
Ohh Fuck No

"If this goes on they will seize to exist anywhere."

A being with red skin and folded wings behind him .

"Abbador you well know what your brothers did mostly Lucifer the man child and abbaddon going around destroying galaxy and please don't get me started on asmosdeus banging and causing a multi galaxy level chaos with thousands of goddesses chasing after him."

Abbador the being in question just turned his head away in shame.'motherfucking bastard always causing trouble and throwing me under the bus whenever mother calls us'.

Waving in a tired manner abbador disappeared from the spot he was.

Staring at the vast expanse of space in which 80% of civilisation are trying to hunt,kill or destroy demons.

"Mm 80 %"

"80 of course why didn't I think of it ."

Slapping her thighs and stretching her hand to project her will she created a magic circle and from it came a demon.

Hair as black as the night,eyes deep and hollow devoid of any feelings at all,with Angel like wing but red in colour.

He bow his head; "you called for me mother."

"Mm,I have a mission for you azaroth".

'He has always been the most serious7 one so he is our best bet'.

After few minutes of explaining the mission .

"If I may how about sending my son." Azaroth said.

With a piercing glare and fiercesome aura her voice " WHAT IS THE MEANING OF THIS AZAROTH?!!!!"

"No, I do not mean my others sons I meant adrien."

" Ohh,that makes much sense go tell him what the mission is about."

On his way to his son Azaroth couldn't help but think 'they are also her grandchildren why does she dislike them,who am I kidding they are no different from my brother.'


●back to the queen●

#knock knock #

"You may enter."

Standing in front of the queen is a woman in a French maid outfit,whose hair is red in colour with a hint of black on her fringes.

This woman in question is someone to be feared wiping out an entire civilisation for killing her pet, she is known as the psychotic blade of the queen.

"My queen if I may ask."

"Maria how many times must I tell you when it just the two of us call me by my name."

"Yes queen lilith."

"Ugh,never mind go on."

"Why are you permitting sir adrien to go on this mission."

**sigh** "you all can't feel it is bloodline,see when he was born his bloodline and potential was so strong we had to seal but here the thing it was me,his mother and Esmeralda with the supreme elder that sealed his bloodline."

Tilting her head in confusion,Maria was perplexed. 'Just to seal a baby.'

"To top it off our powers weren't enough his mother had to sacrifice her lifeforce and all her strength to save and seal his bloodline."

"HOlD ON!!!!, my queen is this true we are talking about her his mother one of the supreme cosmic entity of her race."

Turning back the queen replied

"Yes she did."

"Just how powerful his is bloodline."

"No one knows."

●back to Azaroth●

"So do you understand."

"Yes father."

"I give you a few minutes when you are done meet me in the lobby."

■adrien pov■

Watching my dad leave I knew this mission is important,it was my chance to prove myself.

After packing I went to meet my dad.

"Am ready."

He looked at trying to scrutinise debut he didn't say a word and just turned around so I followed him.

'So the plan is to go to and assist a dualaxy and slowly raising the reputation of demons if possible save them a few times, feels easy.'

"We are here."

In front is a place I have never been to before and a door so plain you will forget it immediately you see it.

"Mm a spell."

"That right a exoconcealing spell."

'I wonder what is so important they had to apply this kind of spell.'

My dad pointed his hand towards the door.

"Arakuta sesame. "

The door slowly slid open and in front of me was a dimensional rift a huge one probably a class 6 portal.

"This is my stop."

Looking back at my old man I gave him a nod and stepped inside.

● meanwhile ●

"My queen which civilisation did you send him to."

"Mysteria on the edge of tomorrow."



"Where did you say again my queen."


"Oh my, that a upperclass 9 multilevel civilisation one which nobody knows anything about!!!"

Lilith crossed her leg and replied "I know."

"My queen do you understand what you have done?"

"I do."

'No you don't when does crazy ass four bitches find out that there favourite disciple the only thing keeping them sane,god knows what they will do.'

'Looking at Maria I understand her but she doesn't understand he needs to go the system is the only thing that can save him and balance the energy inside him.'

Staring through the walls she could see Azaroth on his knees weeping.

'So sad he must not show emotion related to love to him.

●back to adrien●

"Uhhh that didn't feel good."

Raising my head am in a room more like a lobby filled with doors of different colours and souls of different races around me.

'Am to look for a black door.'

Moving around I can see souls going for different doors the most popular one is the harem god.

After minutes of searching I finally found it the door was black like the abyss leaking eerie vibes.

Channelling my courage I entered inside and within was nothing just darkness but I kept on walking and found a throne room.

In the middle of the room was a throne and seated on it was a being whom I couldn't see the end he huge and majestic.

"WHO Are you?


Can't hear it .

It decided to reduce it size to a small mountain .

I could finally see it or rather him adorned in black and gold wear is face no different from the void of nothingness no eyes,or any other thing on his face.

"WHO Are you?" I asked.


A strange human in black and red armour barked.

"It okay athaniel, i am the god of death and the void ruler of souls and king of the pilgrim 'ARGON."


"Would you like to become my vassal?

"Yes I would."

' I mean that is the whole reason why am here.'

A dark wisp slowly made it way inside me and I felt a connection to this god.

"If you dont mind me asking why is there no one at your door."

"Am hated by all."

"I can see that but why exactly."

Turning his head sideways ARGON began speaking .

"You see we gods bless people had when we find an exceptional mortal we make them our vassal or as the mortals call it hero, but you see my vassal killed the other heroes and their family members and also burn down there temple and churches,since then any vassal I make is hunted down and killed."

"So I will also be hunted down and killed."

"Mm yes."



"FUCK YOU,GODDAMNIT what kind of god are!!!!


It was a very comical scene to see a god and his right hand being scolded by a mortal.

'Seriously dad,this god is unreliable. '

"I can make it up to you."

Pointing my finger at him I replied "you had better."

He snapped his fingers and in front of me were monolith with scribblings on them.

"This monoliths are the inborn powers you can choose that has to do with me pick three and nothing the one with golden marks are the ones which have been picked before."

Moving around them and checking there description I realised "What sort of trash is this?

'Eh trash this are powers the world will kill for or am I wrong.' Argon wondered.

In a conspicuous corner I saw four monolith.

'This is it.'

"I want this four."

Shaking his head argon replied "I can't give you four it against the rules."

"Eh,are you stupid look listen to me you told me that there is an evil entity right."

"Yes there is."

"Can't you see,anyone who defeats this being will have their god worshipped they will be praised as the heroes for long time meaning more divine energy for the god."


"So do you think the other gods are gonna hold back on the amount of powers to give their hero when the end goal his a massive amount of divine energy."

Thinking about it ARGON looked down.

'They probably won't.'

"Ok I give it to you."

Stretching forth is hands argon began to whisper in ancient dialect and the monolith turned into golden streams of energy and entered into adrien.

Staring deep into my soul I could see the four monoliths hanging around and circling an eerie dark orb.

"So I will be sending you on your way."

"Hold up."

I looked towards athaniel.

"Hey,aren't you gonna give me something I mean with all your words you can't even gift your master's vassal a gift."

"You hmph."

Raising his fingers athaniel snapped it .

Suddenly a panel appeared in front of me.

[Demigod of war and blood as sent you the following blessings:

Craft of war.

Blessing of martial body.

Understanding of all language in mysteria.

Proficiency in all weapon.

Proficiency in bloodwork.]

Looking at all the blessing I was...

'Holy shit that a lot.'

Facing athaniel I expressed my gratitude.

"Thanks a lot man."

'What I mean,what I gave him super monoliths yet he never said thank you, just tons of scolding and abuses.' Argon thought jealously.

"Hey old man am ready."

"Good luck may asphirai be with you."


Opening my eyes and...

"Oh Fuck!!!!