
Chapter 3:

🐺The Mutant Wolf 🐺

Episode 3

Written by:Daveodus

An eerie atmosphere hung Inside of a huge laboratory in the Martins technology.

Doctor frank who had his eye glasses hung just right above his nose sat on a stood behind a long desk which had several laboratory equipment and test samples.

Behind him and on his left ans right sides stood huge shelves with several lab rats(Rats cats and even real time wolves and even human caged like animals ) in cages ,blood samples and various body part of humans and some which ain't humans example is a cornical flask which had a yellowish tail inside of it with shining blue liquid while some other flask contain fangs of various inhuman creatures .

Despite how neat and organized the lab is , it still ooze darkness and death .

Twelve feet across the desk he sat behind stood a huge transparent glass wall acting as a demarcation to the other part of the lab ,looking closer there seem to a teenage boy strapped tightly to a bed with thick leather belts which had tiny multiple ,flexible rod like metals inside of them despite his innocent looks





My eye lids fluttered for some seconds before it could adjust to the presence of light , all I could see right now seem to be just a very bright ceiling , but something seem to have changed about me with the way the lights are affecting my eyes , everything feels different , where I am feels wrong like I was suppose to be somewhere with somebody but not here, my head just couldn't grasp what's going on , there is this strong compulsion in my mind that is bending me to be calm then it all clicked , why was I bind with this strong leathers in a strange room that looks like a laboratory , why am I not trying to get free , why am I still thinking about it without taking action .

Then I tried to scream for help buh no words seem to be escaping my lips , then it was dawn on me that I probably was captured and paralyzed .

Doctor frank POV

What is going , how is he able to think on his own Accord despite the series of things we've done to him , this is a bad sign either ways all that matter is for him to yield to commands , buh then the monitor that displays the sequence of his mind thoughts started moving in a very crazy pattern making loud noises .

"Emergency lockdown " doc frank said into the com in his lab coats pocket , then he hit a red button right under his desk with his palm to alarm the security unit assigned to take down berseke creatures in the lab(Very weird for a lab ,my opinion though,lets continue guyz) .

Shifting his gaze to the glass wall brought an unexpected reaction unti him , his heart skipped a beat in fear as a result of what he just beheld , standing on his feet was the teenage boy with his both palms placed on the glass wall on the other side of the room.

Doc frank experience panic and fear once again in his life time for a long time ,He just saw eye flashing from Crimsome red to yellow and then to normal.




Sheriff's Station

Miss kate ,the neighbor next house to the McCall resident could be seen taking slow strides towards the sheriff's station.

Miss kate is a single mother ,yeah her three year old son is at the boarding school ,she's dressed in a long blue body fitted v neck gown exposing little Cleavages with a cut right from her left knee down .

She looks like one going out on date but i dont think date's are organized in a cop station i guess.

"I'd like to see the sheriff please "miss kate said with a beautiful smile at the deputy behind the counter ,"alrigh.. ma'am, I'll just.. fix a call over to him "the deputy replied transfixed by her figure and looks,"sorry ma'am what's your name"he said getting a little composed

"I'm kate , McCall's neighbor"

"Let her into my office "the sheriff replied on the other end .

"Go this way ma'am he's right inside his office "the deputy said trying to direct her,"No worries deputy,i know his office"she said sashaying towards the sheriff's office .



Inside the sheriff's office

"She's been getting really aggressive this past few days ,and I'm very sorry to reveal to you that we had to transfer her to the Martin asylums"The sheriff said with a somber expression, " As it really gotten to that "miss Kate replied like a mother who cares about her kids ,one would definitely mistake her for Moore's McCall's parent with how much of concern she's showing .

" And why does it have to be a private asylum "she said not giving the sheriff any chance to interrupt ,she had that kind of like of look that speaks 'I think somethings weird about this while thing '

"I was expecting such reply , actually it was an order from the higher ups ,they seem to be interested in her case and also I think they want her to get the best of treatment "The sheriff said ,seems like his hundred times rehearsal paid off😁.

"That sound convincing enough ,so what's the news about Jason he's still missing and no one seem to be doing anything about it" she said with that motherly worried expression .

"We are actually working it,even the fbi found interest in the case and they're also working it,and I trust we'll fine him as soon as possible " he replied like a professional that he is,working in the police department for the past Twenty years is no child's play .

"I'll take your words as positive ,I just hope he's not hurt " she said muttering the last sentence a low voice .

"Our job is to return him back home safely " the sheriff said having heard what she said

"Can I at least see Moore's this last time here " she said with a pleasing expression, because despite her concern she's neither their parent nor their guardian , the sheriff has only divulge this much information because she's very close to the said kids and some other personal reasons .

"I'm sorry ma'am , while I was saying earlier I'd used the "had" to have because we already did transfer her this morning , we didn't notify anyone cuz they had no relative to calm unto and I'm sorry to say you're just a neighbor nextdoor. "He said in a not offensive tone .

Miss Kate bow her head after listening to what the sheriff has said , what she heard brought tears to her face .

She wipes her tears with a short handkerchief and left with saying anything to the sheriff . Whatever chemistry that was already brooding died immediately .

"Sam !!!" The sheriff called out

" I'll be right there sheriff "replied the deputy who stood up behind his desk which was located by the window of the sheriff's office which gave the sheriff visual access to whatever was going on in the station .

" I'm sure you had everything that ensued just now punk"

"Oh ... yeeeah sheriff "he replied having been caught listening to their conversation .

" Did I perhaps say something wrong whilst talking to her Sam "

" I don't think so , and i also think she never meant to be rude while going out , I just think are emotions are strongly attached to this kids in question , though I'm no relationship therapist "he said with a taunting smile "

"Get out here " the sheriff said beaming a laughter .

Martins asylum

A young beautiful teenage girl could be seen strapped to a bed in a room filled with a lot of kids with mental problems , but this particular girl with pale skin due to starving and almost purple lips , she looks like she has but little blood inside of her resulting in very pale skin which had faded her beauty .

If you still don't know yet she's Moore's Mccall.

"You lied to me, you all said he was here, buh you lied to and injected this stuffs that have paralyzed my body into me, You-li-ed-to-me" She kept repeating slowly with only her mouth being able to move which amaze the nurses that where wheeling her away on her bed .

"I-will-find-you-all-that-lied-to me- ,and destr....h-h-h-h..."She couldn't complete are statement before a syringe with huge long needles to be called needle which had weird thick content inside if it was inserted into her neck and all the content was released .

She stared at the nurse that had did it with bulging darkness and determination filled gaze which made the particular nurse tremble and the she blacked out .

Read to the end

What's y'all thoughts on this episode , express your thoughts at the comment section .

Lest I forget , expect some real time action in the next episode .

Let dive into some action

Love y'all

Your votes and stones go a long way

And I'll always try to make the chapters longer

Thanks for reading till the end ❤️y'all

Humbly Daveodus 🙇