
The Mysterious Rebirth

Dr Leonardo Dante came back from work feeling uneasy. He was taken upstairs to rest, he falls asleep and woke up in the 400th century. He was in the body of a teenager by the name of Edmund. He also lost his memory due to the effect of the transmigration. Edmund-an 17 years old man, 6’2 in height, fairly built. He is a farmer, a profession which his whole family is known for. His great grandfather is the head of this large family. He has four close friends (Ayan, Drax, Skurt and Akima). After over a month of socialization with his friends and family, he begins to have an insight into the place. Atkins his kingdom was under forced rule by the Giza dynasty. The dynasty had taken control of them a few decades back when they got to know of their fertile land blessed with gold. Gold was a major form of exchange in the southern part of EUROPE and was extremely important. Giza also replaced their king with a *head of state ( Governor) * and captured their Chief general. He finds out that he was poisoned by his very close friend Akima and begins to investigate the reason for this. He goes to the tavern that evening where a fight ensues between some gamblers. Verola, the chief general of Atkins daughter has a habit of visiting the tavern. She alongside her friend and bodyguard Miller beat up the thugs and Edmund is amazed to see her skills. He develops the desire to become someone better and goes to Atkins medical school to become a physician. He looses his father during an attack which leaves him depressed. He pulls out of the school and is back to “ground Zero”. He learns that the killers are from the rebel nation and this leaves him on a mission to avenge his father. He joins the chief general group and begins to develop deep feelings for Verola. On one of the outings he gets captured and is about to face the same fate as his father. Would Edmund survive this?

_GABRIEL · Fantasie
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35 Chs


Edmund was worried about his friend's despicable condition. He was panting and pacing about.

"Edmund I don't want to lose my leg. I'd rather die, I'm useless without it. How would I..."

"Stop talking you are not going to lose your limb!"

"I will Edmund!! I will.." He broke down in tears.

Edmund began to think faster than usual. His mind was about to explode, he had too many thoughts on his mind. For one, he wasn't done with the dream he had that morning now this had been added to his plate. The images flowing into his mind were just too much. As if by magic, he got an image of a certain greenish flower that had sharp edges. He chose to follow his spirit and put all hope in his thoughts.

He began to go into the bushes in search of this flower.

"Ed! Ed! Where are you going!" Drax yelled.

"I will be back!"

He arrived at a place surrounded by many green plants and began to search. He looked for several minutes but still couldn't find it.

He thought of going back but remembered his friend, so he began to search deeper.

It had been two hours since he had begun his search so he was beginning to get worried. He started to think that he made the wrong choice and turned his back to leave but just then he spotted something in the bushes and went closer

"I found it! I found it!" He began to jump for joy. The flower was more beautiful than he had imagined. It had a touch of yellow on the edge and had red fruits at the center.

Edmund went closer and began plucking them. He took all his hands could carry and began heading back for the farm.

It took him lesser time to get there maybe because he wasn't searching but had been running this time around. He looked at Drax who was still in pain. He suddenly moved his gaze to his right leg and was shocked by the sight he caught. His leg had swollen a bit and was now pale.

Edmund rushed to meet Drax who had passed out.

"Drax! Drax! Wake up! Please. " He was so scared. This sight made him recall what had happened in his dream. He remembered seeing his lifeless body and the doctor who seemed to have had a connection with him. He also remembered what the doctor did and began to do the same.

He cut the flowers into tiny pieces and began to squeeze the juice out of them pouring the liquid on the affected spot.

He waited for some minutes but didn't get any sign.

"Comon Drax! Pls, don't die on me! Pls!" He placed his head on Drax's body. How was he going to explain all that had happened? He hoped the poison hadn't spread to other parts of his body.

"I should have just taken him home and waited for a physician to attend to him. Oh, what have I done! But it isn't too late." He raised his head and lifted Drax on his back. He was heavy but he had no choice but to carry. He took the first step and was just about to take the second when he noticed a black fluid coming from his leg. He took a closer look at it and noticed it came from the part where the snake had bitten.

He put down Drax and began to squeeze some more flowers pouring the liquid on his bitten leg.

It seemed that the more Edmund poured the flower's juice, the more the poison came out so he stood up and began heading for the bushes to gather more flowers.

"No. I can't just leave him here, what if he gets bitten by another snake or even a more dangerous animal." He turned and went to stay with Drax watching the poison come out of his body.

Some minutes later, the environment was filled with a dark liquid and Drax was slowly regaining consciousness.

It had been over five hours since Drax was bitten. Edmund was now asleep just beside Drax probably worn out from all that had happened that day.

Drax opened his eyes to see Edmund sleeping just beside him. He tried to stand up but couldn't. His leg was still weak probably due to the effect of the poison. He tried getting on his feet again but this time fell causing Edmund to wake.

"Drax!" He yelled and instantly gave him a tight hug. He was overwhelmed to see his friend alive once again.

"Thanks, Edmund! I don't know what you did but you saved me. Thanks, buddy." He looked at Edmund before returning his hug.

The two released each other from their grip just before Drax spoke again.

"Don't bother to explain anything to me yet. It's getting late. For now, we need to get going! You will tell me the rest when we get home." The two stood up and headed home.

* * * *

Ayan and Skurt were in the field when Ayan saw two men approaching, one being helped by the other. He informs Skurt and the two began to walk hoping to get a clearer view of the men.

"Isn't that Ed I see?" Ayan voiced out. Skurt moves closer and notices that Drax was being helped by someone. He taps Ayan and begins to run.

"Where are you running off to? "

"Drax is in pain!" He yelled as he continued running and Ayan began chasing after him.

"They have seen us!"

"Who?" Drax asked

"Ayan and Skurt are coming." He replied. Skurt raised his head and saw his cousins.

"What happened!" Ayan asked in shock by the state he saw them in.

"We don't have much time. Take him in!" Edmund was so weak so he passed Drax to Skurt and Ayan who hastily carried him to his room while he followed.

Drax was taken to his room and in a few minutes the place was crowded with people. Among them was the Grand patron.

"Where is he!" A woman yelled. She had just walked in after being told about what happened to her son. She was Drax's mum Zeka. She moved closer to the bed and was about to lay on her sleeping son when a voice stopped her.

"Zeka, get a hold of yourself! He is asleep so don't wake him." Zima said, drawing her back.

"Yetty take her out."

"No please, I want to be with him." She pleaded even though it was obvious that she wouldn't be able to handle the situation.

"Don't worry he would be alright." He assured her before she was escorted out.

A few minutes after Zeka left, the physician arrived. He looked like a man in his mid-40s, he was putting on a white gown and wore an identification card on his neck which contained basic information about him.

Edmund admired his attire for a while before reality dawned on him about his friend's condition.

"Where is the injured man?" The physician looked around for a while but probably couldn't sight Drax because of the people in the room.

"Oh welcome!" Rima paused for a while before he directed the physician to where Drax lay.

"Here he is!"

"Hmm..okay let me take a look at his leg." He opened the blanket and all of a sudden his eyes widened! He checked the leg before he turned to Rima.

"Are you sure he was bitten by a snake?!"

"Yes, one of his cousins was even present there." He replied before calling for Edmund.

"Sir!" Edmund came forward, he was excited to be in front of the well-dressed physician.

"What attacked this young man in the bushes?" Edmund looked at the physician one more time before answering his question.

"He was bitten by a snake." He made sure to answer in the most cordial manner he could.

"So what type of snake was he bitten by?" He asked again.

"I don't know but it was green, thin, and long." Edmund once again replied.

"If his description is correct, it must have been a green mamba." He turned to Rima before returning his gaze to the handsome fellow at his front.

"Okay, so was it about this long?" The physician added, pointing to a position about 3 meters from him.

"Yes sir!"

"Then it is a green mamba!"

"But what happened? How come I can't see the trace of him being bitten. There is no poison in his system." He was quite shocked on taking a second look at his leg. Drax's leg had turned normal except for the two holes which now appeared tinier. It looked as if he was never bitten.

Edmund also noticed this and suddenly began wondering how powerful that flower was and why it was revealed to him. He was still in his thoughts when he was called upon.

"Did anyone administer anything to him?" Throughout his years as a physician, he had never seen a case like this. No matter what was administered most victims of snake bites ended up getting amputated. The few that managed to escape it ended up leaping. Only a few physicians knew how to treat this case and none were in this kingdom.

"Yes sir." He managed to answer the question but was still unsure whether to reveal that he was him. How would he explain his knowledge about the mysterious flower?

"So can you tell us the person?" He asked with so much curiosity. Finding this man would elevate his status in the medical field. It could even promote him to be a royal physician.

Edmund kept silent for a while not wanting to reveal his name.

"Please we need to know who treated him!" The physician repeated. His statement drew the attention of everybody in the room.

"Is something wrong?!" The grand Patron asked in fear.

"Hope his health is okay!" Another man asked

Edmund soon became scared. All he wanted was for his friend to be alright.

The questions were getting too much with some even pleading to Edmund to reveal the miracle man. Edmund took a deep breath before finally speaking.

"It was me."

"Huh!" A voice spoke out.

"I healed Drax."

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