
Chapter 765

A strange ability.


Vast White's figure flashed and he leapt onto the arena stage. He looked at Gu Sansheng across from him, his expression incomparably dignified.

Although Gu Sansheng was a dark horse that had suddenly appeared in this First Martial Meeting, Vast White didn't dare to be careless against him. After all, in the previous battles, Gu Sansheng had defeated his opponents with a single glance.

With such a strange and powerful ability, no one would underestimate him. If one underestimated their opponent, the result was likely to be a miserable defeat. Vast White understood this.

"Myriad God Fist!"

In the next moment, Vast White took the initiative to attack.

A brilliant light bloomed from his fists. Within this light, it was as if the phantoms of gods appeared, chanting with majestic and vast voices. They instantly crossed hundreds of feet and arrived in front of Gu Sansheng.

Facing this fist, Gu Sansheng had no intention of retreating. A strange light suddenly appeared in his eyes, as if lines were constantly interweaving in his pupils. It was strange and mysterious.


He suddenly took a step forward and also punched out at Vast White. His fists erupted with a brilliant light, and the chanting of gods could be heard. It was exactly the same as Vast White's Myriad God Fist!


Vast White's mind shook as he saw Gu Sansheng use the exact same move as him. The true essence within his body became chaotic, and in the collision, he was sent flying hundreds of feet away!

Of course, this level of collision wasn't enough to defeat Vast White. He quickly stabilized himself, an incredulous expression on his face.

He had clearly seen that Gu Sansheng's move just now was the incomparably standard Myriad God Fist. Moreover, compared to the one he used, it was even stronger!

"How could this be!? This Myriad God Fist is the ultimate skill of my Eastern Divine Court. How could this fellow have grasped this move? "

Vast White's eyes flashed and then turned icy cold. "No matter how he learned the Myriad God Fist, since he dared to steal my Eastern Divine Court's moves, he must pay the price!"

"Kingdom of Gods!"

All of a sudden, countless phantoms rose around him. Ancient gods emitted powerful auras as they circled around him, making him look like the King of Gods, the ruler of Gods!

"Get down!"

He roared, and his figure instantly crossed a distance of several hundred feet. The countless gods around him burst forth with extremely bright light, making him look like a sun that had descended to the world.

Then, he threw out a punch that contained boundless power. It smashed through the void and smashed towards Gu Sansheng's chest!

"Kingdom of the Gods!"

In the next instant, in Gu Sansheng's surroundings, countless god phantoms also suddenly appeared. Compared to Vast White, there were actually even more, and their auras were even more tyrannical!


Facing Vast White, he similarly sent out a fist. The power contained within this fist was even more tyrannical than Vast White's. It was like a sun had exploded, shocking energy waves instantly spreading outwards!

Bang bang bang!

A violent collision sounded as their fists collided. It was as if two small satellites had collided. Sand and dust were kicked up, and a strong wind was stirred up. The momentum was terrifying!

Subsequently, a figure suddenly flew out like a rocket, and in the blink of an eye, it directly flew out of the arena. It was precisely Hao Bai!

"He actually won so easily! Moreover, he used the same move as Vast White! Just where did this Gu Sansheng come from, to actually be able to grasp the Eastern Divine Court's secret techniques! "

"The Ten Thousand God Fist, Kingdom of the Gods, they are both martial techniques that only the young gods of the Eastern Divine Court can learn. How could this Gu Sansheng also grasp them? Just what is going on?"

"You're all mistaken! It's not that Gu Sansheng also grasped these two martial techniques, but that he grasped them in a short period of time and even copied his opponent's moves. He used his opponent's methods to defeat his opponent! "

"How is this possible? If the Ten Thousand God Fist and Kingdom of the Gods were so easy to learn, then they wouldn't be the Eastern Divine Court's secret techniques! "

"That I don't know. Perhaps, it has something to do with Gu Sansheng's eyes."

The result of this battle made everyone extremely shocked.

If it was only Gu Sansheng who defeated Vast White, this wouldn't be a big deal. However, Gu Sansheng used his opponent's best method to defeat him. This couldn't help but shock everyone.

"Could it be that Gu Sansheng grasped that kind of eye?"

"That's impossible, right? Isn't that kind of eye extinct long ago? "

In the crowd, there were also some knowledgeable martial artists who revealed thoughtful expressions, but no one said anything. After all, that kind of eye was extraordinary, and could even be said to be a taboo. They couldn't even casually mention it.

After Gu Sansheng won, the third battle quickly began.

In this battle, the two sides were respectively Xuan Heng Dao and Gu Sha. In this battle, the strength that Gu Sha displayed had already completely surpassed the first rank Regis Realm, reaching the second rank Regis Realm!

Unfortunately, although he displayed great strength, Xuan Heng Dao also concealed his strength. When he also displayed the strength of a second rank Regis Realm, Gu Sha was ultimately defeated!

The fourth battle, Jiang Lanyue against Ao Jing.


As soon as the battle began, Ao Jing directly used his demon form. A loud dragon roar came from his body, and the clothes on his upper body were torn apart. Layers of green scales covered his entire body, and a green dragon tail grew out from his back.

"Dragon Rages in the Wild!"

His speed was extremely fast, like a flash of green lightning. In an instant, he appeared in front of Jiang Lanyue, and the dragon tail behind him whipped viciously at Jiang Lanyue like a sharp whip!

"Starry Sky Flower Bloom!"

Jiang Lanyue's expression was calm. He pointed a finger, and faint starlight immediately rippled out. Then, it rapidly spread out and condensed into a mysterious dark purple flower.

That flower quickly bloomed. There were a total of six petals, and each petal was suffused with deep starlight. It was dazzling and mysterious. As it spun gently, a magnificent light instantly lit up the entire arena.

"What a beautiful scene!"

This scene intoxicated many of the audience, especially the female audience. Their eyes were in a daze, and they were completely immersed in this strange and beautiful scene.


Suddenly, the flower stopped spinning. The petals withered and fell, turning into countless rays of starlight that shot out in all directions like a dazzling display of starry sky fireworks! Bang!

Bang! Bang!

Ao Jing's expression changed drastically. He instinctively activated his bloodline, and the scales all over his body bulged and thickened. However, in front of the countless rays of starlight, it was useles