
The Mystic Werewolf* (Black romance)

Rue is a 22-year-old auto mechanic and mystic werewolf living in Stormyard, Washington with her family. The half-black, half-American Indian halfling is starting her own business and trying to get her life together. A werewolf lord and his pack move into the rainy town and try to make big changes. The werewolf lord is building new homes and businesses. He became one of Stormyard's council members to improve the town's quality of life. As he and his pack make themselves home, he sets his sights on Rue. He likes Rue, and she likes him back. As the two are vibing, bad things are happening in the peaceful, rainy town. Girls are being murdered and everyone is scared. Who is killing these girls and why?

MayaAlanaPeoples · Fantasie
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23 Chs

Chapter 9


I just got done with my fifth car when I bumped into Mazaelynn. I was just about to drive off when she pulled up next to me. She tried to hire me again, complaining about everyone quitting or slacking off. Mazaelynn complained that her customers were flocking over to me. "I will pay you $25 per hour if you come back. Please!" she begged. I refused without a second thought. Unsurprisingly, she had a full-on meltdown. It was as if a toddler and a teenage girl throwing a tantrum. This is so embarrassing and cringy, you act like this, and you are older than me. Mazaelynn was just screaming and cursing at me at the top of her lungs. She was calling me every name in the book, and I was just checking the time on my phone.

My customer called the police, and my dad came. She began to hit him in his knees with her tiny fists, and he quickly restrained her. Mazaelynn was thrown into his squad car, and he took my statement. It takes a lot to make my dad mad. Other males would have backhanded her, or dropkick her so hard, it would have put soccer players to shame. He can get annoyed and grumpy sometimes. I remember the time when Leslie and I were teenagers, we were having fun and singing off-key to Mariah Carey. My dad kicked open the door like SWAT, and yelled at us. "SHUT UP! YOU CAN'T SING, YOU ARE DRIVING ME CRAZY! TAKE A NAP, DO HOMEWORK, SOMETHING," barked Dad as he stormed off, slamming the door behind him. He didn't have to say it like that, but he is honest. I heard Mom and Grandma scolding him after that. He isn't perfect, we are not perfect either, but we fit like a puzzle. We are one happy, dysfunctional family. "Are you alright, baby?" asked Dad as he awkwardly patted me on the head. He doesn't like PDA all that much, and he is an honorable prude. "I'm fine, Dad," I replied as I patted him on the arm. "See you tomorrow at dinner," Dad said as he got into his car and drove off.

Four Hours Later

I came back home to find a gift basket filled with meat and cheese on my table. There was a note from Joshua saying to enjoy the bag of goodies. I don't have to cook right now because I am tired as hell. I grabbed the basket, and took it to my bedroom. I took off my uniform, grabbed a book and my phone, put the basket on the bed, and got under the covers. I ripped open the gift basket and opened the book. I texted Joshua saying thank you, and he texted me you're welcome, baby girl. I giggled to myself, the endearment was so cute. I went to town on the meat and cheese while reading the book. After I was done eating the meat and cheese, I was stuffed. I turned in for the night.

Sunday dinner

Joshua and I went to my old home, Nathan showed up thirty minutes early. Nathan is two years older than JJ and me. He is six feet tall with copper skin, short black hair, dark brown eyes, and the body of a swimmer. He was handsome, but I just saw him as my play cousin. "Rue, nice to see you," he jogged over and wrapped me in a bear hug. He was hugging me a little longer than expected, so I got out of his hug. "Nathan, this is my mate, Joshua," I said. Both guys greeted each other with a 'sup. There was something different about Nathan. They say that your eyes are a window to your soul, something was off about Nathan's eyes. There seemed to be a bit of coldness in his eyes. Don't get me wrong, he is playful, carefree, and friendly. Did something happen during college? What happened to him? "My mom and dad are at work, so

Dinner was lovely and engaging, but I caught Nathan eyeballing me a couple of times. My mom and grandfather liked Joshua. We ate, drank, and chatted for hours. After dinner, we all helped clean up. I went out to take out the trash when Thaddeus came sauntering over to me. "What are you doing here?" I asked wearily. Please just tell me he is just passing through! How the hell did he know where I live? I gripped the trash bag just in case he decides to attack.

"Have you seen Beatrice? She left me a note saying that she was just playing with me, and going to stay with her boyfriend," he asked. I gave him a confused look, and I asked, "You do know or remember that I never met her? Why would I associate myself with someone like her or you? I also saw that a mile away. If she is going to cheat with you, she is going to cheat on you."

"Wait, so you knew that she was cheating on me and using me?" he yelled. I rolled my eyes at him, people just don't fricking listen. I know it is rude to roll my eyes at people, but this guy was getting on my last nerve. Guys like him always want to play the victim card. They would rather get with trash instead of making it work with their mate. "No, I didn't, and your sob story is so predictable. You got with a horrible person who was willing to betray her flesh and blood. You even mentioned that she was useless around the house. Did you expect a different result?" I sneered. I stomped over to me trying to slap me, but I Sparta kicked him in the stomach hard. I fell on the ground, clutching his stomach. Thaddeus really had the balls to try and hit the daughter of the chief of police, in his home. I dropped the trash in the garbage can, and walked back into the house.