to wield the strange power of yin at the cost of corrosion of the soul. Once the soul is corroded past a certain point, host will become a mindless monster that seeks to implement host's obsessions. Due to being stripped of all its yin power by an unknown force, the seed must absorb sufficient yin power in order to be reactivated.

Uh, not reactivating that. After reading the description, Pro knew that it wasn't a good thing. Although it could give him power, but the corrosion of the soul was definitely a no-go.

"Still, did my soul get corroded before? Is that why my memory is missing? But I seem fine now?"

Tossing this conjecture to the back of his mind, Pro then flipped one page back to see the description for another one of his ability.

[Danger Perception I]

An instinct awakened after experiencing death or near death experience. Host's instinct will sometimes warn the host of impending danger nearby. There is also a small chance of detecting unseen nearby danger, but detection may be inaccurate and may fade away if host doesn't focus his perception. There is also an extremely small chance that the host's instinct will assist the host in avoiding the nearby detected danger.

This ability can be upgraded if the host personally gains more near death or death experience.

"Err ... sounds unreliable. The 'sometimes' and 'small chance' really doesn't make me feel safe. There's also the fact that the danger perception is not persistent unless forced to. I obviously didn't know how, hence why I ended up engaging that evil spirit. Seeing that I am here, I guess I won in the end. Heh."

Shaking his head with a tinge of gloating, Pro slyly grinned as he watched the book flip through the pages back to the "Biography of Esteban Lorenzo".

Unlike John's biography, Esteban's biography was even more pitiful. The lines of text representing the poor bloke's memories were barely typed out before being cut off. The summary of his end took up more space than the memories.

Poor Esteban awakened in a precarious situation. The idiot didn't know about the friendly neighbor at the door and made noise rummaging through cabinets for a flimsy, half-ass stick.

By the time the poor bloke heard the knocks on the door, he was already trapped in the ghost domain of his neighbor. Had Esteban decisively jumped out the window, he may have escaped with broken legs.

Alas, the naive idiot decided to climb down only to be fished back up by his neighbor. Then, a romantic comedy was staged between the duo as the neighbor finally ate Esteban with love and care."

Eh? The story ended there? What happened to the rest of the story?

"Does this book not record the things that happen whilst I am a soul body?"

Pro frowned in thought, but there wasn't much conclusion to be drawn.

Although he has been with this mysterious book for three lives, the total actual time he spent exploring it may still be less than a day. There were still many functions and mysteries that will have to be solved in the future, assuming he will have one.

"I need to be much more careful in the future, even after the death of my body. I really didn't expect that the denizens of the world could actually see and harm my soul body. The first world was fine, but it seems as the power level rises, the soul may not be safe even after death. Hopefully this world won't be worse than the last."

Pro had a grim face as he observed the forest. At least it seems that he won't be trapped by some mysterious force in this place.

Still, Pro knew he couldn't just stay here. Although the forest seems safe at the moment, who knows what will happen at night.

In fact, Pro wasn't too sure the forest is safe even in the daytime because he could hear the cries of unknown beasts in the distance.

After grunting a couple of times, Pro forced himself up with the support of the tree.

Huffing in pain, a drop of sweat rolled down Pro's face as he uttered, "I need to find my way out of here, or at least find some way to treat this wound. Otherwise, it would be embarrassing to die from blood loss right after transmigrating. Heck, why can't whatever transmigrated me give me a full repair- damn, the game just keeps getting harder every round ..."

Whilst muttering complaints to himself, Pro hobbled forward in the direction of the setting sun with the support of the trees.

After finding a walking stick, Pro stumbled forward with one hand on the stick and the other applying pressure on his wound. Drops of blood rolled to the ground and left a bloody trail.

Although Pro knew this was a hidden danger, but he had no energy to solve this small issue. Compared to his wound that made him a living target, the trail of blood was a small issue.

It was unknown how long Pro traveled, but he noticed the darkening forest. There was a hint of worry in Pro's eyes.

He knew there were dangers at night, but there was no hiding place for him. He couldn't climb trees even when physically fit, let alone now with an injury. He also wasn't lucky enough to find any caves he could hide in.

"Damn. So unlucky ... how do all those protagonists in novels manage to survive situations like this. Everything just so happens to go their way, and here I am, with no way to deal with a wound."

Although Pro was complaining and struggling in pain, he still grit his teeth and shuffled forward. Giving up and waiting for death wasn't something he wanted to do, especially after his last death.

It was unknown if something changed, but he now wanted to grasp all chances of survival, even if its slim. Moving forward is the only way because there is a higher chance of encountering variables that could change his situation.

Worst case, he'll just get eaten by some beast and start over again. If he's lucky ...


Staring at the flickering glow in the distant dark forest, Pro's dull eyes lit up with hope, but noticing that the glow was slowly moving away, Pro had no choice but to speed up his pace.

"Come on, you can do it Pro. You're a pro after all," Pro softly mumbled with his parched throat to encourage himself as he strenuously stumbled towards the light source.

Beads of sweat rolled down Pro's face as he felt his wound tear further.

Disregarding the damage to his wound due to his brisk pace, he rushed forward as fast as he can and even tripped a couple of times.

He had no choice. He couldn't let this final hope escape from his sight. He must grasp it or else he might not live past this night.

Finally, stabilizing himself against a tree, Pro feasted his eyes on his goal, the source of light.

Pro's eyes widened in shock for a moment followed by excitement when he realized what kind of world he had transmigrated to.

This is a world of-