
The Necromancer: I am Catastrophe

As the game descends into reality, the world's rules are overturned, and humanity enters the era of universal job-changing. Monsters rampage! Numerous secret realms, dungeons, and abysses abound! Terror and treasure coexist! Danger and opportunity walk hand in hand! Only by becoming a job-changer, leveling up and growing stronger, can one stand at the pinnacle of the world! On the day of the job change, Lin became the sole possessor of a unique hidden job, the Necromancer. He acquired a divine talent, which at just level 1, enhances all skills by tenfold. He obtained a divine passive skill, transferring all damage to his summoned creatures. As long as his summons are indestructible, Lin will not die. "Endless divine skeleton warriors!" "Billions of lich mages!" "Countless undead bone dragons!" "Can you withstand them?" Curses powerful enough to gods turn into white bones. Corpses explosions, so powerful, they dent the sky, and the world collapses. "I sit high on the throne of bones, walking between life and death." "I am the catastrophe!"

DaoistYIt41G · Fantasie
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159 Chs

Chapter 78: Exp Dungeon

In the labyrinthine corridors of the Spider Lair, Lin orchestrated a symphony of destruction, each note a death knell for the swarming spiders. His skeleton warriors, a relentless tide of bone and steel, carved a path through the darkness, leaving a trail of carnage in their wake. Lin, the conductor of this macabre orchestra, moved with a quiet determination, the soft glow of the soul flame in his palm his only companion in the suffocating gloom.

The dungeon hall buzzed with speculation and awe, the air electric with anticipation. "Could Lin really sweep through the Spider Lair, leaving no stone unturned, no spider alive?" they whispered amongst themselves. The thought of someone daring to cleanse the entire lair was unheard of, a challenge that many had considered, but none had ever attempted.

As Lin advanced, the cave's oppressive darkness seemed to recoil before the relentless advance of his skeletal army. The once teeming mass of spiders was methodically eradicated, their numbers dwindling with each passing moment. Lin's strategy was simple yet effective: divide and conquer, with groups of skeleton warriors flushing out their prey, and him, standing ready to unleash devastation with a flick of his wrist.

Boom after boom echoed through the lair, the sound of corpse explosions a grim testament to Lin's power. Each detonation not only claimed the lives of countless spiders but also sent shockwaves through the hearts of those who dared to challenge him. The lair, once a place of dread and death, became a stage for Lin's unbridled might.

Back in the dungeon hall, the onlookers watched with bated breath as the light curtain flickered with the promise of a new record. "He's doing it," someone gasped, disbelief and admiration mingling in their voice. "He's actually doing it."

But for Lin, the accolades and records were but fleeting thoughts. His focus was singular: to push his limits, to hone his mastery over death and decay, and, perhaps most importantly, to amass the experience and strength needed to uncover the mysteries that lay ahead. The Spider Lair, with its endless waves of adversaries, provided the perfect crucible for his ambition.

As the final explosion resonated through the lair, signaling the end of the last spider, silence descended upon the cave. Lin stood amidst the devastation, a lone figure against the backdrop of destruction. The dungeon, once a teeming nest of death, was now eerily quiet, a tomb for the countless spiders that had fallen.

In the dungeon hall, the bells tolled once more, heralding the birth of a new legend. The light curtain shimmered, revealing Lin's name and his unprecedented feat: the Spider Lair, cleared in its entirety, in a record time that shattered all previous records.

Whispers turned to cheers, and disbelief gave way to admiration. Lin Moyu, the silent necromancer, had not only proven his might but also etched his name into the annals of Xia Jing Academy's history.

Yet, as the hall erupted in celebration, Lin quietly exited the lair, his thoughts already on the challenges that lay ahead. The dungeon clears, the records, were but milestones on a longer journey. His true quest, to find his sister, to master his profession, and to test the limits of his power, was only just beginning.

And as he stepped back into the light of the dungeon hall, the world watched, waiting with bated breath to see what marvels this quiet challenger would accomplish next.