
The Necromancer: I am Catastrophe

As the game descends into reality, the world's rules are overturned, and humanity enters the era of universal job-changing. Monsters rampage! Numerous secret realms, dungeons, and abysses abound! Terror and treasure coexist! Danger and opportunity walk hand in hand! Only by becoming a job-changer, leveling up and growing stronger, can one stand at the pinnacle of the world! On the day of the job change, Lin became the sole possessor of a unique hidden job, the Necromancer. He acquired a divine talent, which at just level 1, enhances all skills by tenfold. He obtained a divine passive skill, transferring all damage to his summoned creatures. As long as his summons are indestructible, Lin will not die. "Endless divine skeleton warriors!" "Billions of lich mages!" "Countless undead bone dragons!" "Can you withstand them?" Curses powerful enough to gods turn into white bones. Corpses explosions, so powerful, they dent the sky, and the world collapses. "I sit high on the throne of bones, walking between life and death." "I am the catastrophe!"

DaoistYIt41G · Fantasie
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159 Chs

Chapter 92: World Boss Solo Kill

Lin surveyed the castle gate with a strategic eye, his skeleton warriors assembled in formation, attacking the gate with a tenacity reminiscent of a relentless siege engine. Some mages focused their elemental fury on the gate alongside the warriors, while others, masters of wind and ice, aimed their spells at the lion archers perched atop the city walls.

To any onlooker, Lin's method might seem rudimentary, even laughable, considering the existence of specialized siege tools. Yet, this direct approach, though arduous, showcased the undeniable might of his undead legion. The skeleton warriors, unfazed by the arrow barrage, chipped away at the castle's defenses, embodying Lin's resolve.

However, as the gate finally yielded, Lin pondered the true challenge of the assault. "There must be a better way," he thought, stepping into the castle to face prepared lion warriors. The ensuing battle was swift and merciless, the castle's defenders falling before Lin's relentless forces.

Pushing deeper into the castle, Lin encountered the Lion Tyrant, a world-class leader exuding an aura of untamed power. The disparity in their attributes was stark, yet Lin's determination was unshaken. "Sorry, I'm in a hurry," Lin muttered, as his army clashed with the towering tyrant.

The battle raged fiercely, the tyrant's skills unleashing devastation with every move. Yet, Lin's tactical acumen and the unyielding spirit of his skeleton warriors gradually turned the tide. Spells and soul flames battered the tyrant, each attack a testament to Lin's resolve.

As the tyrant's defenses waned, Lin's forces delivered the final blow. The tyrant fell, yielding treasures befitting a conqueror: gold-level weapons and the coveted Tyrant's Heart. Lin stood amidst the ruins of the castle, his victory hard-won but undeniable.

[Obtain a gold-level weapon: Tyrant Battle Ax]

[Obtain gold-level weapon: Tyrant Dagger]

[Obtain gold level armor: Tyrant Staff]

[Get the heart of the tyrant. ]

[Tyrant Battle Ax: Gold-level weapon, strength +500, battle ax skills increased by 25%, available above level 30]

[Tyrant Dagger: gold-level weapon, agility +500, assassin skills increased by 25%, available at level 30 and above]

[Tyrant Staff: Gold-level weapon, Spirit +500, Mage skills increased by 25%, available above level 30]

[Tyrant's Heart: Special props, necessary for making the Tyrant Necklace. ]

With the Tyrant's Heart in hand, Lin reflected on the journey and the battles fought. The path ahead was clear, his ambitions fueled by the spoils of victory. The world of tyrants and dungeons awaited, and Lin, with his indomitable will and army of the dead, was ready to claim it.