
Dead Men Tell No Tails

George picks up the note and crumples it into a ball and throws it in the recycle and looks through his apartment which is trashed. He then leaned his chair up and just sat in silence for a while. After about 30 minutes he got up and picked every thing up. This case was personal know because no one just ransacks his home without a fight.

After getting everything picked up George graved the phone and called into the station no one answered. George then walked out the door and rushed down to the station to talk with the chief but before he even got close he heard sirens blaring and he could see smoke rising. George picked up speed going as fast as he could just hoping it wasn't the police station on fire but when he rounded the final corner he was filled with dread. George ran to the building but was held back by the Firefighters who set him down on the curb with a promise to inform him once the fire was under control. George sat there contemplating what to do next but was interrupted when he spotted a familiar face in the gathering crowd. George swiftly stood up and made his way toward the man but he was gone by the time he reached where he was standing.

George then looked through the crowd for any sign of the man but there was none he had simply vanished into thin air. After that George went back over to sit down only to find another note on the ground where he had just been he quickly digests its contents and knows where he must go next.