
The Mystic Werewolf* (Black romance)

Rue is a 22-year-old auto mechanic and mystic werewolf living in Stormyard, Washington with her family. The half-black, half-American Indian halfling is starting her own business and trying to get her life together. A werewolf lord and his pack move into the rainy town and try to make big changes. The werewolf lord is building new homes and businesses. He became one of Stormyard's council members to improve the town's quality of life. As he and his pack make themselves home, he sets his sights on Rue. He likes Rue, and she likes him back. As the two are vibing, bad things are happening in the peaceful, rainy town. Girls are being murdered and everyone is scared. Who is killing these girls and why?

MayaAlanaPeoples · Fantasie
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23 Chs

Chapter 18

Joshua POV

We agreed to tear down Nathan's home, since no one wanted a murder house. To be honest, no one wants anything Nathan touched. Rue and JJ have mixed feelings about Nathan's death. They don't know if they should be sad or relieved that an old friend is dead. I can't blame them, though, their childhood friend turned out to be a monster. Even though he was sick, it didn't make anything he did okay. He never tried to stop the killings or do the right thing. He was a selfish, cowardly, and evil bastard in my opinion. Not only that, but he claimed to love Rue, but he stalked and terrorized her. I am pretty sure that she is even more upset about Nathan's true feelings toward her. I caught the twins removing childhood pictures of Nathan, as if they were purging their memories of him. The women purged and cleansed the house of bad energy first before tearing down the house.

The victims were given proper burials, but their skins were nowhere to be found. Victoria has found Rue another mechanic named Franklin in our pack. He is a basic 17-year-old black kid who needs a job while he goes to school. His widowed mother just got a job as a waitress, and they require the money. When she introduced me to him, he seemed like a decent kid. Franklin's eyes screamed with intelligence, nervousness, and sadness. "Listen, boy! Whatever my wife says, goes. Be at work on time, and be respectful. My wife is running a business and requires all the help she can get. If you so much as disrespect my wife and her business, I will break my foot so far up your scrawny ass that you will be tasting my toes. DO I MAKE MYSELF CLEAR?" I barked at him, as he nodded in fear. When Rue met him, he was acting like a frightened bunny meeting a strange human. It took her an hour to get him comfortable around her. I sent him back home, and he ran so fast, all I saw was ass and elbows.

Rue and I made dinner together, while listening to a little jazz. We made macaroni and cheese, meatloaf, and greens. We drank wine while we ate dinner. Rue thought about using her house as an office. "Baby, you should do it," I said, encouraging her. She grabbed my hand and kissed it. Then I pulled her on my lap, and kissed her deeply. I stood up with Rue in my arms, and I had her back to the wall. I ripped open her panties and slid inside her. We are still kissing as I begin to fuck her with the wall supporting her. She tore off my $200 shirt, but do I care if I am getting my sexy wife's sugar walls? Hell no, I can buy a new goddamn shirt. Rue tore off her shirt and bra, her naked breasts were touching my chest. While holding Rue, I ripped off our remaining clothes. I carried Rue to our bedroom, and got into our bed. We made love for hours until we fell asleep.

Five Hours Later

Rue came home from work, it was a good day and Franklin was a hard worker and very obedient. She took a shower and put on her tank top and underwear. I got her some more bras and panties. We watched movies together for the rest of the day.

Two weeks Later

I took Rue to Hawaii for a surprise honeymoon. She never flew a plane before in her life, so it can be a bit uncomfortable. Luckily, we are in first class with better accommodations for her first time. We thought the airplane food was decent, but couldn't wait to head to our hotel room. One of the stewardess was flirting with me in front of Rue. The stewardess went as far as to stroke my arm. I quickly move her hand away, I only have eyes for my Rue. When she left, Rue headed to the bathroom. I noticed Rue's fork was missing, maybe she lost it or something.


I dragged the skank stewardess into the bathroom. Not only that, but I grabbed her by her hair, turned her to face the mirror, and put my fork on her throat. "If you tell anybody about this, you will be known as the tramp who tried to flirt with a married werewolf lord. I am a mystic werewolf who could curse you for all eternity. I trust and love my husband, but I will not tolerate disrespect from a tramp. Furthermore, I will kill you, and use his money to get off. Likewise, I will tell your superiors about this, but this promise is clearly not getting through to you. Let me give you a second warning," I whispered in the skank's ear. I used my magic to flip the toilet seat up, and shoved her head in the toilet.

Five minutes later

I came back from the bathroom only to see a stern Joshua. "Baby, did you really have to do that? Do you not trust me?" he asked me. I placed a kiss on his lips, and said, "I love and trust you 3,000, lover. I don't tolerate disrespectful tramps who flirt with someone's husband, especially if the wife is right there next to him. We just had a nice discussion, and she decided to drink toilet water for some reason. All she got was soft tissue damage, and I know that you would have done the same. I know that you threatened Franklin. You want to judge me on how I handled the skank, but you like to threaten teenage boys who are trying to work and go to school. You really need to apologize to him, he is really scared of you," I replied to a guilty-looking Joshua. I know for a fact that Joshua had threatened Franklin into being a model employee. No teenager, let alone a male one, is responsible, punctual, and respectful. Franklin would always beg me not to tell Joshua every time he would make a mistake.