
The Mystic Werewolf* (Black romance)

Rue is a 22-year-old auto mechanic and mystic werewolf living in Stormyard, Washington with her family. The half-black, half-American Indian halfling is starting her own business and trying to get her life together. A werewolf lord and his pack move into the rainy town and try to make big changes. The werewolf lord is building new homes and businesses. He became one of Stormyard's council members to improve the town's quality of life. As he and his pack make themselves home, he sets his sights on Rue. He likes Rue, and she likes him back. As the two are vibing, bad things are happening in the peaceful, rainy town. Girls are being murdered and everyone is scared. Who is killing these girls and why?

MayaAlanaPeoples · Fantasie
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23 Chs

Chapter 12

Killers POVs

Demon: The little slut has mated with him when she is supposed to be ours. Our plans are ruined, fucking clusterfuck. We have known her since we were kids, and she is mated to a stranger she has known for a few days. I bet she loves the fact he is rich with a fancy house, cozy fireplace, his Bluetooth speakers, and his fancy cars. Meanwhile, Bumppo here can't even get a bonus. What the hell does he have to offer her? She has her own place and business, while Bumppo is still with Mommy and Daddy. Bumppo is practically a bastard, whose own biological father doesn't even want him. You had the opportunity to claim and fuck her while she was home alone, Bumppo. Are you that much of a momma's boy? Are you now, little Bumppo? How can you even protect her when you were turned out by that buddy of yours and left for dead? I took care of those two girls who dared to reject us. They are all the same, females! You treat them well, make them laugh, and they reject you. Females are only good for being maids, and give us regular action once in a while. At least Rue is useful and better looking than the other two. It was a pleasure to behead them and skin them alive. Skinning them alive for no reason was worth the hard work. If Rue so much as reject us, she won't meet the same fate. We will make her love us, even if we have to tie her to the bed for the rest of her life. She has always been ours from the moment we met her, and played with her. She was ours the moment she and her twin brother protected us from bullies. Maybe we should kill her mate to get him out of the way. How hard is it to kill a werewolf lord? They can't be that invulnerable.

Saint: Rue is not a slut, she is not even ours. She is mated to her mate, and I am pretty sure this is the first time she has had sex. You can't slut-shame a girl because she slept with a consenting partner. If a guy sleeps around, no one bats an eye. If a female does it, she is a slut. Don't you find that hypocritical? I wish you didn't have to kill, better yet killed those girls. Those girls didn't owe us anything. In fact, they were right to reject us. We are very sick, and we need help. We can't force Rue to like us, we can't force anyone to like us. She has no romantic feelings for Bumppo, and never will. You can't keep hurting people because they roll their eyes at us. We give people a reason to roll their eyes at us. The werewolf lord can kill us with ease, trying to kill him is suicide. It is like an alley cat trying to fight a bear, which creature do you think would win? Every woman is useful, they shouldn't be defined by your sexist standards. Stop picking on Bumppo, he has been through a lot. He was hurt by someone he trusted and confided in. Bumppo nor anybody deserves that, what that bastard did was appalling.

Bumppo: Thank you, Saint! Shut up, Demon! We should be executed for what we did to those girls. All three of us are guilty, Saint, and I let you kill those poor girls! We both should have tried harder to stop you, Demon. Why do you even exist, Demon? All you have done is cause me trouble. Saint was the one who helped me the most, while you made things worse. Saint was the one who gave me guidance and advice while you put me down, and treated me like dirt. I have put up with your insults and abuse for far too long. Once I find out how to cure myself, I will get rid of you. I will finally be free of you, you monster! I can finally be able to atone for our sins. Not only that, but I will make it up to the women's family.

Demon: You shut the hell up! I would tell you to kiss my ass, but you would screw that up. You can't even do a simple task right. A child is more competent than you too are. You and Saint are a couple of pussies who can't stand up for yourselves. How are you going to make it up to their family, mow their lawns for them? You killed their loved ones, which is unforgivable. You and I both know that there is no cure, and even if there was, you would be getting rid of your precious Saint. Furthermore, you could have turned yourselves into the authorities, but you didn't. If you were that self-righteous, you would have done that. Face it, both of you are just as guilty as me when it comes to the murders and keeping your mouths close. Don't act like you two are better than me, at least I am honest with myself unlike you too. Therapy is for jack wagons who whine about their lives when they don't know what pain is. Shrinks make money telling you how to live your life, and tell you how you are supposed to feel. Therapy is a scam that shrinks make thousands of.

Saint: Why are you picking fights with people? At least Bumppo and I like women, you are, however, a bastard with mommy issues. All you do is wreak havoc while I try to protect Bumppo. Have you ever tried to console Bumppo? Have you listened to his problems? Have you tried to be nice to him? There is nothing wrong with therapy, therapy can help us. You can't make fun of people who have difficulties. Bottling your difficulties inside won't help. It is not helping us now, we need help now. People like you are the reason people are scared to get therapy. There are some good shrinks that care about helping people. Your way cost the lives of two innocent women who didn't do anything to us.