
Chapter 767

The Three Strata

"Bury the Heavens!"

Just as he said that, Gu Sha swung his ancient bronze halberd. A black light exploded from the ancient halberd and a terrifying energy wave surged up into the sky like a tornado. It was as though it could destroy the heavens and the earth.

Compared to Gu Duo, Gu Sha was indeed much stronger. With this move, if the opponent wasn't a tier-two Titled King, it was almost certain that they would be killed instantly.

"It's a pity that this level of attack is not enough!"

Lin Yu shook his head. His expression was calm as he swung his Taixuan Sword horizontally and vertically. It looked like one sword, but in reality, in that short moment, countless Sword Qi were swung out at the same time. It was just that the speed was so fast that it looked like only one sword.

Hundreds of Sword Qi whizzed out for a few hundred feet before the difference in speed became apparent. They dispersed and formed an impenetrable sword net that trapped the power of the halberd.

Chi chi chi!

After a few breaths, the power of the halberd was completely destroyed. However, the sword net did not decrease in power and continued to fall towards Gu Sha.

"He is indeed strong!"

Gu Sha's expression was solemn. Although the halberd was just a probing move, Lin Yu's ability could only be described as terrifying to be able to break it so easily.

Although on the surface, Lin Yu's cultivation was only at Nirvana Realm Transformation Eight, in his opinion, Lin Yu's ability was much scarier than a normal rank two Regal Emperor!

"Annihilating Yuan!"

Although various thoughts flashed through his mind, Gu Sha's hands did not stop moving. He took a step forward, and the light on the ancient bronze halberd grew increasingly intense. It was like a small blazing sun, surging with berserk energy fluctuations.

He roared and swung his ancient halberd. It was as though it was splitting the heavens and earth. An unstoppable force that could annihilate everything was instantly released. It tore apart the remaining sword net and then fell towards Lin Yu!

"Sword Light Line!"

Lin Yu did not mind that the sword net was torn apart. He took a step forward and swung his Taixuan Sword at an extremely fast speed. A snow-white sword light flowed out and blocked Gu Sha's move.

"Catoptric Deflection!"

Then, he changed his sword stance and it became extremely strange. Countless strands of sword Qi appeared at the same time. Every single strand of sword Qi looked extremely sharp. It was impossible to tell the difference between them.


This scene caused Gu Sha's expression to change slightly. He could sense that among the many Sword Qis, there was one that could pose a fatal threat to him. However, he could not pinpoint which one it was.

"Since we can't find them, we might as well kill them all! Eternal Annihilation! "

A cold light shot out from his eyes as the imposing aura around him rose swiftly and violently. An extremely strong will of iron and blood was emitted from his body, and the image of a magnificent army appeared around him. After that, he suddenly took a step forward, and the image of the magnificent army exploded into pieces at the same time with a bang!

The shattered phantoms fused into his body, causing his aura to rise to another level. With a loud roar, he waved the ancient halberd in his hand, exploding with an unparalleled power. With an astonishing momentum, he swept towards Lin Yu!

"Interesting, but it's still not enough!"

Lin Yu's eyes sharpened. Gu Sha's Eternal Annihilation was the strongest move he had encountered since the start of the competition. If his cultivation had remained at the seventh revolution of the Nirvana Realm, then he really wouldn't have been able to block this move.

However, after he revealed the strength of the eighth revolution of the Nirvana Realm, this level of attack was still unable to pose any threat to him!

"Everlasting Sword Control Art!"

In the next moment, 50,000 Rahu Swords howled out. After Lin Yu revealed his cultivation of the eighth revolution of the Nirvana Realm, the might of the sword array rose to another level. In just several breaths of time, it had broken through Gu Sha's attack!

"Space Storm!"

At the same time, Lin Yu had already slashed out with his sword. The vast and mighty Sword Qi didn't give Gu Sha any time to react and directly sent him flying backwards!

"He lost again! With Gu Sha's strength that is comparable to a rank two King level powerhouse and also his comprehension of the Dao of Annihilation, if he were placed in most eras he could easily become the number one character of his generation. But in this First Martial Meeting, he actually suffered defeat after defeat. It really makes one sigh. "

"It's not that Gu Sha's strength is lacking, it's that his opponent is too monstrous."

Gu Sha's defeat caused everyone to sigh.

The Dao of Annihilation was on par with the Dao of Yin Yang, the Dao of Space, and so forth. It was a type of Great Dao. This sort of Dao was almost born for combat. In terms of pure lethality, it surpassed the Dao of Space and other Great Daos.

According to reason, if Gu Sha grasped this Great Dao and also had the strength of a rank two King level powerhouse, then he should have been invincible. But, he had encountered Lin Yu, the Profound Eternity Dao, and other such monstrous geniuses. He could only blame himself for being born at the wrong time.

The fourth match was between Mu Qingshuang and Di Yu. Mu Qingshuang easily won.

The fifth match was between Gu Sansheng and Ao Jing. There wasn't much suspense in this match. Ao Jing's strength was on the same level as Vast White's. If Vast White wasn't Gu Sansheng's match, then he naturally wasn't either.

After two rounds of matches, Lin Yu, Jiang Lanyue, Gu Sansheng, Profound Eternity Dao, and Mu Qingshuang all maintained their undefeated streak. As for the other five, they had lost both matches.

Although it was only two rounds of matches, there was a clear hierarchy between the top 10 contestants.

Lin Yu and the other four were in the first tier. As for who was stronger and who was weaker, it was hard to say before the matches began. As for Yuan Chi and Gu Sha, they formed the second tier.

Although they had also been defeated in the first two rounds, they still had the strength of a rank two King level powerhouse. Compared to the other three, they were clearly a level above them.

Finally, Ao Jing, Di Yu, and Vast White formed the third tier. Although they had an enormous advantage over the other young geniuses, in the struggle at the top of the pyramid, they were still inferior.

After two hours of rest, the third round of matches began very quickly.

In this round of matches, Yuan Chi finally turned the tables. In his battle with Vast White, he obtained victory and finally broke away from the awkwardness of having zero victories.

Lin Yu's opponent was Ao Jing. In this battle, Lin Yu won rather easily as well. He practically didn't spend much effort to defeat his opponent.

In the third and fourth matches, Gu Sansheng and Jiang Lanyue defeated their opponents respectively. Similarly, they maintained their undefeated streak.

After these two matches ended, everyone's gazes became serious and excited. In this round of matches, there were only two people who hadn't fought yet. These two people were respectively Profound Eternity Dao and Mu Qingshuang!