
The Necromancer: I am Catastrophe

As the game descends into reality, the world's rules are overturned, and humanity enters the era of universal job-changing. Monsters rampage! Numerous secret realms, dungeons, and abysses abound! Terror and treasure coexist! Danger and opportunity walk hand in hand! Only by becoming a job-changer, leveling up and growing stronger, can one stand at the pinnacle of the world! On the day of the job change, Lin became the sole possessor of a unique hidden job, the Necromancer. He acquired a divine talent, which at just level 1, enhances all skills by tenfold. He obtained a divine passive skill, transferring all damage to his summoned creatures. As long as his summons are indestructible, Lin will not die. "Endless divine skeleton warriors!" "Billions of lich mages!" "Countless undead bone dragons!" "Can you withstand them?" Curses powerful enough to gods turn into white bones. Corpses explosions, so powerful, they dent the sky, and the world collapses. "I sit high on the throne of bones, walking between life and death." "I am the catastrophe!"

DaoistYIt41G · Fantasie
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159 Chs

Chapter 151: Staring Into The Abyss

With little effort, Lin cleared away hundreds of Abyss Eater Monsters.

Counting the Abyss Wolf Demon, he and Ning Yiyi each received hundreds of military merits apiece.

At the second lieutenant stage, each star promotion requires a full 10,000 military merits.

Ning Yiyi as a private soldier, 100 military merits was enough to gain one star.

Ning Yiyi's sergeant badge sparkled, and bright stars emerged one by one. Six-star private.

In just half a day, Ning Yiyi was promoted from a two-star private to a six-star private.

Anyone seeing this would have been amazed.

If this continues, it won't be difficult to be promoted to second lieutenant.

"Thank you." Ning yiyi said cheerfully.

Although Lin is only level 26, level does not represent strength.

Lin has proven this.

The strong is respected, and the bigger fist gets the last word.

The crowed maintained full respect for Lin.

"I saw the rescue signal. It's our duty to save our own kind" Lin's voice was flat, but commanding.

These words fell into the ears of these people, but they took it for granted.

As a strong person, you should look like a strong person.

Strong people may have strange tempers.

Ning Yiyi poked her head out, "Are you a demon hunting team?"

Several people nodded, "Yes, we are a demon hunting team."

"Shouldn't the Demon Hunting Team be very strong? They specialize in hunting demons. How come they were almost hunted by demons this time?"

Under Ning Yiyi's understanding, the demon hunting team is very strong.

Everyone has extraordinary combat power, and leapfrogging challenges is not a problem.

Just now there was just a level 38 Abyss Wolf Demon, plus hundreds of man-eating monsters, and they were almost wiped out.

Several people had unnatural expressions on their faces, as if they had something to hide.

The leading knight sighed, "Our team originally consisted of 12 people. In addition to the 9 of us, there is also a great knight, a great elder, and a great mage."

"It's just that those three people left the team temporarily..."

There was a shortage of people, and the Abyss Wolf Demon seized the opportunity again.

Great knight, great mage, great elder.

The three professions are ordinary professions, not even rare professions.

His combat power is not that strong among professionals at the same level.

There is a big word in front of the profession, indicating that these three people have exceeded level 40 and have completed the second transformation, and they are high-level professionals.

Even ordinary professions can master several powerful skills after completing the second transformation.

Like the scene just now, as long as the archmage is given enough time, he can use several large-scale skills like meteor fire to destroy the world.

Hundreds of man-eating monsters can be cleaned up quickly.

The great knight after the second turn also has group protection skills, so even if he is trapped in a tight siege, it is not that scary.

There is also the Great Elder. The Great Elder after the second turn has group healing skills.

These three people are the core figures of the entire demon hunting team. Unexpectedly...

Lin was not interested in hearing what happened between their teams, "Let's go, be careful." After saying this, Lin and Ning Yiyi disappeared into the thick fog.

The clicking sound brought up by the skeleton warrior was gradually covered by the thick one, until it completely disappeared. A moment later, the fog rolled, and someone else came over.

Three people rushed over, and the knight who came over did not hesitate to activate his skills and covered a distance of several hundred meters in an instant.

"Are you okay?"

"Why did you send a distress signal? What happened?"

He looked anxious, and his expression changed drastically when he saw the corpses on the ground.

The three of them are the great knight, the great elder, and the great mage who just left the team.

Obviously, the relationship between them is very good, otherwise, they would not be rushing back.

As for why they left the team before, only they themselves know.

Ning Yiyi took Lin's big hand, "Aren't you curious at all?"

Lin shook his head, "I'm not curious."

He has no interest in other people's gossip.

Ning Yiyi's eyes were full of flames called gossip, "I really want to know why their demon hunting team separated."

"You know, the people in the demon hunting team are all close friends of life and death, and they all have very good feelings."

"There must be a reason for the sudden separation. Is it love or interests..."

Lin couldn't help but laugh. This girl has a really rich imagination and a lively and cute personality.

There is no composure that an assassin profession should have.

In Lin's impression, assassin professionals should be like Zuo Mei.

But look at this girl next to you.

Unconsciously, she touched Ning Yiyi's little head.

Quite cute, isn't it?

Continuing towards the depths of battlefield No. 3, the fog became thicker and thicker.

The power of the Abyss is even more evident here.

The lively Ning Yiyi had long forgotten what had just happened and changed the topic, "I heard someone say that the abyss seems to be divided into many areas. The battlefields No. 1 to 3 only correspond to the surface of the abyss."

Lin also saw relevant knowledge in the information.

The meta-battlefield is very, very large, with participation from all countries.

The Yuan battlefield on Shenxia's side is guarded by the Eternal Great Wall and is divided into battlefields No. 1 to No. 9.

Every battlefield corresponds to a fortress.

Among them, fortresses 1 to 3 correspond to the entrance to the abyss.

The space folds and overlaps, but the distance is actually the furthest.

There are strong people who have set up many obstacles to prevent the powerful abyss demon from entering battlefields one to three.

The battlefields above No. 4 overlap more closely with the space of the abyss, and there will be more abyss demons there.

Abyss Demons above level 40 abound.

Like human professionals, level 40 is a watershed.

Abyss demons above level 40 are very powerful and are called high-level demons.

Lin accelerated his knowledge about the abyss and the Yuan battlefield, "In the deepest part of battlefield No. 3, there is a part of the area that overlaps with the entrance of the abyss, and you can see the real abyss."

"There will be more monsters there, and demons will often appear. There is also a copy there."

Ning Yiyi's eyes glowed with light, and the light's name was Jun Gong.

"As the number of demons increases, does that mean that military achievements will also increase?"

She did not consider the danger at all.

With Lin around, she felt completely safe.

What Lin said was the content in the information.

The specific situation will only be known when it arrives.

Perhaps it was because of the demon hunting team that had been besieged just now that a large number of abyssal bite monsters were driven over.

Along the way, I didn't see much.

After walking for a few more hours, there were more people-eating monsters.

What has become more of a demon hunter team.

In just three hours, Lin and Ning Yiyi encountered no less than five groups of demon hunting teams.

Each group of demon hunting teams has different numbers and different professions.

One of the demon hunting teams has a very extreme combination.

Six professional assassins formed a team.

They moved silently, activated their stealth skills when they saw monsters, and launched attacks from behind.

Assassin's skills are very powerful.

Basically, two assassins can instantly kill a man-eating monster of the same level by bursting out their skills at the same time.

When Lin saw them, he couldn't help but think of the dragon assassins he had seen in the Hell Outpost copy.

Extreme attributes, super explosive power.

Skeleton warriors can be seriously injured in an instant.

Obviously, the same is true for human assassins, whose explosive power is no less impressive.

And it has more skills and is more flexible.

Lin saw this and felt that he must be careful if he met an assassin professional in a professional competition.

A black line appeared in his vision.

The black line spreads all the way to infinity.

Divided the world into two parts.

Another quotient of the black line is the world of the abyss.

It looked like there was nothing blocking it, but I couldn't get in at all.

The monsters and demons in the abyss are not so easy to come out.

An invisible force separates the two worlds.

Only when your hand touches it, waves of ripples will be generated, rippling like water splashes.

This is the folding of space, where two worlds collide, forming a strange scene.

"There is an abyss inside, and it looks so scary."

Ning Yiyi was amazed.

Standing outside, you can see pairs of blood-red eyes in the dark abyss world, bloodthirsty and ferocious.

The abyss world can be seen here, and the abyss world can also be seen here.

Lin remembered a sentence.

When you stare into the abyss, the abyss also stares into you.

Occasionally, a space passage will be opened, and the monsters and demons inside will rush out in droves.

A scream sounded from the air.

An abyss demon with a human body and a snake tail fell from the sky.

It trembled twice on the ground, but stopped moving.