
The Mystic Werewolf* (Black romance)

Rue is a 22-year-old auto mechanic and mystic werewolf living in Stormyard, Washington with her family. The half-black, half-American Indian halfling is starting her own business and trying to get her life together. A werewolf lord and his pack move into the rainy town and try to make big changes. The werewolf lord is building new homes and businesses. He became one of Stormyard's council members to improve the town's quality of life. As he and his pack make themselves home, he sets his sights on Rue. He likes Rue, and she likes him back. As the two are vibing, bad things are happening in the peaceful, rainy town. Girls are being murdered and everyone is scared. Who is killing these girls and why?

MayaAlanaPeoples · Fantasie
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23 Chs

Chapter 23

Joshua POV

In walks in Jon's evil twin, and as expected, he jimmied the lock. Uncle Samuel looked like a jovial, and slimy Jon. "Mama, Daddy, how have you been," the man said as he rushed over to hug his parents. His own parents gave him the stink-eye that stopped him abruptly. Wow, he is that horrible? There are adults that are horrible for their family to still love them. Uncle Samuel is so bad that his own family is repulsed by him, even treats him like a nuisance. When he saw the babies, he jumped in shock, swearing in the process. "Stop cursing in front of the kids," Grandma scolded. When he tried to greet the kids, Josiah growled at him like a dog, which made us look at him in disbelief. The girls started to cry when Samuel approached them. I could have sworn that Samuel looked hurt. From what I heard, he has no redeeming qualities. "We don't have any money, Uncle!" my mate said in a loud voice. It was an easy-ish lie, some of us do have money to spare. We really don't want to flush our money down the toilet. Besides, we are not obligated to give him our money. I see the older women shove containers of food in his hands, and shove him out the door. "I AM GETTING MARRIED!" he shouted before the women closed the door on his face. My family groaned, unfortunately, this is not his first rodeo.


Uncle Samuel is a womanizer, but the majority of the women he had dated were worse. The woman who slept with him in JJ's bed was a nasty stripper who had the manners of a boorish man. The first ever woman he brought home was a hooker who acted like a lady, but was very insecure. She thought Grandma was his side piece, and things got physical. Grandma won the fight, she beat the hooker to the point where she had no grill. The second girl he brought over was a cheapskate with sticky fingers. We all jumped her once we found our belongings in her bags. As he can see, he has some bad tastes in women. We immediately started taking bets to see long this relationship lasts, my usual answer is a year.


We wanted to do a movie night now that the kids are asleep. Furthermore, we all have either a day off or get to sleep in late. We like watching movies together, even ones we have already seen. JJ voted on Pooty Tang, which we shut that down immediately. Leslie suggested Titanic, which we vetoed. Nobody wanted to watch, in my opinion, is a dry movie. Who wants to see a girl hog the damn door, let her boyfriend freeze to death, and break her promise to him. Grandma wanted to see For Colored Girls, we all said no since we don't want to watch depressing movies. That movie is the worst movie to watch if you are a family or couple. That movie will have you pissed off at your man for no reason. Precious Mom wanted to watch Independence Day, which we all agreed.


We all fell asleep during the movie, and woke up to the babies sleeping on our laps. It shocked the hell out of us. Are the babies super geniuses, or something? We took care of the babies first before we took care of ourselves. After that, we took Josiah and went home. Both of us are playing with Josiah, he loves playing with blocks. Josiah has a cackle laugh like mine, but Joshua loves our laugh.

Joshua POV

My little boy looks as beautiful as his mother. Everyone says that he looks like me, but I feel like he looks his mom. Whenever I look into his eyes, I see intelligence and playfulness. I wonder how smart my son is, his intelligence sometimes scare me. I want to be a better father than my father was. Not only that, but I remember only the bad times with my father. I remember being covered in bruises, cuts, and bandages. I remember him calling me out of my name, calling me a dumb fuck. Likewise, I remember every slap, punch, kick, and broken bone. I remember seeing all the women he would be with having similar injuries as mine. It amazed me how the side pieces would see how horrible he would treat the main chicks, then act surprised that he is treating them the same way or worse. Their excuses for their injuries were common or legendary.

I fell down the stairs, fell off the ladder. I ran into the door, I made him angry, so it is my fault he hit me. Why did you make me angry? I was just joking, or I was having a bad day. You got me upset, or you deserved it. I didn't mean to hurt you, or you know what sets me off. You're just as bad as me, or you know I have an anger problem, or it didn't happen like that. He apologized, promised it wouldn't happen again. It doesn't happen all the time, or I'm afraid that he will kill me. I don't have anywhere to go, I don't have a job, or I don't have enough money. I know he loves me, and I love him. We have a lot of great times together. Drugs and alcohol made me do it. I'm a good person having a rough patch. He loves me so much, and he never wants to lose me. He never laid a hand on him. No one should put their hands on you, no one. They don't have to physically hurt you to abuse you. I have seen the abuse happen, and the women having to suffer at the hands of that monster. The women are now at peace, have jobs, and or have their own families. The women check in with me via email or postcards. I wrapped my family in a bear hug, and kissed them both. I will die before I let anything happen to them.

The End

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