
The Most Villainous Player

What will happen when your favorite game is dying? Will you feel frustrated? Angry? Sad? Clay Boare is one of the passionate player of the popular Nexus Fantasy, a VRMMORPG that is played by almost 6 billion people worldwide. Clay is the no. 1 in all of the game history, he spends almost his earnings in the game and plays it nonstop. It's not just a pastime for him, he treats it as his second life. But that's all in the past. The game will shutdown after running for almost three decades. Feeling sad and empty inside, he didn't stop playing. Spending the game's last moment in the Temple of Creation, he accepted that he can't do anything and watch as the clock ticks nearing the worldwide shutdown of the game. But what he expected to be the end is merely the beginning! As the clock goes past the countdown, all players of the game got transported in a world where strong rules over the weak with their game abilities intact! Unexpectedly, Clay or rather Diabolus with his other guildmates got a privilege that no other people have... Along with their headquarters, all of their items also transmigrated! With their vast amount of power and possessions they will rule and dominate enemies that stood against them!

Nomobu · Fantasie
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Using the spell [Morph,] our appearance changed.

For me, I decided to go with the adventurer type look. With a face of hispanic type and a height of six feet.

Since my class is [Necromancer,] I can't equip armors that will go with what I want. My class is restricted to only robes and other accessories. I have a solution for that though.

Taking the god-tier item out of my spatial inventory, I equipped the item. It's a full body armor with no openings other than the slit in the eye so I can see clearly. The armor is an item we managed to acquire when we finished the raid boss that took months to kill. It doesn't complement any of our class so we decided to just store it away.

'Since god-tiers don't have any restrictions, I can use this regarding my class.'

When we got this item I can remember the pained expression our guild members had. It took months just for this item to drop! Efforts and time wasted for nothing, but now we can actually put it to good use.

Since in the game we strive for anything just to have an upper hand against other players, this item is just a waste for us. Now that there isn't any immediate danger, we can actually use it.

After equipping the armor, I looked at my guildmates.

Tyr retained his appearance as a beautiful looking man, much more human looking than earlier when he had his horns and wings. The only thing he changed is his attire. Now donning a robe, under it is a full set of assassins armor, hugging his skin tight. At his waist is a sword, a mythical item. Although Tyr race is also of that heteromorphic, the items he is currently using can go with any of the class.

Serina also retained her appearance. With just a glance you can say she is a goddess, with her beautiful hair that is cut short just above her shoulder, smooth silk skin and her beatiful curves. Any man will gulp just by looking at her.

She is currently wearing the mythical tier item that she pulled in an RNG type event. It's a beautiful combat type armor that is perfectly placed upon her body. Outlining her curves and her ample chest. It's rather seductive.

'What the hell am I thinking right now...!'

Getting that thoughts out of my head, I looked at the last member.


Now with a form of a... Sword...

"Hey, what the hell is that? Why would you turn into a sword?" I asked getting annoyed, thinking that he probably isn't taking this seriously.

"No, don't misunderstand Diabolus. This is much better compared to me getting a human form. We need to keep our groups size to the minimum, so by me being a sword, not only can you carry me around but this also works as a disguise." He explained, feeling he is getting misunderstood.

"Hmm, it does make sense, but of all things why a sword... Haaa, I don't care anymore, I actually plan to use another item as my weapon, but this works too." I said taking the sword out of the ground. Putting it into a scabbard in my back.

"Now then... from now on all of you will call me by the name of Tigris. That will be my alias when using this disguise. I will explain the plan while we are on our way." I said to them, both of them nodded and Hero also gave a slight shake.

"You two, what alias did you think of? Say it now." I asked them. Since Hero is in a form of a sword, he won't be needing an alias.

'Hmm, still I'll call him Whitebrim,' I decided.

"I think I'm going with Euen." Serina said. I nodded in response.

"How about you Tyr?"

"I'm going with Fred." He replied.

"...Alright, Euen and Fred. We are ready to go, I will use [Superior Teleportation] to teleport us to the forest near the city of Ratienza. Territory of the Juheth Empire, according to Julian's memories, the council behind him is located in that empire. We will start there." I informed my guild mates.

"Let's go!"



Players that have been transported in the New World are now looking at the task given to them by the system. It says that they need to participate and kill the Overlord. Many reacted differently by the situation before them while a great deal of them are confused.

Since their memories about who or where they are from got deleted by the system, all of them are now going by the name of their avatars. Although those memories are gone, they are still a person, though they can't remember who they are or where they hail from.

The players have been spawned in different part of the continent based on their races. Those with the human race is transported in a near human settlement. While those of the other races are in their respective regions where there are citizens that are the same as their race.

Many players decided to band together as they don't know what's happening to them or where they are. There are also players that decided to go on their own. The players explored until they found the settlements of the citizens in the New World.