
The Necromancer: I am Catastrophe

As the game descends into reality, the world's rules are overturned, and humanity enters the era of universal job-changing. Monsters rampage! Numerous secret realms, dungeons, and abysses abound! Terror and treasure coexist! Danger and opportunity walk hand in hand! Only by becoming a job-changer, leveling up and growing stronger, can one stand at the pinnacle of the world! On the day of the job change, Lin became the sole possessor of a unique hidden job, the Necromancer. He acquired a divine talent, which at just level 1, enhances all skills by tenfold. He obtained a divine passive skill, transferring all damage to his summoned creatures. As long as his summons are indestructible, Lin will not die. "Endless divine skeleton warriors!" "Billions of lich mages!" "Countless undead bone dragons!" "Can you withstand them?" Curses powerful enough to gods turn into white bones. Corpses explosions, so powerful, they dent the sky, and the world collapses. "I sit high on the throne of bones, walking between life and death." "I am the catastrophe!"

DaoistYIt41G · Fantasie
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159 Chs

Chapter 55: Skill Level-Up!

In Xiajing City, beneath the imposing silhouette of the trial tower, Meng Anwen, the tower's guardian, fervently worked to mend the fractured rules of the battle space. Concern etched the faces of the onlookers, each moment's delay amplifying the peril within the tower.

A subtle noise escaped Meng Anwen, drawing Bai Yiyuan's attention. "What's amiss?" he inquired, his voice deep with concern.

"The abyss's disruption wanes," Meng Anwen announced, a flicker of hope in his tone.

Bai Yiyuan's countenance darkened, fearing the worst. "Could it be that we've lost them all?"

But Meng Anwen's next words brought relief. "No, a throng of human life pulses strong within. Moreover, the demon's essence is diminished, wounded."

The thought that one among the young contenders could have inflicted such damage was unfathomable. "Could mere fledglings have turned the tide?" Bai Yiyuan pondered, skeptical.

Inside the tower, as Lin stood defiant, the monsters' assault intensified, urged on by the demon's vengeful cries. "I'll devour you whole!"

Yet, Lin remained undaunted, his skeletal legion forming a stalwart line against the onslaught. These skeletal warriors, embodiments of Lin's command, stood unmatched, even by the abyss-touched fiends.

Then, amid the chaos, Lin noticed his Corpse Explosion skill evolve, its potency and reach magnified. "Upgrades through use, then," he mused, realizing the path to enhancing his arsenal lay in the heat of battle.

With renewed vigor, Lin unleashed hell upon the enemy ranks. Each explosion sent Felin orcs to their doom, their numbers dwindling rapidly until silence reclaimed the battlefield.

The demon's fury was met with Lin's cold resolve. Launching corpses at the blood moon, Lin executed a daring strike against the abyssal presence itself. "I'll remember you," the demon hissed, a threat veiled as a promise.

But Lin's focus never wavered. With a final detonation, he obliterated the shadow, the blood moon shattering like glass, peace restored to the battle space.

Back outside, Meng Anwen proclaimed the victory. "The abyss has been purged. The children are safe."

Bai Yiyuan, rarely taken aback, yearned to uncover the tale of survival that unfolded within the tower's walls.

In the aftermath, Xia Xue sought Lin's reassurance. "Lin, are you all right?" Her voice, still laced with fear from the ordeal, found comfort in his simple affirmation, "It's okay."

As the candidates reflected on their narrow escape, gratitude towards Lin was unanimous. Without his intervention, their fates would have been sealed by the abyss.

Bai Yiyuan's voice then graced the air once more, promising safe return. "The abyss's shadow has lifted, and normalcy returns. Await your examination results with pride."

In the battle's wake, Lin stood as a beacon of hope, his actions a testament to the indomitable spirit of those destined to shape the future of the Shenxia Empire.