
The Necromancer: I am Catastrophe

As the game descends into reality, the world's rules are overturned, and humanity enters the era of universal job-changing. Monsters rampage! Numerous secret realms, dungeons, and abysses abound! Terror and treasure coexist! Danger and opportunity walk hand in hand! Only by becoming a job-changer, leveling up and growing stronger, can one stand at the pinnacle of the world! On the day of the job change, Lin became the sole possessor of a unique hidden job, the Necromancer. He acquired a divine talent, which at just level 1, enhances all skills by tenfold. He obtained a divine passive skill, transferring all damage to his summoned creatures. As long as his summons are indestructible, Lin will not die. "Endless divine skeleton warriors!" "Billions of lich mages!" "Countless undead bone dragons!" "Can you withstand them?" Curses powerful enough to gods turn into white bones. Corpses explosions, so powerful, they dent the sky, and the world collapses. "I sit high on the throne of bones, walking between life and death." "I am the catastrophe!"

DaoistYIt41G · Fantasie
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159 Chs

Chapter 89: Silver-Tier Skeleton Mage


The buzzing sound made from countless wings made the hairs on Lin's arm stand up.

In the heart of the ant cave, Lin Moyu stood before a colossal ant, its sheer size dwarfing the mightiest of creatures Lin had encountered before. Its body, grotesquely swollen and marked by the scars of countless battles, bore three pairs of titanic wings that hummed with a foreboding resonance. Before this behemoth, flanked by four formidable flying ants, each a titan in its own right, Lin prepared for what promised to be the ultimate confrontation.

As Lin unleashed the Detection technique, the air thrummed with anticipation, the tension palpable. The information flowed back to him like a whisper on the wind, revealing the true nature of the challenge that lay ahead.

The colossal ant's identity was unveiled: [Desert Queen Ant (World-Class BOSS)], its level an imposing 30, a testament to its dominion over the desert depths. The four guardians were no mere attendants; they were the Elite Royal Guards, each a formidable foe capable of decimating armies.

With a flick of his wrist, Lin commanded his skeletal warriors into the fray. The cavern, a vast arena carved from the very earth, echoed with the clash of bone against chitin. A cacophony of elemental fury erupted as the skeleton mages prepared to unleash their might. Ice and fire, lightning and wind, the elements themselves were conscripted into Lin's skeletal legion.

The Queen, sensing the imminent threat, let out a piercing shriek, rallying her guards. The Elite Royal Guards, with wings unfurled, took to the air, their scythe-like legs ready to reap the lives of any who dared approach.

Lin, undeterred, observed the battlefield with a strategist's eye. The skeleton mages, now at the pinnacle of their power, were a force of nature. With a thought, Lin unleashed the Ice Storm. The air crackled as a blizzard formed, turning the desert heat into a wintry grave. Fire Skeleton Mages countered with Explosive Flame, hurling fireballs that seared through the air, meeting ice in a dance of destruction.

The Tornado summoned by the Wind Skeleton Mages howled through the cavern, lifting sand and stone alike, while the Electric Skeleton Mages' Five Thunder Strikes lit the darkness with flashes of devastating lightning.

Yet, the Queen and her Royal Guards were not so easily bested. The Elite Guards dove through the elemental storm, their agility a blur, striking with precision and ferocity. The Queen, her massive form a bulwark against the skeletal onslaught, unleashed a torrent of pheromones, rallying countless ants from the depths of the cave.

Lin stood firm, his command over the undead unwavering. As the skeleton warriors engaged the ant swarm, Lin focused his will, summoning the full might of his skeletal legion. The battle raged, a maelstrom of magic and mayhem, each side vying for supremacy in this subterranean war.

As the dust settled, the outcome of this epic battle hung in the balance. Lin, with his legion of undead, faced down the Desert Queen Ant and her Elite Royal Guards, the fate of the Tyrant Desert hanging in the balance.