

Disclaimer All copyrighted content is the property of its respective owner(s). Lost. Stranded. And boned. These are the thoughts of many normal Joes lost in the Multiverse whether it was intentional or not. Such a story for our protagonist accidentally wandering too far off from his home reality. However, such is fate. Yet... it seems that Mash Bastion has met the right man to assist him with the tools needed to travel the Multiverse to find his home universe with modified abilities of [THE GAMER] across worlds in the unforgiving territories of the MULTIVERSE.

Jovami6729 · Anime und Comics
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122 Chs

Chapter 6: Boss Fight Survive

Chapter 6: Boss Fight Survive

~Third POV~

Emilia sighed a breath of relief as she thanked her Contract Spirit for saving her skin, "Thanks, Puck! You saved me…!"

Emerging to Emilia's side Puck a floating fire cat spirit spoke out impressed in an upbeat tone blocking the attack, "You're welcome. That was close there! You were right to call on me! You're the one who gave a warning to my daughter yes? Thanks!"

Pointing at Mash as he nodded Elsa soon begins to speak to Puck with malicious intentions to them, "Wow… A spirit… Hehehehe…. How wonderful. I have never opened a spirit's stomach before."

Felt asked in confusion of what she meant by her actions enraged by Elsa's work trying to kill them, "What's the meaning of this…? All you're supposed to do is buy this badge from me! Turning this place into a bloodbath was not part of our agreement!!"

But to her surprise, Elsa responded happily twirling her Bowel Hunter Blades changing the rules of their agreement, "It wasn't part of the original agreement to have the badge's owner here either, was it? So, change of plans – I'm going to kill everyone here… and pick that badge up out of the sea of blood when I'm done."

Elsa brandishes out her weapons as she begins to insult Felt's skills as a thief since it is true that Felt messed up big time in like any timeline, "You talk a good game, but you do terrible work. You are another slum dweller."

Felt eyes were filled with anger as Mash snapped her out of it holding her shoulder as he casually responded getting everyone's attention, "Felt don't get angry that's just what she wants you to do. Go. Get out of here. Go search for help, if you are agile enough to hop from one building to another you can escape from her easily."

Felt wanted to argue against this but Rom nodded his head in agreement as Elas tilted her head replying cheerfully raising her weapon, "Are you done discussing your strategy? It's rude to make a lady wait and it is also dumb to speak your plan aloud when your enemy is standing in front of you."

Mash merely replied with a twitch readying his weapon as Elsa's eyes were drawn at him giving Puck enough time in a serious tone, "You're not the type of person who strikes an opponent when they are talking. At least not when the opponent has piqued your interest. No, you prefer to watch your prey struggle, to toy with them. I know what kind of person you are."

Elsa blinked in surprise and replied delightful and surprised briefly encountering each other in a cheerful tone, "Ohh, you seem to know me pretty well. Have we met somewhere? I'm pretty sure I would have remembered someone as you. Or, I have emptied the stomach of someone you know?"

Mash dryly spoke revealing her name and title, finally getting the group's reaction with gasps of who they are up against, "The latter, fortunately. Don't bother, you won't remember him, Bowel Hunter."

Everyone gasped in surprise as Elsa giggled like a schoolgirl happily enjoying the moment her prey realized their odds, "My, my, you know my title as well. Not surprising, as you seem to know my personality well."

She then twirled her weapons her smile turning into a smirk and her eyes changing into a leer, "Shall we start then? I think you have done enough stalling."




Elsa's eyes soon dart toward the ice surrounding her taking a glance seeing that Puck now ready to use his magic with rows of icicles at the ready spoke to Mash in a grateful tone, "A brilliant display of brilliance to stall, which I hope survives through the ages. I'd better live up to your expectations! We haven't introduced each other ourselves, have we? My name's Puck better remember it after you die!"


The explosion of fire occurred as everyone waited patiently hoping the Bowel Hunter died Mash informed them of the gravity of the situation, "Everyone stay alive that bitch isn't dead yet…"

As if by command standing upright Elsa was prepared to fight causing the others to scowl at her not being dead as the fight between Puck and Elsa continued.

Rom, Felt, and Mash were all left on the sidelines in the fight as Puck and Emilia demonstrated their abilities to use their spirit arts on the attacker as she dodged them easily from each icicle thrown at her.

They kept on fighting as Elsa kept on the attack by maneuvering around the room at inhumane speeds and dodging at incredible flexibility till they finally reached what would be the end.

Emilia and Puck soon launched a concentrated ice beam attack at the attacker she narrowly dodged the attack but only lost her shoe in the process.

The attacker soon comments on how she narrowly avoided her death, "My, how lovely… I thought that I was going to die."

With that, she took a piece of the ice and placed it on one of her feet that was bleeding as soon stuck to her as she began to fight against Emilia.

When the sun began to set at 5:00 p.m. was the time when Puck had to leave making Emilia begin to fight against Elsa by herself.

Rom says his words of the scene before them as he suggests the next course of action grabbing his hammer, "We can't just keep sitting around and watchin', boy. You know how to use your weapon?"

Mash replies to Rom in a worried voice, but his eyes remain determined, "Yeah I know how to swing. The question is can you keep up old man?"

Rom merely grunted annoyed by Mash's words but grabbed his club tightly, "If you have energy to taunt then you have enough to fight! And Felt…"

Rom's eyes Felt trembling wanting to fight gave her an order surprising her in a calm tone despite their situation, "Listen to the boy's words. Will give you a distraction needed to escape? You okay with that boy?"

Felt wanted to argue against it as Mash merely grinned tightening the handle of the blade and agreeing with the old man's words, "Couldn't have said it any better myself old man. Now if we can just live long enough is the question…"

Rom merely grinned at Mash's words as they both prepared to move granting Felt her time to escape and get help.


Both the men rushed forward against Elsa as she gleefully twirled her blade anticipating the incoming attack, "Oh my! Two on one is this a threesome? Such naughty boys?"


Taking a swing of his club against Elsa she easily countered with one swing as Mash attacked using his katana to slash at her making her block the attack.

However, when she saw the katana weapon, she blinked with the familiarity of Kararagi peaking her interest in the young man in front of her but shook it off.

Instead, she grinned happily repositioning herself as she began to thrust her daggers at Rom with her speed.


However, that was stopped as Mash parried it with his blade but was skidding across forcing Rom back feeling the pain from blocking her attacks.

Elsa grinned as she tried to attack again…



But that attempt was soon thwarted when Emilia attacked her with Fire Magic creating Ice Shards to attack forcing Elsa to go on the defensive twirling her hand and blocking the ice as Roms ran forward.


Slamming his club down with great strength however, that left an opening using her great speed and agility to backflip the attack casually and attack using her foot against the giant's head.


A loud sound of bones creaking could be heard from the attack forcing Rom to tumble back down to the ground unconscious but alive as she spoke, "You annoying little –"

That was how much she could say as she saw a blade coming towards her. Mash used Rom's body as a stepping stone using [Sprint] to dash forward yelling out loud, "Felt! Go now! If you don't, we are all going to die here! Go call for help! Now!"

The blond girl looked unsure but seeing the seriousness of the situation as Rom agreed prior, she slowly gulped then stood shakily and nodded, "O-Okay, o-kay. I-I will go get help."


She summoned her power, the blessing given to her at her birth. She felt the power of wind surge inside her body and dashed out through the door as Elsa tried to interfere holding needles at the ready, "Do you think I'd let her leave?"

Blocking his attack with Elsa's attention directed toward Felt he had his chance. Using [Sprint] Mash smashed his head forward to Elsa's head making a headbutt attack managing to knock her off as Felt managed to get away.

Mash managed to take a few steps back near Emilia as the expression on Elsa's face changed to a deathly glare directed at him.

Her expression changed back to her default smiling look, but a glint of anger could be seen as she responded in a strained tone but a hint of amusement in her eyes, "How rare… for someone to make me even a tiny bit angry. Fine… I'll let you egg me on. In exchange, this dance had better not bore."

Readying his blade both gazed at Elsa as Mash responded to her words laced with arrogance, "You'd better get ready then. I have no formal training and will get my ass handed to me but at the very least I'll struggle to the very end."

Elsa grinned eagerly seeing the opposition as Mash talked to Emilia hoping she had a trump card hiding his desperate tone with determination, "If you have any kind of hidden trump card now would be the time to shine Emilia."

Emilia listened considering her options before resolutely replying to Mash in a determined tone, "I have a trump card but… I'll be the only one left standing. I won't use it as you are trying your best. Right till the very end, we're going to struggle, fight, and claw our way through!"

Mash paused seeing the expression on her face almost believing in such words and charisma she was giving off causing the boy to laugh in agreement, "Hahaha! I like the sound of that Emilia."


Rushing forward using [Sprint] to catch Elsa off guard Mash tried to attack but…


Instantly showing her superiority she managed to get behind Mash responding in a confident tone, "Decent speed boost using Mana boy. But it's too late…"

Yet despite Elsa saying this the grin on Mash's face didn't despair as he quickly repositioned his stance as Elsa's blade was about to cut through his stomach…


An ice shield soon formed protecting Mash blocking Elsa's attack completely as Mash focused all he had on the speed of his strike. Combining his mastery skills of [Sword Mastery], [Style of the Undrawn Long Sword], and [Mugetsu-Style] the strike speed of his katana exceeded what Elsa could expect.


Cutting through the ice shield Mash managed to harm Elsa as her eyes filled with shock revealing a gash wound on her neck almost decapitating her. But only almost as worry filled his eyes as Elsa managed to evade death with her speed moving slightly away as her healing factor kicked in.

Mash took the chance to step away as the wound quickly healed up thanks to her curse [Curse Doll] causing the two to freeze as she casually shrugs off the attack a bit impressed by the cut, "Oh? This is a very impressive cut down to the cell's boy. Would've been worrying if you were a tad bit faster... However, if this is your best…"


Finally getting serious Elsa's blade was about to cut through Mash's defenses as she muttered out loud in confidence, "… It's over."

Inches away from certain death Mash felt his life flash before his eyes trying to defend till...



Emilia's eyes widen seeing Mash being tossed into a nearby wall barely standing on his feet as the [Mana Skin] faded into light particles nothing as Elsa frowns annoyed, "Hmph! To think you managed to survive that cut but the next one won't – "

Before Elsa could finish as Mash managed to stand up groggily something else interrupted the Bowel Hunter…



A blinding flash attack soon revealed to be a simple sword that created a crater in its place stuck in the walls of the loot house as Reinhard announced his arrival, "Well, that was close, wasn't it? I'm glad to make it on time."

Reinhard the Sword Saint entered the fight.