
The Mortal King

In a world where ancient myths and modern reality entwine, a mortal boy named Adrian becomes the chosen champion of Zyron, the enigmatic creator. Tasked with dethroning the Olympians, Adrian must rise as the Mortal King of Olympus. With the gods' malevolence catching up to them, Adrian learns the secrets of New Olympus, a hidden village for demigods and mythical beings. But as his training unfolds, an impending evil approaches, and Adrian must gather allies and master his divine powers to protect his newfound home. Will he conquer the gods and become the savior of Olympus, or succumb to the forces that seek its destruction? The world's fate hangs in the balance as Adrian embarks on an epic quest of destiny and redemption.

PurebloodKing · Fantasie
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21 Chs

<Chapter 7 - My results>

Leaning against the sturdy trunk of a tree, I had many scrolls and tomes around me, I had been aloud to take the them with me so I could read them without having to go to the library and hope nobody took them. I scanned through the recorded spells, each one holding the promise of unlocking extraordinary abilities. Man of the spells were pretty advanced so I tried to focus on one of the more easier spells.

Voltus—a lightning bolt conjuration. The description spoke of harnessing the raw power of electricity and directing it towards a target.

Placing an apple a few feet away, I focused my concentration, channeling the energy within me. The words of the incantation danced in my mind as I carefully formed them on my lips. With a surge of intent, I released the spell, aiming to engulf the apple in a mesmerizing display of electricity.

A crackling bolt of energy burst forth from my outstretched hand, traversing the distance towards the apple. However, instead of the intended target, the bolt veered off course, dissipating into the air. Disappointment washed over me, but I refused to be discouraged. Though I soon became lost in my scrolls when I was abruptly interrupted by a soft voice that seemed to harmonize with the rustling leaves. Startled, I turned to find a nymph standing before me, her ethereal presence captivating.

"Excuse me," she spoke, her voice laced with curiosity. "I couldn't help but notice what you were doing. Are you perhaps a son of Zeus, blessed with divine magic?"

I chuckled, shaking my head. "No, I am but a humble human, fascinated by the arts of magic. I was merely practicing some spells, I plan on becoming a Master of the Archane Arts, but to do so I would need to actually be good in magic."

Intrigued, she stepped closer, her eyes gleaming with interest. "Oh, how fascinating! I am Rosea, a nymph of the nearby Rosea Chastetree. I observed your endeavors from afar and couldn't resist the temptation to approach. Magic has always intrigued me."

A smile tugged at the corners of my lips as I gestured for her to join me beneath the tree. "It's a pleasure to meet you, Rosea. If you have an interest, I would be delighted to share my knowledge and experiences with you."

We settled beneath the shade of the tree, surrounded by the whispers of nature. Rosea's eyes sparkled with curiosity as I showed her the scrolls and notes that I had written down.

In turn, Rosea shared her own connection to nature and the mystical energies that flowed through the earth. She spoke of the vibrant life that thrived within the forest, the whispers of the wind, and the harmony of her kin.

As we conversed, I couldn't help but marvel at the symbiotic relationship between humans and nature. Rosea's presence reminded me that magic extended beyond the realm of spells and incantations—it encompassed the interconnectedness of all living beings.

In a moment of serendipity, Rosea reached out, plucking a sprig of chastetree from a nearby branch. She handed it to me, her eyes twinkling with a mischievous warmth. "Adrian, may this sprig be a reminder of our encounter, a token of our shared fascination with the mystical. May it guide you on your path and bring you closer to the secrets you seek."

Gratefully accepting the gift, I nodded, a newfound sense of purpose welling within me. "Thank you, Rosea. I will protect it well."

Rosea bid me farewell, disappearing into the forest with an air of ethereal grace. I returned to my studies, the sprig of chastetree serving as a constant reminder of the magical encounter and the limitless possibilities that awaited.

As the sun began to set, casting a golden hue over the forest, the tranquility was shattered by the arrival of Hermes, the messenger of the gods. Startled by his sudden appearance, I rose to my feet, my heart pounding with anticipation.

"Lord Hermes," I greeted him with a mix of curiosity and excitement. "What brings you here?"

Hermes wore a mischievous grin as he approached. "Adrian, the gods have summoned you. Zeus himself awaits your presence in the Throne Room, it is time."

My breath caught in my throat at his words. With a nod of acceptance, I grabbed my things and followed Hermes, who effortlessly guided me back to the castle.

Before I knew it, I was once again standing in the Throne Room the Olympians stood before me, their majestic presence commanding attention. Zeus, seated upon his throne, regarded me with a measured gaze.

"Adrian," Zeus's voice resonated through the chamber, carrying the weight of divine authority. "You have endured the Trials with great fortitude and emerged victorious. Your path has been guided by power, wisdom, courage, and leadership."

Ares, the god of war, stepped forward, his gaze intense. "Your display of power was formidable, Adrian. However, do not let it consume you. Seek balance, and remember that true strength lies not only in physical might but in the ability to temper it with compassion."

Athena, the goddess of wisdom, nodded in agreement. "Your wisdom shines brightly, Adrian. Continue to seek knowledge and understanding, for wisdom is a lifelong pursuit. Embrace diverse perspectives and never lose sight of the power that lies within intellectual curiosity."

Hera, the goddess of family and marriage, smiled warmly. "Your courage is commendable, Adrian. Embrace fear as a catalyst for growth, but remain humble in your victories. Let your courage be a beacon of hope to inspire others in times of darkness."

Zeus, his eyes filled with paternal pride, spoke with a voice that echoed through the heavens. "Adrian, you have demonstrated exceptional leadership skills, guiding and inspiring those around you. Your path has led you to the pinnacle of Olympus, we have decided that you pass, you have been chosen."

My heart pounded as I dared to ask the question that lingered in my mind. "But, Lord Zeus, what purpose awaits me? Why have I been chosen?"

In unison, the Olympians rose from their thrones, stepping before me, their voices echoing in reverence. "Adrian, you are chosen to ascend the throne and become the new King of Olympus, you passed the tasks laid out by us that even Lord Zyron was impressed and deeped you worthy."

As the echoes of the gods' proclamation settled within the grand Throne Room, a mix of awe and trepidation filled my being. The weight of their trust and the magnitude of my new role as the King of Olympus bore down upon me, leaving my heart racing and my mind in a whirlwind of emotions.

Stepping forward, I regarded the Olympians, who still knelt before me, with a mixture of gratitude and uncertainty. The weight of their expectations pressed upon my shoulders, and I couldn't help but question my worthiness for this tremendous responsibility.

Doubts crept into my thoughts as I contemplated the magnitude of the tasks that lay ahead. Would I be able to meet the expectations of the gods? Could I lead with the same grace and wisdom as the rulers who had come before me? The enormity of the role seemed almost insurmountable, casting shadows of self-doubt upon my spirit.

"Im sorry, but you have to have made a mistake, I can't be king! I am a mere humans, how can I rule a entire kingdom! What about you guys?"

"We are going to step down, You shall take ou place as the King of Esylium. We shall  act as your guides and offer you assistance when needed. Athena spoke. 

Turning my gaze towards Zeus, the father of the gods, I sought solace in his wise and knowing eyes. With a voice filled with paternal reassurance, he addressed my unspoken concerns.

Zeus, his gaze filled with paternal warmth, spoke the final words. "Adrian, it is natural to feel the weight of this responsibility. As the new King of Olympus, your path will be filled with challenges and triumphs. Lead with the virtues of the gods and guide this realm with fairness and compassion. The gods believe in you, and now, it is time for you to trust in yourself."

His words struck a chord within me, providing a glimmer of confidence in the midst of my uncertainty. I took a deep breath, allowing the reassurance to penetrate my being. It was a reminder that the gods saw something in me, something that I needed to see within myself—a potential waiting to be realized.

As the Olympians rose from their kneeling positions, their supportive gazes mirrored their belief in my ability to rise to the occasion. Their united presence served as a reminder that I would not be undertaking this task alone. With the gods at my side and the wisdom of their guidance, I would find the strength to lead.

Though my nervousness remained, it transformed into a quiet determination. I would use it as a driving force, a reminder of the weight of the responsibilities entrusted to me. I would embrace the challenges that lay ahead and commit myself to lead with integrity, compassion, and fairness.

Addressing the Olympians, I spoke with newfound resolve. "My lords and ladies, I am humbled by your trust and honored to accept the mantle of leadership. I will embark on this path with a steady heart and an unwavering commitment to serve Olympus and all its inhabitants."

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