
The Mysterious Rebirth

Dr Leonardo Dante came back from work feeling uneasy. He was taken upstairs to rest, he falls asleep and woke up in the 400th century. He was in the body of a teenager by the name of Edmund. He also lost his memory due to the effect of the transmigration. Edmund-an 17 years old man, 6’2 in height, fairly built. He is a farmer, a profession which his whole family is known for. His great grandfather is the head of this large family. He has four close friends (Ayan, Drax, Skurt and Akima). After over a month of socialization with his friends and family, he begins to have an insight into the place. Atkins his kingdom was under forced rule by the Giza dynasty. The dynasty had taken control of them a few decades back when they got to know of their fertile land blessed with gold. Gold was a major form of exchange in the southern part of EUROPE and was extremely important. Giza also replaced their king with a *head of state ( Governor) * and captured their Chief general. He finds out that he was poisoned by his very close friend Akima and begins to investigate the reason for this. He goes to the tavern that evening where a fight ensues between some gamblers. Verola, the chief general of Atkins daughter has a habit of visiting the tavern. She alongside her friend and bodyguard Miller beat up the thugs and Edmund is amazed to see her skills. He develops the desire to become someone better and goes to Atkins medical school to become a physician. He looses his father during an attack which leaves him depressed. He pulls out of the school and is back to “ground Zero”. He learns that the killers are from the rebel nation and this leaves him on a mission to avenge his father. He joins the chief general group and begins to develop deep feelings for Verola. On one of the outings he gets captured and is about to face the same fate as his father. Would Edmund survive this?

_GABRIEL · Fantasie
Zu wenig Bewertungen
35 Chs


Akima looked at the man riding in front of him in disgust. He grinned his teeth as he could feel the urge to devour Edmund. Edmund looked back and his gaze fell on him, making him change the expression on his face instantly.

"Where are we going to? You haven't told me yet." He asked with creased brows.

"Hmm… it's a surprise… But I promise you that you would never forget this day."

His reply caused Edmund to begin to worry a bit.

There wasn't any other place they visited apart from the tavern and some local shows. So he began to wonder where he was being taken.

"I'm a bit hungry you know," Edmund added and began to trot his horse.

Akima smiled a bit and turned to search for an eatery. They were a bit away from the main market and the streets were slightly silent probably because some traders must have gone home as this wasn't one of the market days. He looked further and spotted a canteen not too far.

"Come on let's go." He said placing a partial smile on his face. He wasn't bothered about spending on Edmund since it was more like a trade for his life. The thought of this made him smile.

He trotted further and they arrived at the shop.

It was wooden with a special quarter meant for the cook, where the utensils are kept and the cooking takes place.

They reached for an empty table and took their seat. Akima raised his hand and waved to the attendant who responded swiftly.

"So what do you want to have?" A middle-aged woman asked. She was putting on a gown and wore a ragged-like apron. There was a wooden spoon stuffed with food crumbs in her left hand which indicated that she was just preparing something.

"Well, give me yam vegetable pottage and fish." He replied to the lady.

"What about you Edmund?" He turned to his friend who was seated opposite him.

"Err… I will have the same thing he is having."

They turned to the lady beside them who stood still with her hand scratching her scanty hair. They were surprised as the lady didn't take their order but stood like a frame.

"I'm sorry sir but we don't have what you just ordered." She said, finally breaking her silence.

"Okay, so give me rice and chicken instead," Akima replied giving her an irritating look.

He looked at Edmund gesturing if he was okay with what he ordered and he nodded his head displaying his satisfaction.

They returned their gaze to the lady who still stood motionless.

"Ohh…my. What is wrong this time!" Edmund asked her. He was also beginning to get infuriated by her delay.

"We also don't have that." She replied.

The two men widened their eyes and gave the lady a stern look.

"So what do you have?!" Akima voiced out startling not just the lady but also Edmund and two men seated behind their table. He was beginning to lose his cool at how much time was being wasted. He looked up and noticed the sky getting less brighter.

He sighed before returning his gaze to her.

"What do you have." He repeated, this time with a softer tone.

"Well-I-am… cooking some rice but I don't have cooked chicken."

She looked at the men who had weird expressions on their faces.

"Except you want me to kill one right now!" She said this time raising her voice a bit making Akima more irritated.

"Then what did you serve all these people?" Edmund asked almost cutting into her sentence.

"That was the last plate-"

She turned and rushed to her kitchen to check on the food leaving her words incomplete.

Akima sighed in relief on getting a glance at their meal being served.

"At last."

Edmund looked at his friends on heard how intense his voice sounded.

"Are you that hungry?"

Akima glared at him on hearing his words.

"I'm sorry….Geez," He added on noticing the gaze he was given.

The lady returned shortly with two bowls in her hand.

"Here is your meal." She said putting down the bowls containing rice and fish.

"Finally." The men chorused.

They took the spoon and began to eat.

Edmund turned to his friend who seemed to be more in a hurry than him.

"Calm down man." He said while chuckling a bit.

"That's none of your business," Akima replied with a cold voice and continued to munch.


Edmund was surprised by his tone since it was merely a joke.

"Just eat up." He looked at Edmund forcing himself to smile a little.

Edmund smiled back at him and soon they finished their meal.

Akima called for the lady and paid for the meal.

"Let's get going."

Akima stood up and gestured for them to leave.

They walked to where they kept their horse and he got on his.

"So can you tell me where we are heading now?" Edmund paused midway and asked him.

"We are going to the tavern." He replied bluntly.

"Then, why didn't you just go to the tavern close by." Edmund asked with a bit of curiosity.

"Well, I don't want us to get disturbed that's why."

"I don't understand." He seemed lost by what Akima just said. "Why would he leave the tavern close by and go to the one farther." He thought.

"I just wanted to have this moment with you. I don't know when next it would happen. It may even be out last." Akima voiced out looking a bit emotional.

Edmund looked at the man beside him. He was told by Ayan that he was an orphan. So this made him feel a bit pitiful for him. He hadn't seen him with a sister or a brother so he concluded that he must be living all alone.

Edmund got on his horse and they began to ride to central Atkins. He made sure to ride behind Akima not wanting to disclose that he didn't know the route.

"I want to take you somewhere." Akima suddenly voiced out and changed his direction.

"Where are you going to?!" Edmund said and began to ride, chasing Akima.

They rode past some bushes and Akima began to trot his horse.

Edmund slowed down on catching up with him.

"Why did you stop."

Akima looked around as if he was trying to get the right route. He sighed and turned to Edmund.

"There was something we would normally do when we were kids."

"What is that?" Edmund said giving his friend an awkward look, not understanding what brought up this conversation.

"We would jump into the stream and suck our head beneath. Watching who could hold their breath more." He replied and began to laugh out loud making Edmund more confused.

He began to get worried about Akima's behaviour.

"Why are you laughing like that."

Akima glared at him a bit and took a deep breath.

"Do you want to play?"

His statement left Edmund more confused. He didn't get it at all.

Edmund was about to speak out when Akima suddenly reached for a whip just by his horse's saddle.

He stretched his hands and whipped Edmund's horse making him fall to the ground.

Edmund looked at Akima, annoyed by what he had just done.

"What's the meaning of that?!" He yelled and tried to stand up. He lifted his feet but the substance he was on felt too thick.

He turned his gaze to the ground and got a glimpse of where he was and gasped at what he saw.

"A quicksand!"

This wasn't just any quicksand but a very deep one.

He widened his eyes at Akima who came close to him realising what he had just done to his friend. He pulled his hand to Edmund who took it instantly but just when he was supposed to grab him, he pushed him harder making him go a bit farther.

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